It’s been awhile since we have had a tell us about you diary and since I noticed that the numbers are getting up there for new members I thought it was time to do one.
So here’s the deal, it’s a long standing tradition on this site for members to tell us about them, whatever they care to say. Oldsters on the site join in on the welcoming and update about yourself if you want, new members have not read previous “Tell us” or Welcome Wagon.
We like to know about each other so that we can build the kind of virtual family that is most effective and supportive.
So I am pulling up this big Welcome Wagon here, and trust me it was heavy, but it’s here and ready with mojo and kind words for old and new members.
So ready, set, go and “Tell us about You.”
Hope this diary is not all for the birds!!!!
Hi everyone, especially those who are new or relatively new to this site…WE are fast approaching 2000 members and I felt it was time to get out ye old wagon and bring it over here.

Lots of goodies loaded, so come and get some!
Time for a round of hi’s and how are you’s and glad to have you here.
Hi everyone, I will start it off so come on now join me!
I am Diane101, real name Diane.
I am 62, live in Orange County Ca. and consider myself a full time blogger, even started my own site as you can see from my tag line…Come over and check out the site.
I love cooking, (but don’t do too much lately) love sewing, but not in the mood, love playing pool, but don’t leave the house much, love gardening, and that I do have the time for.
In my previous life I was in public relations and advertising, started and ran an antique and refinishing business for 18 years. Started and ran a Tree Service business along with ex that is still going strong after 35 years.
I had 5 kids spread out over 21 years, from the first to the last and had home births for the last two at age 37 and 39.
I spent two years as a Nanny in a private home with 3 foster children and an absentee (most of the time) foster mom, who was a teacher.
Well that’s a start for a bio, so lets here from you now!
Your real name isn’t Diane101? You’ve been posting under an assumed name? I wonder how many here have been doing this. So BooMan is likely not real either? Oh, for shame!
Thanks Boran, that really gave me a good chuckle, or is it chuckel.
so did you ever do a tell us post?
BTW I think Booman, is is real name, isn’t your’s Boran2, I always thought so.
I did do a post way back. Yes, my name is boran2 smith, or it jones? One of those, I forget exactly. I am a married father of a, shall we say, energetic 6 y/o boy, seen in my Saturday painting diaries, the boran2 boy. When I’m not blogging, in my other life I am an assistant county attorney in the family court unit. A lifelong Democrat, I am also involved with our town government on a volunteer basis. I live in the northeast. I’ve posted here, DailyKos and MLW. I do have my own blog, such as it is. I try to add something new to it at least once a week. More than that is just burdensome with all my obligations. (I take too much time from the b2 boy as it is.) (My blog, for those truly with too much time on their hands is blogomni.blogspot) In addition to painting, I garden and love antiques. This year it appears that I will have a bumper crop of pumpkins. My son will love it come Holloween! Oh, I’ve taken up snowboarding, or rather, it has taken me as I tumble down the hill. π
Good to know your real name…lol.
About antiques, as an old antique dealer I have often wondered if any would like to see a diary on the subject, and I also could give an idea of the age, value and origin of a piece of old furniture and a lot of accessories if anyone wants to post a pic.
I was not a professional appraiser but as a buyer and seller I accumulated a lot of knowlege on ye old subject so I could give a pretty fair assesment. asked for it, sooooooooo here it is the good, the bad, and mostly UGLY:
I’m Old
Butt Ugly
Fat, (around the middle, because of way too much beer, and all things that taste good, and are not good for ya. ; )
Bald/ing…my front hair line is trying to catch up to the hair line in the back of my head, that just above my dirty T-shirt collar.
Coke Bottle Glass’ that make my eyes look like they’re 3 times the size they should be (except on an alien, which I may be, since my father always said I was from another planet)
I’m a real Fashion Statement: Old blue jeans, with one leg miss’n from just above the knee, the other is full of holes, from acid (battery acid of course, since the other left holes in my brain) As mentioned above, dirty T-shirt, that has holes, and NO not from acid…..I don’t think, don’t remember, anyway.
