Hey folks! What a day. I was busy conducting an interview and writing up an article about it (coming soon). But we have some really juicy stories coming along. The Vanity Fair (Sibel Edmonds/Dennis Hastert) article should provide whole new levels of tin-foil speculation. Novak lost his mind on national television, while Arlen Specter slammed him in an editorial. Judge Roberts can’t get his stories straight. And the President called outer space. What’s on your mind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
[Sen. Dayton after a visit to Iraq in Jan this year].
I suppose that the president must have been calling his home planet.
A sunny fall day, and world was alive with color, the mist was rising out of the valleys on that early morning, people were smiling, laughing, and a friendly wave for every passer by.
The day was traveling through the Smoky Mountains with my cameras, and trying to hold on to the beauty that laid before me.
The world was at peace, and the only thing anyone had to say about our president was, “did he really have an affair with that girl”
1999 and I think to myself,
“What a Wonderful World” Louis Armstrong
“I’ve seen skies of blue”
“Clouds of white”
I’ve been meaning to mention that that song always makes me cry-no matter who sings it. I don’t know why it just does.
well CI, I surely hope they’re tears of joy, for it is about a celebration of life ; )
next time just think of all the good things it says.
honestly don’t know but the melody itself is to me just heartbreakingly beautiful and as for the lyrics I guess it’s because I wish the world was that way all the time..just one of those things that personally gets to you for no real rhyme or reason I guess.
This just keeps getting better. Turns out Roberts is a registered lobbyist for the cosmetic industry. I just knew his complexion was fake. Then, after he admits he omitted it in his paperwork to congress, the FDA had to go and piss in his Cheerios: “But Food and Drug Administration records show Roberts was working for the cosmetics group earlier and for a longer period than he says in his amended filing and that is shown in the lobby disclosure forms filed by his former firm, Hogan & Hartson.” Either Roberts has dimentia or he’s a pathological liar. The plot, and the sewer sludge, thickens.
Newsday has it here
We’re forgetting The Standard Bush Option: It doesn’t matter.
Here’s hoping that between events and our stirrings of party consciousness that we can at last begin to make it matter.
On Monday we get to decide on our candidate for a new county judgeship that has been created. It is incredibly important that we stop the local Republican’s from saving their own hides by booting their incompetent County D.A. upstairs into a 10-year bench seat so that they can appoint someone that won’t be booted out of the D.A.’s office for ethics violations, incompetence, or courtroom misconduct as they woman is close to being. Their solution to the problem they created by appointing her in place of a national guardsman on duty in Iraq in the first place? Saddle the county with her for 10 years in a position where she can do far greater harm then she has already done in her short 3 years as D.A.
Once we have a candidate you’ll be hearing more from me on this.
Also on my mind, a candidate for Congress to replace John Sweeney in NY-20. I’ve a couple phone calls to make on that this weekend to hopefully hear that get finalized as well.
And in the meantime we have local elections… hope they hurry up with this cloning business… I sure could use 3 of me and I’m sure my wife has enough honey-do’s I’ve been ignoring for another 2 or 3 of me as well.
http://tinyurl.com/c6xc4 This is link to short story in Salt Lake Trib that proves once again if somehow sex is even alluded to people become unhinged apparently. A woman hires a 14year old girl to baby sit her 8 year old son. The mom decides there is something off about the girl for some reason and asks her son a few questions. Sooooooo it turns out the girl was playing truth/dare with the 8 year old and dared him to touch her breasts which he did…the stupid part comes when the Mom goes to the police and child services which in turn arrest her son……saying he was old enough to know better and participated in this lewd conduct..jesus fucken christ.
Well luckily the ‘charges’ were dropped against the 8 year old but what message does that send to any parent who wants to go to the police or child services with a complaint of sexual nature only to have their own kid arrested.
I doubt I would have gone to the police and child services in the first place but this whole story is just insane..arresting 8 year old as accessory..I really think the crazies are running the asylum.
were so boring… jeez.
