When 50% of the people think you are dishonest and 42% approve of your job performance, you should start looking for a new job. When 38% approve of your handling of a unnecessary war based on a pack of lies, you should consider ending that war.

Actually, you should do like the last Texan to mishandle a ground war in Asia, and forswear off a second term.

When your Vice-President has less credibility than William Safire, Judith Miller, Jeff Gannon, or Armstrong Williams, you should ask him to step down.

This is particularly true when it is revealed that the Veep’s chief of staff was leaking the identity of an undercover agent for reasons of spite and partisan advantage.

When your Deputy Chief of Staff is caught lying about whether he discussed the identity of an undercover agent, you should fire him.

When the Speaker of the House is accused of accepting bribes from known drug smugglers, you should ask for an investigation.

When the number two man in the House is reprimanded three times by the Ethics Committee, you should ask for a change of leadership.

When your appointment for the UN ambassador fills out his paperwork dishonestly and fails to gain the recommendation of the Foreign Affairs committee, you should withdraw his nomination.

When your nominee for the Supreme Court cannot fill out his paperwork honestly, you should withdraw his nomination.

When your appointed Viceroy in Iraq does a terrible job, you should not award him a Medal of Freedom. When your DCI gives you faulty intelligence, you should not give him a Medal of Freedom. When your Deputy National Security Adviser let’s you put erroneous information in your State of the Union speech, you should not promote him to the top job. When your National Security Adviser ignores warnings about immanent terror attacks, you should not promote her to be Secretary of State.

When your whole administration, and the leadership of your party, is corrupt and incompetent, there should be a price to pay.

And it appears the DNC finally understands this.