Update [2005-8-3 12:13:6 by BooMan]:This meetup is tonight. You can meet me, Chris Bowers, probably Duncan Black, as well as (more importantly) 5 Democratic candidates for Congress. And the beer is FREE!!
I don’t do much blogging about local Philadelphia politics because Booman Tribune is a national and international political site. But today I have to make an exception.
On Wednesday, August 3rd, we are having a Democracy for America Meetup at Yard’s Brewery in Philadelphia. The brewery is located at 2439 Amber St. The phone number is (215)634-2600. A map to the brewery can be found here:
A link to RSVP for the Meetup can be found here:
Chris Bowers of MyDD will be the Master of Ceremonies. This is his explanation of the event:
Lois Herr, PA-16
Paul Scoles, PA-07
Lois Murphy, PA-06
Ginny Schrader, PA-08
Patrick Murphy, PA-08
If you live in the Philly area, make sure to be there.
Aaaah – You’re making me miss Philly!
And what El stop is that near?
Didn’t there used to be one at York-Dauphin?
(Haven’t ridden the El in almost 20 years…)
Have to go over to the Froggy Bottom Cafe and have a virtual soft pretzel…
Can you video blog this please? I want to see you, Atrios, Chris Bowers, etc. lappin’ up those beverages, and hear you guys talkin’ shop!
At least sneak a tape recorder in your pants.
P.S. Atrios blogged this too.
while the politicians were kissing the Booster’s ass.
A good (and very warm) time was had by all. I’ll let Boo do the post mortem 😉
G’night, I gotta go to work in a few hours.
Our local DFA is DFT – I’ll be at our DFT meeting tonight, too. Barbara Ann Radnovsky will be at ours – she’s running for the US Senate against the appalling Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Wish you could teleport yourself to ours, too, BooMan – love to meet you.
I highly recommend DFA for getting involved in local politics, if you have an active group where you are.
You say, “I don’t do much blogging about local Philadelphia politics because Booman Tribune is a national and international political site”, but I’d like to see more local stuff here. It all starts at the local level, one good progressive candidate at a time. Sharing our stories about local races can help motivate and mobilize us wherever we are – and we can share tips about what works and what doesn’t. See the Hackett stories, for example.
In addition – “local” races for Congress are really “national” politics. How are we going to impeach anyone without getting control of the House? (And how are we going to convict without the Senate?)
And looking to the long term (which is how the R’s did it) we have to have good people in our state lege’s, city councils, school boards – that’s where our future congresscritters can start down the road.
I agree. I welcome diaries and comments in the regional threads, about local politics.
But don’t expect to see a whole lot of front-page articles about Philly politics. If I want to write about Philly I’ll probably post it as a diary.
My friend who posts here — JPol — would come but he has his own Meetup tonight. I could tell he was torn because he’d LOVE to meet all of you.
I think he’s in Lancaster … anyway, he said he’s an hour from Philly.
Maybe you blogger stars can arrange to have this on a night when there aren’t competing Meetups?