So naughty.
Reminds me of the heyday of the Mary Kay LeTourneau case. I was living in Seattle then, and every man I knew and worked with was having fantasies about having her as his teacher.
the 6th grade to touch a boobie. How old does would I have been? 10? 11?
uhhhh…let me count’m up….oh hell,,,I had my draft card then
Gawd. In 6th grade, Chuck Greenbaugh — he wore a black leather jacket and had hair like James Dean — sat behind me and snapped my bra! I just wanted to die! So embarrassing.
Well something potentially messier. My brother and I said “no” and that was that.
It was worth a spilled beer 10 years later when mom finally found out.
Just saw Bill O’Reilly’s promo for his upcoming show:
“And Ann Coulter and I shoot it out.”
Maybe .. if we’re lucky …
(And what’s their problem with each other?)
I’ll loan them sawed off shotguns, and a case of shells ; )
And have duellist Zell Miller stand between them.
I think they’re probably going to fued over Roberts. I just read a criticism of Coulter over at Powerline (yes, every now and then I like to check in with what the wingers are saying – call me crazy) because she is challenging Robert’s conservative credentials.
Maybe they need to pretend to debate things so that it makes it look like they actually have different positions and think about things..
that more than one of them gets to make a decision.
Huh? I’ve been at work and missed all the fun..
so let me get this straight… Specter slammed Bush in an editorial; Novak was launched into outer space; Vanity Fair interviewed you and John Roberts masturbates with tinfoil?? Damn. What a day indeed!
I’m think’n about a series of bill boards, on them would be various faces such as: Hannity, O’Reily, Limberger, etc, etc….
The heading would be: “Pro-Life? Think About It”
Whad’ya think?? hmmmmmm
Couler did an article today. I read it this morning and will se if I can google it again and link it for you. She loathes Roberts.
I’m going to hop in the bathtub and soak my aching back. It’s caused by my bloghunch.
Fortunately I printed out a copy if the Vanity Fair article from the .pdf
Should be fun reading.
It is titled “Read My Lips: No New Liberals”
I’m having a hard time watching these parents on Hardball … at the same time, I am SO GLAD that I’m seeing and hearing these truly exceptional, wonderful, bright, informed parents.
C&L is getting us the video. I’ll post it.
That was a heartwrenching segment. Good for them for saying their views clearly. Is it me, or was Tweety agreeing 110% with them that we are in a mess?
I might not be around for your answer, but have you received your replacement coffee mug yet? If not, I’ll whip Scott’s ass.
I haven’t checked today. We’re in the middle of a severe thunderstorm with awesome lightning so I don’t want to tempt fate and walk to my mailbox.
Coinkidink? When I walked outside during the lull I was greeted by a chorus of duck-sounding noises. I didn’t know what it was but then the answer literally jumped out in front of me: frogs. Frogs Everywhere!
Scott musta sent them thar frogs along with the mug so’s he wouldn’t get his ass whooped by the BooMan…
If he’s calling down plagues of frogs from across the country, then I will do my best to keep the peace with mr. wolverine
You can’t trust Tweety. He’ll say something like that one night to those parents and then get all hawkish the next week.
Yeah, even though he was tolerable tonight I still stand by my tongue lashing I wrote the other night lambasting him for repeating WH talking points.
C&L can’t upload the video for another hour at least because his five servers are overwhelmed by the Novak video!
SYL! π Off to lie down and watch teevee/read.
Get some well-deserved rest, and say hi to Valerie P. for me π
Just in case nobody saw this:
are starting to lose their unity and panicking. Yippee, if we remain steadfast, vocal and continue to fight, we’ll win ’06 and ’08.
Over 300 days of vacation for Bushie, while Americans bury their dead. What @!#$%^*ing shame.
Kind Hearts and Coronets was on TCM tonight.
A splendid time was had.