The new Dark Ages are coming up.  Peak oil, fascism, famine, bird flue are all here already, converging to the perfect storm.  What books, ideas, philosophy, wisdom, proverb, wise sayings, etc. should we take with us?  What might be lasting?  I’ve read somewhere somebody put all the knowledge that was available at the time into a book to save during the last dark ages.  We’ve humongous amounts of knowledge we stuff around all over the place, but what is most important?  I’ve given up thinking we can turn the corner.  At one site,, it is proposed that we have a bunker mentality – figure out what we can use to barter, etc.  That is so cold-war era stuff.  

And we never needed all those stale crackers did we?  But what will we need to sustain us in this next era?

Books won’t last too long, but we can painstakingly recopy them.  (I say we, my handwriting is so bad we would never be able to read it again!)  How about songs?  Which songs would you like to remember and pass down?  (Optimists among us might like “Tomorrow” and the pessimists might like “The sound of silence”.
I think herbals would be the ticket.  Along with seeds and plants and perhaps a greenhouse or two.

What art work should we save?  What plays?  What how-to books?