Straw Hat, that has holes as well,,and NO is was’nt from the acid, (leaking from the battery or my brain…I think)
Teeth: YES I have a tooth, and it’s MINE …all mine, (unless I forget to make the monthly installment, at which time they’ll come to reposess my tooth, then I won’t be able to knaw on them gator bones no more, dayumed ol’ dog will get all of them)
Vehicle: I have a Romp’n Stomp’n Mud Throw’n, Backwoods, Guuurrrrlll Get’n 4X4, that has a sticker in da winder that says: “Piss on Da Bush’s” and a gun rack, and a CB radio, and a Cell Phone, (for call’n the guuurrrll’s) ps.I get’s a lot of dem 2 (calls that is, not frum da gurls neither,,,it’s mostly from da collect-shun boys that are try’n to find dis truck dat ain’t paid fur)
Hobbies: Chas’n Gator’s, Catch’n Gators, Eat’n Gator’s, Chas’n Gurl’s, Catch’n Gurls,……. ; )
Bank Account: “Stick’m UP” ; )
Assets: (look’n down at ol’ blue jeans w/holes sett’n on 5 gal. bucket, that’s where my ass sets ; )
Favorite Liquid Refreshment: BEER
Type of Liquid Refreshment: COLD/FREE
Shopping Habits: “Stick’m UP”
Favorite Stores: Convenient Store (see above type shopping)
Favorite Television Shows: “Dukes of Hazard”
Favorite Actor: Wylie Coyote..(when dat rascal catches dat bird…Hooooo Laaawwd)
Employment History: Sam Quentin, Alcatraz, Georgia State Prison, Florida State Prison, Alabama State Prison, Louisanna State Prison, Mississippi State Chain Gang.
Education: (see above institutions of higher learning)
Well now, y’all knows bout me, so, tell me where the hell ya live….and I’ll stop by ; ) “stick’m up”
I am da friendly sort ; ) like to stop by an seed my neighbors an all….Hooooooo Laaawwwdd
Or was this really ‘gator boy’, that was simply hilarious. Thanks for that visual as well!!!

Should I ask you to post a photo now!
I couldn’t decide which smiley to give you so take your pic:
So now tell us about Infidel!!!!
the last time someone was going to take a pic of me, it broke the camera, (actually they were going to use the print in the garden as a scare crow) so they just threw away the film, and hung me out there…it was the longest damned summer vacation of my entire high school career ; )
as for the infidel,,,,well, now that has to remain a mystery…..(evil laugh)
separated at birth.
I’m mid-40s, on a second marriage and second career, both of which are working out much, much better than the first time around, teach high school history in suburban Boston, spend way too much time with my six-year old son (especially now when we’re both on summer vacation and his mom is out of the country getting an advanced degree).
Let’s see. I don’t have a blog, but I’ve been posting fairly regularly on dkos for about a year, some diaries but mostly comments.
I like history and politics, consider myself on the left but from what I write people might think I’m moderate, and I think racism is the most serious issue US society still has to address.
a little about you Litho and good to hear you are a teacher.. I am wondering how many teachers we have on this site, quite a few from what I have noticed.
I love history as well and think it is one of the primary things young people need to know as they go into adulthood and hopefully will be inspired to learn more and more as they go into their future.
Actually I don’t think schools especially in Cal. teach enough history. My young grandkids have been taught frightfully little.
Yikes!!! You may be right! I’m also in my 40’s and on my 2nd marriage. And this is my 2nd career. Look, even our uid #’s are close! < Twightlight Zone music plays >
I did one of these way back when I first joined the site (nigh on 2 months ago, now), but what the hell.
I’m one of the site young’ns, 26 years old. I graduated from University of Michigan in 2000, and still live in Ann Arbor (one of the great liberal bastions in the country). I’m a software engineer. Never cared much for politics, other than just going and voting, until the morning of November 3, 2004. Now I’m more or less obsessed.
I guess if I were to sum myself up, I’m a geeky feminist frat boy crossed with an athletic well-read empathic musician who believes that no matter how many adjectives you use, you never really know who someone is until you sit down and have a beer with them. My life’s work is making myself into a better person. If I see something I’m not good at, I do it until I am.
