Bill Fristveld sets out  cross country in his new  ’05 Tankmaster.  Destination: Dobby World, America’s Family Values theme park… home of the irrepressible Dobby Moose.

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Upon arriving, Fristveld realizes that he and his family have been closed out of all the cool family values rides. He questions his loyalty to Dobby Moose…

“I’ve traveled with my family for over six years… we bought all your tapes and saw all your lectures… we even stopped watching Sponge Bob… and now you tell me we’re closed out just because I thought it would be a good idea to clone some new stem cells for a new heart for Aunt Edna?!? No… I don’t think so… Kids… I say the Moose owes us bigtime!! You’re going to open up your little Family Values funpark for us and we’re going to have such a good time that our brains are going to bleed!”