[In 2004] Clermont, Butler and Warren Counties’ totals [were] suspect because a Democratic candidate for Ohio Supreme Court implausibly out-polled John Kerry. … Bush vastly out ran the Republican candidate for Supreme Court Chief Justice in those three counties. But Democrat C. Ellen Connelly, a pro-choice, pro-gay-marriage African-American from Cleveland somehow got a higher vote count than Kerry in these conservative, predominantly white southern Ohio counties. Richard Hayes Philips and other experts … say it is beyond implausible, indicating a high likelihood of fraud.”
— From Ohio Free Press, via Howie Martin’s blog
That’s actually the end of the Ohio Free Press story. Here’s the first part about – you guessed it — Paul Hackett’s remarkable run and too-close defeat in Ohio’s 2nd Cong. district. Paragraph one:
Overall, experts estimate more than 7,000 votes were stolen outright from John Kerry under the Noe’s supervision in Lucas County 2004.
Gee, now that I think about it, talking about John Kerry is sure a funny way to begin, and end, an article about Paul Hackett and the Aug. 2 election in Ohio’s 2nd district. Gosh darn. Now why would the author do that!? MORE BELOW:
Whether similar theft defeated Paul Hackett remains to be seen. Hackett ran extremely well in a district thoroughly gerrymandered as a permanent Republican safe seat. Democrats are now crowing about how well Hackett did in “serving notice” that the GOP may be in trouble. But the bottom line is that the Republicans still won the election.
As of 1 am … Hackett was within 3600 votes—about four percent—of Schmidt.
But election officials announced a mysterious “computer glitch” that delayed reports from Clermont County, which accounted for roughly a quarter of all the ballots cast in the district.
[Finally,] Clermont gave Schmidt 58%, and a 5,000 vote margin there. And thus the election.
Earlier in the evening—around 9pm—Hackett and Schmidt had been in a virtual dead heat, according to sources in the Cincinnati area (see among them Billmon.
A full 88% of the district’s precincts [had reported, and] half those in Clermont. As in Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004, it looked like a cliffhanger. Schmidt’s lead was less than 900 votes.
Clermont’s “technical malfunction” with optical scan readers was blamed on the humidity. Election officials said the southern Ohio summer had soaked into the ballots, making it hard to pass them through opti-scan machines.
Once the problem was “solved,” Schmidt picked up more than enough votes to guarantee victory. The percentages by which she won in the post-glitch vote count were far higher than those by which she had been winning prior to the glitch. Vote counts were also higher than expected in the strongest Schmidt precincts.
Clermont and neighboring Butler and Warren Counties gave George W. Bush a margin in 2004 that exceeded his entire statewide margin over John Kerry. Warren County became infamous on election night, when its supervisors suddenly declared a “Homeland Emergency” and dismissed all media and Democrats from the vote count. Bush then emerged with a huge, unexpected and unmonitored majority.
There’s also the “S” word. And I don’t mean “solved.”
When are we, the American People, going to grit our teeth and really look at voting? What if Gore won, what if Kerry won, what if Hackett won, what if we are just throwing away our future afraid to face facts?
Stolen, sleazeballs? Don’t get me started.
I don’t know who it was that said “Isn’t it odd that all the mistakes that can happen in an election always seem to favor the republicans?”
Think it might have been Kerry.
I have no doubt that it was stolen, I was just waiting for the details on the mysterious glitches and “technical malfunctions.” Call me a conspiracy theorist, I “double-top secret background” dare ya…
Short of a full recount, are the ballots available for public inspection? If so, wouldn’t take much effort to examine the ballots from those 191 precincts in Claremont County.
It’d also be interesting to examine them to see if there was any evidence of damage due to humidity. That sounds like so much bollocks to me, but…
what’s really relevent here is not the percentages of the entire district priot to the final 90 Clermont precint results, but the percentages of the first 100 Clermont precints. My understanding was both groups of Clermont numbers were consistently 55-45 and that would be pretty much expected in Schmidt’s home district. Hackett’s success in other districts is not inherently an indication of fraud in another…
Now, if the initial 100 Clermont precints were 50-50, THEN maybe we can start chucking the f word around.
I’ve actually read that they were much closer in the earlier precincts, with the big change coming after 10pm. Here’s where:
You mean “fudge” or “sugarbeets”? LOL. If I were an Ohio resident I would be asking for a hand count. After the 2000 and 2004 debacle we should NOT be using machines to scan. Humidity? Give me a freakin break. Has anyone talked to Hackett?
Hand counts are expensive and difficult to do if your candidate has conceded. I read somewhere that trusted Hackett observers were present and satified that no fraud took place in Clermont county.
If you want to help out Ohio, the donate to Reform Ohio Now and help us find out some dirt on those behind the Reform Ohio Now lawsuit.
I don’t remember where I read it, but this loss could actually turn out to be a HUGE win (and not just in a moral victory sense).
Mike DeWine is looking really, really vulnerable right now. Sherrod Brown is mulling over the possibility of a challenge (and by all accounts, would be a great candidate). But if he doesn’t run, Hackett would make an extremely strong candidate, after doing as well as he did in the reddest part of Ohio.
Senator Hackett kinda has a nice ring to it, I have to admit…
I have no doubt that the fix was in – yet again. We’ve seen this with Max Clelland, Gore, Kerry and now Hackett. And who knows how many others.
It started decades ago (see Votescam) and it now looks like they’ve raised stealing elections to a near art form.
This is one of the reasons I don’t feel real change will come through electoral politics. Saying that, I should mention that I have nothing but respect for people who fight through electoral politics. I just think there are other approaches that need to be worked on in order for the electoral part to be worth anything.
Wether the fix is in or not, as a citizenry, we’ve got to call for accountability in our elections, and a verifiable paper trail.
We’ve got to push the notion all elections are suspect that don’t provide accountability. No paper trail equals no accountability. This issue will not go away until this is corrected.
We have a group (Vote Rescue – meeting next Tuesday) working on getting our electronic voting machines converted to provide a voter verified paper trail here in our county. I know, it’s pitiful that we are having to tackle this one county at a time, but every county that does do this makes it harder for anyone to say that it can’t be done, or that it’s too hard, etc. So if there’s a similar initiative in your county . . . well, it’s a place to start.
actually, that felt rather refreshing.
‘yall aughtatryit
Seems to me, the relevant facts are that the voting in the first 100 Clermont precincts was 56-44 for Schmidt, and the voting in the last 91 precincts was 60-40 for Schmidt. Now that doesn’t particularly prove or disprove anything.
I’m not impressed with a lot of the spinning that seems designed to imply there was fraud in this election. It’s as if Texas was the last state to report its results on Election Night, and the response was “Bush and Kerry were deadlocked 50-50, and then Texas shows up with a whole bunch of votes for Bush, it must be fraud!” Well of course Texas votes for Bush. There’s no reason you would expect Texas to come up with the same percentages as the other 49 states, nor would you expect Schmidt’s home county to come up with the same percentages as the other counties.
The evidence needs to be a lot better than this.
See my diary Verified Voting Needs Geeks and Poets.
Thanks for an important diary, Susan.
I love this site and all of archive!
You are a great webmaster
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