And that’s me in a nutshell. (how did I get in this nutshell?)
Well Hi and how are ya!!

A lot of people posted in the way back day and I am afraid I cannot remember all that everyone said, there were just too many at that one time period, so good to have the repeat info, when we can digest it easier.
Sounds like you have a good life plan there, ej, what’s your real first name, btw, if you don’t mind telling!
My real first name is Eric.
My screen name is just my initials (I’m one of those freaks with 2 middle names π )
workaholic, alcoholic, sexaholic, probably in that order.
I write. I write a lot, and under a lot of names. I was a member of BooTrib under another name before I arrived here as me. I first came to the FBC to seek some consolation as my love-life was falling apart…. and it did fall apart. “There goes my reason for living” was that Charlie Pride, infidel?
Can’t say I’m coping well. I go on crying jags, or I get consumed by anger… have done everything but go numb. And then, sometimes I pause and say, “See how well you’re coping!”
I am a hard case. It’s hard to be me and hard to live with me, but I manage, and so do my few loyal friends. Really didn’t expect to live this long…. and now my doctor tells me I could live for another 40 years… so I have to make the best of it….
I get alot of strength from the community here… real friendship and wisdom of the road….. and I get loads of support…. we are all travelling on the same trail…. and now I am thinking of ghostdancers way and infidel’s diaries of the last week, and i think they knocked us all out, collectively…. that’s pretty amazing when you stop to think about it. And Andrew C. White as well, I read him regularly.
I just came from reading Militarytracy’s Diary Don’t eat the veneer, It has lead in it! I would recommend you all go there and read it. And recommend it. Gotta go. Thanks for the opportunity to say a few things.
Thanks for that contribution and I did read tracy’s diary and rec. it, yes it is good.
Who were you before on this site if I may ask.
I hope things are going better for you on all fronts, best to you suskind…
i was 1300 users ago…. and i was a shitty writer.
and then there was the pie wars/ban/purge at kos, and i destroyed my old identity, because i was unhappy with the way i was going about things.
and then there is/was the Loved One…. and that was causing a revolution in my life…. it has been pretty quiet lately…. as i have been regrouping…. but not quite at the point where i want to do anything that takes a lot of courage… like move on…. i have let go, but i have not moved on… i suppose things are alright…. i separated my identity from the “we” and “us” and “ours”
I saw her first and knew
That her dark hair would weave a snare
that I might one day rue.
I saw the danger and I passed
along the enchanted wayand
I said let grief be a fallen leaf
at the dawning of the day.
On Grafton Street in November
we tripped lightly along the lay
of a deep ravine where can be seen
the worth of passions play.
The queen of hearts still making tarts
and I not making hay.
Oh, I love too much and by such,
by such is happiness thrown away.
I gave her gifts of the mind
I gave her the secret sign
Known to the artists who have known
the true Gods of sound and stone.
And words and tint I did not stint,
I gave her poems to say.
With her own name there
and her own dark hair
like clouds over the fields of May.
On a quiet street where old ghosts meet,
I see her walking now
away from me so hurriedly
my reason must allow
that I had loved not as I should
a creature made of clay.
When tha angel woos
the clay he’ll lose
his wings at the dawn of the day.
Patrick Kavanaugh
aaahhh, but you are one of them ; )
keep up the good work brother, and you will move on, da gator man gaawran-teees eeet ; )
gator got yer grannie
wa ooooo yeh wa ooooo yeh
I’m gonna start calling you “ron”.
See, I know the second half of your sig is a lie, so I’m gonna assume the first half is too…
By the Numbers:
But I am thinking this:
Shirlstars: you can call me Shirl, and I am a star. . .no not that kind, the kind that “Shines at Night.”
Age: 64 going on 19
Abode: SE Idaho, small town of 3600 (actually in between that town and one of 575 ~ the outback)
Education: Plenty of all kinds, the most beneficial from the school of hard knocks, but book learnin too – BA, MA, PhD (sometime this year)Psychology, Religious Studies, Metaphysics
I’m a wild woman in the outback wilds of Idaho. I came into this life wondering what was wrong with this place. . .as in I was sure I couldn’t be from here because it seemed that things just weren’t as kind, loving and filled with gentle concern for one another as the place I had come from. Where? Haven’t a clue, but it has been a deep feeling all of my life and I still am not so sure I belong here.
