When 50% of the people think you are dishonest and 42% approve of your job performance, you should start looking for a new job. When 38% approve of your handling of a unnecessary war based on a pack of lies, you should consider ending that war.
Actually, you should do like the last Texan to mishandle a ground war in Asia, and forswear off a second term.
When your Vice-President has less credibility than William Safire, Judith Miller, Jeff Gannon, or Armstrong Williams, you should ask him to step down.
This is particularly true when it is revealed that the Veep’s chief of staff was leaking the identity of an undercover agent for reasons of spite and partisan advantage.
When your Deputy Chief of Staff is caught lying about whether he discussed the identity of an undercover agent, you should fire him.
When the Speaker of the House is accused of accepting bribes from known drug smugglers, you should ask for an investigation.
When the number two man in the House is reprimanded three times by the Ethics Committee, you should ask for a change of leadership.
When your appointment for the UN ambassador fills out his paperwork dishonestly and fails to gain the recommendation of the Foreign Affairs committee, you should withdraw his nomination.
When your nominee for the Supreme Court cannot fill out his paperwork honestly, you should withdraw his nomination.
When your appointed Viceroy in Iraq does a terrible job, you should not award him a Medal of Freedom. When your DCI gives you faulty intelligence, you should not give him a Medal of Freedom. When your Deputy National Security Adviser let’s you put erroneous information in your State of the Union speech, you should not promote him to the top job. When your National Security Adviser ignores warnings about immanent terror attacks, you should not promote her to be Secretary of State.
When your whole administration, and the leadership of your party, is corrupt and incompetent, there should be a price to pay.
And it appears the DNC finally understands this.
understanding is good, doing something takes balls.
looking for balls from the President? Or the DNC?
has proven itself to be irrelevant…the future of the “opposition party” is in grassroots activism, in forums such as BooTrib, MLW, etc. What hope there is must come from the populace as a whole. People are finally beginning to wake up to the reality that “this shit ain’t working”, and “the bas-tad’s lying!”
The DNC, IMHO should STFU and let Dean, Reid, and the likes of Hackett lead the way. A middle ground does not exist, the only way to combat these people is to attack them at the level they have chosen. There are no longer any rules, there is no longer any civility, there is only the emperor’s new clothes, and they are grotesquely unfashionable.
Fuck the DNC, the horse they rode in on, and thier dog if it followed them. <end rant>
that’s..the balls I’m talk’n about.
now, it’s time for them to put up, or shut up.
thanks dada, could’nt have said it better.
my concept of what dada is saying, is that we are tired of all the role playing on both sides of the fence.
my comment about balls was, people, put up or shut up, I personally am tired of all the wailing, and only so limited few walking the walk. On both sides of the isles, cheese and rice people, when is the freak’n rhetoric gonna stop, and someone actually get with it, roll up the shirt sleeves, and take control.
these blogs are definately giving light where there was none before, but only because of the fact the squeakiest wheel gets the grease first. When the hell is this wheel gonna get some new bearings???
And speak’n of grease, is that axel grease their giv’n us, or KY ???
I’m not sure if we want Reid on that list. I mean, he was trumpeting awfully loudly about what a great pick Roberts was for the Supreme Court. So either he didn’t do his homework, and didn’t know about Roberts’ real positions… Or he did do his homework, and did know.
The DNC, IMHO should STFU and let Dean . . . lead the way.
Howard Dean is chair of the DNC.
if the DNC was being confused with the DLC here.
A distinction we need: the DLC is as responsible as anyone (outside of Republican dishonesty) for the losses the Democratic Party has suffered these past years–yet it has not changed and doesn’t think it needs to.
The DNC, on the other hand, is changing.
I agree:
An article I wrote about corruption and the upcoming election cycle.
Did anyone see the picture at MSNBC of Bush in the pickup truck…grinning ear to fucking ear, with nothing in between like he doesn’t have a care in the world? What a puke!
When all of the above points are true, you should go off on a five-week-long vacation because, heck, being president is hard work!
drive that ball. <grin>
Meanwhile at the front …
You were expecting maybe – honor and dignity.
har har
What a stunning indictment. If this were one of us, or if it were a Democratic president, we’d be hanging our heads in shame.
Every administration has its travails, but this is a devastating list.
If Bush had a conscience, he would resign as Lyndon Johnson did.
Broken-record Susan urges you to rent/buy HBO’s 2002 movie, “Path to War.” The tagline for the movie directed by John Frankenheimer is: “Beyond the battlefields of Vietnam. Inside the halls of power. A different kind of war would decide the fate of a nation.” It’s so good that I watch it every time it’s on. I’d buy it rather than rent it.
