Happy Humpday Tribbers!
After a 3 week hiatus, the Humpday Edition is back from vacation and ready to meet your less than political chatting needs. Wherever you are, whatever time it is, we’re here to brighten your day, fill your cup and fix you up with a side of bacon.
So step up to the bar, tear open the paper and have at it ’cause the Café is up and open for business!
Plenty to chat about in the news today –
Paul Hackett (and grassroots dems everywhere) inspired many with an exceptional showing last night. BTW – thanks to everyone here, at dKos, MyDD and SSP for keeping those of us at work up to the minute with constant streaming posts last night. GREAT JOB!
Raffy Palmiero may have torn up his ticket to Cooperstown by testing for the same dope Ben Johnson used to give away a Gold Medal a decade ago… on the upside, there are still plenty of awkward Viagra jokes to be made, so have at ’em.
And, Adidas bought Reebok today, bringing me one step closer to uniting 2 of my favorote sneakers of youth into one uber-sneaker – The Pump-Samba Classic. I’d rock those with some Umbro shorts and it’d be like 6th grade all over again.
So come on in and take a load off, and maybe later I’ll show you some pics from my trip if work is slow…
It’s HUMP day, and here’s the official logo:

I’ve tried to put this on a T-shirt, but Zazzle and Cafe Press both filter it as inappropriate.
ROTFLMAO…the best one I’ve seen, if you can’t find anyone to do it, I know a couple of private T-shirt guys in the business that will ; )
I would buy one, and wear it proudly, to a Southern Baptist Church full of repugs….now that would make them spill the collection plate…LMAO
By all means, have them make the T-shirts. I would have loved to make some money off them, but getting the message out is more important.
email me the file for the artwork…this will be a hoot…LOL
email is in my info, or at the bottom of comment.
Will do when I get home from work this evening. Preferred file format? (I like png myself, but printers can be picky)
makes no dif…I’ll convert, hopefully without disturbing content…thanks
File sent. Did you get it?
I am wondering why you don’t just save off of this site here, or will that not get you the copy you want…Just curious!!
the original file should be of the size proper for screen print, if this file is too small, and try to enlarge, it may diffuse….not sure, but thanks.
Next time we’ll bite harder
Great work last night on following Paul’s race…my nerves felt like November all over again.
From working for a candidate this was awesome results. Last fall I worked the campaign of a republican for a judicial seat – in a county that had a 90% Dem turnout and voted 70% for Kerry. We lost by less than 2%.
When running against the local party vote pattern it takes a strong candidate. So I am really stoked that the margin was less than 4% in Ohio!
Sc – yer in NoCal right? Are you getting involved with the Angelides campaign at all? I’m still not sold on him, but I want a new campaign to work on. Last night just made me want to get more involved. So great to see the difference people can make.
I’m in Marin…
I’m up to my ears in DFA…and Take Back Red California….
The DFA meetings are the source of most of my activism right now. Big local focus on November special elections, dumping the Gropinator next year…
Our local group is focusing on neighboring congressional districts for 2006. There are some good races…that could be wins. It will be local boots on the ground and fund raising for rural county dems.
Locally – we have Lynn Woolsey and Nancy Pelosi – ’nuff said!
WEll I am so glad you are here, I was sending out the troops to look for you..

Good to see you back here again Abbott.
I’ts 70 here in Socal this morning and fixing to be a hot day, I think.
that reminds me – when we were in CT (aka “Not Mexico”) I spent a ton of time cleaning the mom’s backyard and noticed that the diving board that had been by the pool, well, forever, had been replaced by a stone frog. So, my brother and I found it in the garage and reattached it and proceeded to do cannonballs until we almost drowned laughing… but the funny part was when mom came home, she saw us and nearly had a heart attack – apparantly her homeowners ins co made her take the board down by threatening to cancel her insurance and she was all freaked out we would kill ourselves and she’d lose the insurance – of course, she was much less concerned she might lose a kid! Silly moms… =)
That is pretty funny, sounds like what my kids would do and they would just be so happy they accomplished something like that, I would think. I would prob. have been a “mom” and had a canniption(sp), hey is that word still used and how do you spell it, eh, Infidel, I bet you know.??
