WTF? Why on earth would intelligent, educated people oppose a device that prevents abortion? But, here we have three GOP governors — George Pataki (NY), Mitt Romney (Mass.), and Bill Owen (Colo.) — who are “eyeing the 2008 presidential race are appealing to the Christian Right by vetoing state legislation legalizing over-the-counter sale of the Morning-After pill,” reports Amy Goodman today on Democracy Now!.
Pataki is expected to veto legislation that hits his desk today. NYCO went after Pataki in yesterday’s “Pataki’s reign of terror, and why it matters. And BooMan assailed Romney in his July 26 story, “ Romney Caves to the Fundies.”
Today’s Democracy Now! hosts a debate between Destiny Lopez, program director at NARAL Pro-Choice New York and Charmaine Yoest, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, one of the most vocal critics of Plan B. Watch or listen.
As Goodman points out, “[t]he contraception known as the Morning-After or Plan B pill was overwhelmingly approved for over-the-counter-use in 2003 by an FDA advisory panel and the full FDA is expected to vote on the drug next month.” Of course!
This is where the insanity begins. For the fundies, the morning-after pill is the same thing as an abortion. I just want to shake them until their brains start to spark, it’s obvious that they are dormant.
I just can’t compute it in my brain… I can kind of compute their opposition to abortion because it is a very sad procedure for a pregnant woman and the unborn child. But this? This is PRACTICAL. And it protects victims of rape.
It’s not computable because it’s illogical. The same goes for stem cell research. It’s equated with abortion too, they would rather have the embryos adopted than be used to help with life-saving research.
Susan – If you’re pregnant, that proves you had sex. Since there’s a risk that you enjoyed it then you must be punished. If you were raped, there’s always a chance you didn’t take it as punishment, but enjoyed it. I don’t think we’ll ever understand any of this. I’ve stopped trying.
I still can’t believe that Pataki, after both houses voted in favor, is still willing to throw the entire populace of NYS overboard based upon his ridiculous belief that he actually has a shot at the presidential nomination. Sheesh.
Just like Bush’s buddy, Pervez Musharraf.
After being brutally raped, Pakistani woman Shazia Khalid had this experience:
”They told me to be quiet and not to tell anybody because it would ruin my reputation,” Shazia remembers. One official warned that if she reported the crime, she could be arrested.
That was a genuine risk. Under Pakistan’s hudood laws, a woman who reports that she has been raped is liable to be arrested for adultery or fornication – since she admits to sex outside of marriage – unless she can provide four male eyewitnesses to the rape.
Shazia wasn’t sure she dared to report the crime, but she begged for permission to contact her family. So, she says, officials drugged her into a stupor and then confined her in a psychiatric hospital in Karachi.”
From an article by Kristof via the Salt Lake Tribune No reg required and I strongly recommend it.
This is where we are headed in this country, only replace Islamic law with biblical christian laws, interpreted by the loony religious right. To give in to these lunatics for a teensy bit of political advantage is dispicable… especially considering that Pataki, Romney and Owen have as much chance in a presidential bid as I have being elected Queen of France.
WTF! Four male witnesses? How the hell is that going to happen? If there were four male witnesses she wouldn’t have been raped!
Still, I’m betting she brought it on herself by stepping out of the kitchen.
Subtle, huh? Not only did she step out of the kitchen, she must have dared look upon an almighty male… that’s asking for it in any language. Why are men afraid of women in so many cultures? I’ve read that the treatment of women in Islamic countries is more of a culture thing. Islam is just twisted and used to carry out the repression of women. Here in the US it’s the twisting of our laws and judicial system that the lunatics are using for repression and to strip the rights of the populace.
Basically, the idea is that a woman has no right to decide when, whether or how many children she will bear. Heavens, do you think women are like, what? People? Not so, only an afterthought in the master plan, and one to be firmly kept in line lest they get uppity and you have to burn them at the stake, or stone them to death.
Some other scary, nasty stuff here-go only if you’ve a strong stomach. Another taste of wholesome family values:What to do if your baby doesn’t sleep through the night:
But the idea is that women have to be subject to a man,father or husband, and being unable to control their own reproduction will aid in this…lovely, eh? Heck with Eve, I always liked Lilth better anyway.
May I just say that as a man I’d prefer a Woman (i.e. a person) to a combined cooking-cleaning-masturbation aid. (It’s only “sex” if it’s with another person.)
Oh, and on spanking: it will work, insofar as the baby will eventually stop crying. With enough effort the child will learn to suppress any natural urges or instincts, and when it grows up will do only what it knows is expected an acceptable. Wet, hungry, sad, happy, horny, frightened? That isn’t important, what matters is proper respect for authority.
(“I don’t understand what it means, why doesn’t it speak properly. Perhaps if I hurt it, it will be quiet and leave me alone.”)
I deliberately use “it” rather than “he/she”.
Sorry got so agitated I lost the main point-it was never about “dead babies”, it was always about keeping women in line and punishing them for sex with forced pregnancy.