I certainly love the beauty of this earth, and wish everyone was interested in keeping it that way. I have a very optimistic view that somehow, someday, we will all learn how to get along with each other and respect our diversity. I have great hopes that the human race will GET IT one day. And I will do my best to help that process along.
I love summer rain and thunder and lightening, roller coasters, chocolate, lemons, limes and cantaloupe, iced tea, good coffee, the shores of any lake, the sandy beaches of the oceans, majestic mountains, and deserts dressed in spring flowers. My only reason to be here is to endlessly encourage you to do the things that make your heart sing.
For a break from all the politics, and Real Life responsibilities, come visit us at Village Blue. . .Where you too can be a front pager on topics about all those other important things in your life!
You done stole my heart away gator boy. . .and that’s some fine trick, I’ll say.
Love you too
Welcome to any newcomers to the best damn political blog in the world. We laugh, we cry, we console, we celebrate, we give, we take, we rant, we sing, we dance, we care. I am just so damn happy that THE TRIBE is here and I have the opportunity to voice my feelings, worries, ideas in a safe and nuturing atmosphere. Thank you gang for be the wild and crzy, intelligent, carinmg lovely people that you are. Each of you has brought a richness to my life in so many ways. I sure wish we could all get together in the “real” world someday.
I am sitting here with my bowl of plumerias which always make me thing of you and Hawaii, which we both love…
How are you doing aloha, I haven’t talked to you for awhile.
Thanks for that nice comment to add to this diary!!
Ah yes, plumerias. Mine hasn’t bloomed yet but many leaves are on the branches now. Can’t wait. I am doing well. Just getting ready to head to the gym. My trainer is on vacation, so this is a real test for me to go on my own. I have tries hard all afternoon to talk myself out of going but the good Leezy is winning…the brat always gets her way…lol. and two and three and four…later!
Booman is the BEST place on the Blog-Planet. . .certainly the most caring and friendly political site you will ever come across. There is great writing starting at the top with SusanHu and BooMan, and running all throughout the Frog Pond in the members here.
I know you will like it here. We are a little slower paced and we treat each other with respect. We welcome diverse opinions and we don’t beat each other up over our differences.
Also the Froggy Bottom Cafe is a great fun place to enjoy some getting to know each other times.
Settle in and tell us about yourself. . .
If you have a number over 1800 I am fairly sure you have not had a chance to post a bio on one of these ‘Tell Us’ diaries, so come on now, here’s your chance, keep the trandition going, will ya”.
Peace :{)
Just a poor refugee seeking asylum — or maybe I need an asylum ;>
Are there any verboten topics here that I should know about before I get comfy?
there are no verboten topics, or view points… isn’t that refreshing?
get comfy… here have a bailey’s
and I raise my glass of sparkling water in your general direction π
About me: I’m old, soon to be a grandma; lifelong Minnesotan; Wellstone Dem; what used to be called “a friend of Bill W”; somewhat tossed and battered on the (virtual) seas of self-righteous exclusivity but hoping, goddess willing, to regain a sense of community on your lovely shores….
Minnesotan, hi there, I spent one wonderful summer on the shores of Lake Superior, in a cabin back in the woods near Gooseberry Park, and Duluth..
Agates, were the big find of the summer to the ten year old me.
I hope you will check out ‘my site Village Blue’ as well as this one, it’s non political and easy click back here right at the top of the site.
Link is in my sig. line.
Welcome from one already grandma, 4 times to an almost grandma. Great fun ahead of you!!!
There are many friends of Bill and Bob here…. and many beautiful diaries have recently been written…
Native American Wisdom: Spritial Principles
The Two Wolves Within
By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them
Hi # 1933 rincewind, good to see you here, but could you post a little more about yourself, if you care to that is.
That’s a pretty interesting name, how did you come by that name..