I dunno how to spell it, but I’d wager we gave poor mom more than her fair share of conniptions over the years…
Well now lil’ lady, A’hm not sure how you people up Nawth would spell it, but down heah in da South it’s spelled:
Ko-nip-shun….and that’s propuh ; )
Jest like y’all say Naked…it’s N-A-K-E-D (means you ain’t got no clothes on)
Now down heah, it’s: N double E doulbe K double I Bi-God D….(means you ain’t only got no clothes on, you is up to sump’n ; )
Things is differunt down heah….I meand REAL DIFFERENT….Hooooooo Laaawwwdd
the above comments about the spelling of Naked, contributed by the Late, Great, Louis Grizzard, writer, author, and outstanding Comedian, and greatly missed by all who have enjoyed his work.
not to mention, they’re absolutely hilarious!
Not only can I relax and have a drink, but you’ve let me know what day it is!!
A tall whiskey soda, please, and a glance at LeMonde. Merci mille foix, mon frere.
Does anyone know where to get a child-safe email account? Something for a pre-teen so it would either need to be restricted to parentally approved email addresses or prescreened email by the parent. Free is always preferred but I’m open to any suggestions.
I’ve been looking for one of those for my mentee for a few months. There must be one out there, but I set him up on yahoo and screen it now and then (not in a bad way, I just delete the spam – never read his email although 99% of it is from me…)
It’s for my niece, who has idiots for parents. And due to that idiocy she stays with her grandparents during the week and rotates weekends between her father and mother. Obviously they though 2 homes wouldn’t be hard enough for her.
Anyway, I thought an email address which would be accessible from each home would probably be best for her. Especially since she already goes online unsupervised. sigh
When either of us finds a place we’ll have to tell the other.
Initially, I thought that a kid-safe email account had to exist, but then I realized that if a perfect spam free email account existed, well, EVERYONE would have one. I am trying to get the org I work with to set one up, but they don’t have the computer savvy to maintain and monitor an email server…
I have an account for home use with a service in Salt Lake City (because of my Mom – she’s almost 80). I access them through our household comcast weblink.
In 4+ years – no spam…they are liberal in a red state…Unix geeks for you computer types…
Not sure what your situation is with web access but they may be able to help or refer to someone in your area.
I love them dearly…and have multiple accounts with them – including political domain names for my CA candidate.
You might check out “My space”, a place just for kids…I think that comes with an email account..Sorry don’t have the link, but my grandaughter who is 13 loves the place.
Can’t say I have checked it out, but it is a place for you to start perhaps.
BTW, I just started a new “Tell Us About You” diary, for newbies, shybies, etc. to introduce themselves to us.
So come on folks, tell us, even if you have before, tell us again..
Come on over to the Welcome Wagon, diary..
Did you mean Kid Space? It looks a little young (she’s 9 so she’s less teddy bears more Bratz or Barbie dolls).
I haven’t found a My Space for kids yet. You would think that this would be easier considering how many children are online.
http://www.myspace.com/ no this one…
I saw that one but it didn’t appear to be for kids. I’ll have to try it. I did find a couple of companies that have kids emails for a yearly subscription $.
Oops! lol. Well, it must have looked nice on the sample.
to death. Kansas, I painted the walls this color. Now granted that we are doing a little glazing over it before it is all done. This really is the color that I wanted though.
Glazing will make all the difference! 🙂
Really. I’m sure.
Actually, I, too, adore bright paints on walls. I mean, you are talking to a woman who once painted her workwork turquoise.
Paint on! The brighter the better!
I’m assuming you understood that should be woodwork? Guess who could use a vacation?
would be amazing. I’m going to have give my husband a moment though or more to warm up to the bedroom.
I loved it. What’s really amazing is that when I put that house up for sale it sold on the first day to the first people. Fah! I say to those conservative little buns who advise painting everything white to sell it. They are the DLC of realtors!
Carry on, Military Tracy, and hang up lots of prints. It’s the floor color that’s all wrong. But if you keep spattering more and more colors, it should work out just right.
When you said you were busy painting all night, I thought you meant oils and watercolors… which I’m convinced you must take up….. there’s more to you than meets the eye !!!
Paint paint paint…… I have a project just starting…. more paint therapy…. more colorful mess…. more paint!
Don’t know why but it is impossible to be in a downer mood when I enter the room right now with the walls all that color…..and the trim is a Red Pepper that I am going to apply a mahogony stain over. The trim is originally a white composite type thing….not wood or warm so I’m hoping the the stained red looks warm and woody. The walls are halfway done, I’m doing a diluted and glaze added red pepper over this marigold and then raggin it off until the marigold shines through. I do love the walls but it may be a beauty in the eye of the beholder thing. I realize that eyes will seek out the hung artwork in order to take a rest. I think the walls are going to be the jewelry of my bedroom.
I think the color is great and with the glaze should be even better. The glazing technique is a good one to dull down a color a little or a lot and produce a rich finish..
I say that as one who has had a life long avocation for decorating. I love bold colors!
Good for you Tracy!
dayum, now I know where I left my mustard…it was over at Tracy’s at the BBQ last week…geeesh, way too many brews…; )
(as for the worm wood) an old re-finisher’s trick, if you own the house that is:
take an ice pic, and release some frustration on the trim molding, pretend your a woodpecker and punch lil’ holes, (in no particular pattern for authenticity) then apply the dark color as a rub with a cloth, then wipe before dry, lightly.
will give the effect of worm wood ; )
I didn’t think of it but when I was painting the trim I did note that the gouges are going to look kind of cool. We do own the place, I could never do this to a place that I rented because I couldn’t afford all of the primer to leave.
you can also take an ol set of keys, and whack them around on the trim as well, and if the artificial trim has a wood grain texture, then rub off the dark mohagany even lighter, will leave excess buidup in the indentions of the imitation grain…you’ll have to experiment a little to see which effects you want.
it’s an old “Authentic Antique Shop” trickery..; )
A new version of the classic: “Who’s on 1st.”
LOL..that’s a hoot…thanks brother…
No ideas for kids email here; Tiger has great parental controls — parents can configure both Safari and Mail for their kids.
Up too late last night; I learned how to add album artwork to iTunes, so spent most of the night searching Amazon for album cover images, downloading the images, then dragging them into iTunes. A pain in the butt, but now I see the album cover when I play songs on my iPod, so I guess it was worth it!
The spouse and I got an unpleasant surprise; he went to do laundry and the laundry rooms are closed till the 4th! All the equipment is being replaced; it was some sort of emergency thing (no warning). So, it looks like part of our day is going to be spent hanging out in a laundromat. Ick… 🙁 This was going to be our go-out-and-play-solo day too, but that will probably wait till Friday.
Well, got to go shower and dress; have a great day, folks…
good thing the FBC laundromat has a diner and a bar in it!
The spouse went out to check on the laundry situation before we left for the day, and they finished the rooms early! So, we went out to do some errands, and he’s about to go out and do laundry now that we’re home (the laundry room by the pool has no time restrictions). In the meantime, I’m mellowing on the couch…ah, life is good…
You have a great day too Cali..

I can relate to your imgage thing with ipod, I spent last night searching for pics, fixing them or making them better, saving, uploading, trying to find one I already did and all in all I ended up a little crazy, just a little.
Finally I had to give up the pic search and go to bed only to dream of pictures all night.
Here is one I liked and it looks so cool and pleasant.
A north Puget Sound summer afternoon view of mountain-triggered thunderstorm clouds in an otherwise clear, peaceful sky. They form when marine air from the Strait of Juan de Fuca rises over the hump of the Cascades, which are faintly visible as the blue background under the cloud and behind the houses at right.
I needed this after the excitement of yesterday’s election in my ex home state.
you all know that I just posted a new diary on my site Village Blue, link below, called ‘Endings’.
It is the sequel to my diary Beginnings I did last week. Please go there and take and gander at it and write your endings, to anything….
Mine is about romance, so called, but it can be any endings that you care to share…