The whole cast of characters is there: LBJ, Robert McNamara (played exceptionally by Alec Baldwin), Clark Clifford (Donald Sutherland), George Ball (whose protests make you ACHE for the others to listen to him), Everett Dirksen (Philip Baker Hall), Westmoreland (Tom Skerritt), and on and on. Even George Wallace played by Gary Sinise.
Their top-level meetings and private conversations are shown in detail. LBJ is absolutely torn asunder by conflicting opinions and his own intense worries and doubts.
At least he had the capacity for suffering.
Bush does not.
Hearts and Minds.
Not fiction. Best documentary Oscar of 1975. Caused quite a scandal that the Academy gave the award to such a “controversial” film. (Controversy = let the warmongers reveal how evil they are with their own words out of their own mouths with the camera rolling.)
Interviews with the warmongers themselves (Westmoreland, Rostow, etc.). Also heartbreaking interviews with soldiers, Marines, pilots, Vietnamese people, interspersed with footage of the war. The VVAW used to make sure it was shown somewhere in my city every week – that’s how important they thought it was.
From the story you link to:
. . . Democrats move to take advantage of the slow news cycle in August. . . . The Democrats, nonetheless, are looking at the case involving the leak of the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame as a way to paint the White House as stonewalling . . . some Democrats believe they can make the case that the White House isn’t being honest . . . .
Up to their usual spin, slant, trivialize, and distract from the real story. They want their readers to see this as all about partisan game-playing. “A way to paint . . . Take advantage of the slow news cycle . . . .” Bullshit. Bullshit. bullshit.
This isn’t about “painting” anything, U.S. News. The White House IS NOT being honest. This is about Bush’s fucking lies, you assholes.
Love your story BooMan, but could you link to the DNC’s CIA Leak Scandal web site? It’s a lot better reading than than the Bush-enabling U.S. News. They’re up to Day 20 now.
This worries me.
If the DNC doesn’t do this right, or is too heavy-handed, they’ll politicize what is an incredibly serious independent legal investigation that really can stand on its own two feet without Dems fucking it up.
Do you think it’s too heavy-handed? Do you think they should not do this?
It seems to be an interesting demonstration of media bias, actually. As I’ve said before, a lot of my friends from the southern US claim that they won’t vote Democrat because Democrats are fundamentally dishonest. And when asked for evidence, they point at the Clintons. In practice, many Republicans are worse than the Clintons (though they’re still pretty disgusting), but the important thing here is that the media’s made a point of painting the Clintons and Al Gore as liars.
When asked why they vote Republican, then, their response is typically along the lines of “Bush never got up on TV and lied to the nation”. Well, yes, he has, but here’s the funny thing… The media has never actually called him on it. In contrast to Clinton, they’ve never made a big deal about how “George W. Bush lied”. And, as you noticed, it seems like they’ll avoid saying it whenever possible.
Um, not to nitpick, but W can’t forswear his second term. He’s in it.
sure he can. He can do it right now, and he should.
In no particular order:
When your representatives in congress refuse to introduce forward-looking, rational legislation, they should be replaced.
When you have the opportunity as a party to send a message, and vote to authorize the president to go to war, you owe us an apology. If you fail to issue that apology, you should receive no support from the party.
When members of your party vote against the interests of their constituency, they should be refused assistance.
When you have a fully equipped, nationwide television, internet, and communications network, and refuse to utilitize it for the party, you should be fired.
When an associated arm of your party is proven to be irrelevant, and out of touch with the American people, you should disassociate – amputate – that infected arm.
When you are aware of the lies being told to the American people about the reasons their sons and daughters are dying in a desert, and fail to publicize those lies, you should step down.
WTF, it’s a start. It’s very easy to fire missives against. Far more difficult to gain the trust and respect of the American people by promoting what your are for. We gain absolutely nothing by bitch-slapping the scarecrow while the crows eat the corn.
The new political construct (I keep saying) is horizontal. Neither the DNC nor any other acronym is in charge now. The power to initiate change is here. Time to start learning how to use it.
Here’s your Daily Absurdity:
I was in an airport the other day and used one of these machines and was marveling how they could do what they do…take money from my account from about 790 miles away without a glitch and give me a fine piece of paper to boot.
Then I saw the fucking Diebold name. A speedball of anger and frustration was auto-injected into my veins.
when they start a nonstop, all-out impeachment campaign. That is the only acceptable price for the crimes and incompetence of Bush and his cronies. The rest is just a lot of posing for the camera.
I love this site and all of archive!
You are a great webmaster
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