Another Candidate Like Hackett
by NolaninOK

Among the many factors that made Hackett a great candidate in a special election, one cannot overlook the extent that being a Vet of the Iraq war helped irregular primary voters, moderate and swing voters turn out for him because of an emotional response to a very big issue: the war.
Here in Oklahoma we progressives have a very exciting race for State Senate where the brother of a 9/11 victim, who has been very active in progressive post-9/11 issues, is running for a relatively progressive, open seat.

Andrew Rice is on the board of the (twice) Nobel Peace Prize nominated group SEPT. 11th FAMILIES FOR PEACEFUL TOMORROWS, and has won the Oklahoma ACLU Civil Libertarian of the Year (2004) Award for fighting the ban on Same Sex Marriage and the U.S.A. Patriot Act.

Learn more about his fascinating BIO here:

This race will be hotly contested in the primary with the possibility of one or more Dem. primary opponents attempting to win my attacking Rice’s progressive credentials (for instance he arranged for one of the 10 National Premieres of FARENHEIT 9/11 to take place in Oklahoma City to the angst of the local GOP, and they had a waiting list of 300)…they’ll attack his progressive credentials and try to scare primary voters into thinking he’s too far left to win the general election in Nov. The Primary is in July 2006.

The District (46) has tremendous Democratic Performance numbers for Oklahoma…at 56%….our popular Democratic Governor won all of the SD 46 precincts in 2002 except for 1, and Kerry won the majority of precincts over Bush last year.

Rice has a great fundraising lead and some powerful names behind him early, but he needs to stay out ahead in fundrasing so he can run the most dynamic and professional campaign as possible.

He’ll be on Janeane Garafalo’s MAJORITY REPORT in the next month and has a good shot at being a DFA “Dean Dozen”.

Please consider helping Andrew out: