An unembedded American journalist was found shot dead — three shots to his chest, after being abducted by gunmen — in Baghdad.

You’ve probably run across Stephen Vincent’s blog, “In The Red Zone.” The last post, by a friend, links to Vincent’s July 31 article in the New York Times.

Adds Laura Rozen at War & Piece: “NPR’s Philip Reeves says that Vincent and his translator were abducted outside his hotel by people in a white pick up with ‘police’ written on it, but no license plate. (Vincent describes a similar vehicle used by police loyal to radical Shiite clerics to commit sectarian assassinations in his oped). His translator Ward al-Khal was shot through the chest, and is hospitalized.”

Update [2005-8-3 14:3:6 by susanhu]: Word in that Vincent’s translator is also dead. Via Air America radio at 11am PDT.

Vincent’s last blog post was July 26’s “The Naive American.” A July 29 Washington Times editorial refers to that last post as a “stunning installment” on conditions in Basra, “where he says crooks and corruption are the problem, not terrorism.”
Vincent also links to his article on “the day-to-day challenges” of Iraqi police in the Christian Science Monitor.

There’s something incredibly sad about visiting the blog of such a gifted person who’s just died. But, there’s so much there, including a link to Vincent’s book, “In The Red Zone.” PHOTO: Spence Publishing, his publisher.

NOTE: Sybil has just written an outstanding diary on “Another Voice Silenced, James Vincent.”