Make cash in your spare time:
Catch a stray cow from the hundreds roaming the streets of New Delhi, haul it to a state shelter and you will be given 2,000 rupees ($46) for your pains.
The Hindustan Times newspaper said Friday the Delhi High Court had passed an order instructing city authorities to offer money to rid the Indian capital of the cattle menace.
An estimated 35,000 cows and buffaloes roam free in the capital, sharing space with hordes of monkeys, camels and stray dogs.
It’s too hot.
This guy just came on Al Franken’s show at Air America Radio.
— prof. of poli sci at Princeton whose son is a Marnie in Afghanistan.
concept of “Moral Hazard” is very instructive. In some ways it’s merelya way to describe forms of negligence, carelessness and selfishness exhibited by the self absorbed, but it actually goes further than that, describing the unavoidable repercussions that occur in societies with a self-absorbed, “me-first” approach to freedom and democracy.
Many are the democracies that have been brought low by their own failure to nurture their own constituencies.
I’ll put up a diary on this too, this was posted by a NARAL PA board member on
Hello All – My name is Jill Fink and have been active in progressive issues and Democratice politics for years. But, I’m new to the blogosphere. Even though I’m new here, I have been observing over that past couple of weeks on sites like My Left Wing, Kos, Booman Tribune and MyDD and it doesn’t take long to learn that these communities are full of great folks who care about progressive issues. And, frankly I’m here to ask for your help.
NARAL Pro-Choice PA has recently had to close its doors in Pennsylvania. Staff has been laid off, and board members like myself, have stepped in to get the organization back on track. We hope to be able to re-open our doors before the end of the year, but it will require that we raise significant funds. I know politicians often treat blogs like ATMs, but I’m not here for that.
I’m here because choice is a cornerstone progressive issue and NARAL-PA needs your voices to make ours heard again. Given the critical work that the organization does, particularly with the current political climate being what it is and with major elections taking place next year, most would agree that it is essential that NARAL have a presence in an important swing state like Pennsylvania. We have stepped up fundraising efforts, and for those in the Philadelphia area, I’d like to invite you to attend an event I’m hosting next Thursday, August 11th at Mugshots CoffeeHouse (21 st and Fairmount, near the Art Museum) at 7:30pm .
We have an amazing singer/songwriter, Kierstin Gray, who will be playing and all proceeds are to benefit NARAL. We’ll have food, beer/wine, awesome people and kick-ass music. (Tickets are $25/ea or $100 to sponsor for 2 tickets; Tickets can be purchased at Mugshots or online at – click on “Support Us”):
If you’re not in the Philadelphia area, but care about maintaining a strong pro-choice voice in Pennsylvania, you can still make a contribution through the website or send checks to: PO Box 58174, Philadelphia, PA 19102-8174 .
Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with this community to get NARAL PA back on track!
Have a rupee!
(surely there must be some other children of the Nintendo age out there?)
In Joliet, IL a cat fights off an alligator in a suburban driveway. link to story
That is THE CUTEST cat! And there’s video!
On a slightly related topic (very slight!), if you’ve ever wondered how to clean the inside of your monitor screen, look no further…
but it’s my own personal favorite monitor cleaner.
A ‘gator in Gainesville, I can believe. In Tallahassee, even. But in Joliet, Illinois?
Disregard what the man in the story said about it being “pretty tame.” I’ve talked to wildlife rehabilitators (as part of research on something), including one who once had a foot-long alligator in her kitchen, and they say Watch out. Those critters are not and cannot be tame. There are some amazing statistics about the crushing power of their jaws.
They tend to get into swimming pools in Florida and consume small dogs for lunch.
anybody who has ever messed with a gator, knows that it ain’t for pussy’s ; )
sorry, just could’nt resist that one..LMAO
that’s the problem, people come down here and think I’ll watch it grow up, well…..bull’ll grow, eat your dog, cat, and maybe one of the neighborhood kids if it gets big enough.
maybe I should ship one, (full grown) out to Crawford???
There should be a reward for rounding up Repugs.
By Julian Beever here. His “anamorphic”, 3-D pavement paintings are absolutely astonishing.
Wow. That is amazing. Thanks for sharing the link.
TOTALLY cool. I sent this on to my daughter who’s always looking for neat items to add to her company’s RSS feed.
Did you see these pictures that were painted on the wall that Israel is building? Talk about making a statement. I found the link via Raw Story.
I lived in India when I was 17 back in the sixties and loved the cows wandering free. Nobody bothered them, traffic slowed for them, it was a nice and easy atmosphere of respect for life. Unfortunately, I went on a date with an American who wanted to show me how cool it was to get beef in Bombay. That led to the worst bout with food poisoning imaginable. Apparently they haven’t quite mastered the beef business yet, nobody to export to.
Big deal – – gator in the driveway, happens all the time.
Thought you all might get a kick out of these George Carlinisms.
“Cows, Constitution, Commandments & Carlin
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow.
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don’t we
just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys; it’s worked for over 200 years and we’re not using it anymore.
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a
Courthouse? You cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians! It creates a hostile work environment!
And Last but not least…..
George CARLIN said it best about Martha Stewart ..
“Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she’s behind bars. O.J. Simpson and
Osama Bin Laden are still walking a! round. B ut they take the one woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard, and they haul her off to jail.”
I’m particularly interested in hearing what some of my friends here of Native American heritage feel (ghostdancer, that means you :).
NCAA American Indian mascot ban
I’ve got mixed feelings. On one hand, if you feel it is a mockery of Native American heritage, then I agree, it should probably go. But OTOH, it also seems like we’re trying to completely sterilize Native American culture out of our society.
Thoughts? More importantly, feelings?
tribal members that I know and that encompasses quite a large group of tribes have discussed this issue and here is what many of them have said to me concerning this issue.
If the school can gain a consensus of the tribal members that their mascot is not demeaning to the culture, lifestyle or spiritual aspects of Native American peoples, then there is no issue. However if their is no consensus, then that school should immediately desist in using the mascot for perpetuity.
I only know of one school who actually has a charter from the tribe that their mascot comes from and that is Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kansas. The were founded by the Baptists in the mid 1800’s with a charter that Ottawa Indians will be able to attend this school to gain a higher education. I believe tribal members are offered many scholarships. The team Mascot is a Brave. This is the only school that I know of that actually has permission from a specific tribe to use this mascot.
That definitely sounds like the most sensible way to handle the issue to me.
Thanks for the insight!
I was just planning on recommending this blog, Sepia Mutiny, be considered for the blogroll diversification type thing.
It seems to be written by South Asians from different countries, backgrounds, religions… I found it on accident, but stayed to read the posts and commentary. Lots of good writing… smart, snarky, serious, reflective, etc, and different perspectives on things going on today, some ways of looking at things that would not have occurred to me.
A good read, regardless.
The Froggy Bottom Cafe Friday Night Jazz Jam is now up for your listening pleasure while you dine.
Let me know if we should make this a regular feature.
know how much we can post from an article without violating copyright laws? 250 words?
conflicting messages on that topic — I think a previous Froggy Bottom Cafe devoted a huge amount of space to it.
IMNSHO, a good rule of thumb is to post the first 2-3 paragraphs, enough to give the general direction of the article, then post a link to the full article (or if not available online, the magazine/newspaper it was in so those with time can go to their local library to look for it); if it’s a long article and there’s a really important paragraph or quote, that’s okay to add. Oh, and it’s best to use the article to illustrate/supplement your own comments, rather than just slapping an article in a diary or post word for word; page-long posts that are nothing more than an article from some other source are really annoying.
On a personal note, if it’s from a site that requires subscriptions, note that so we’re prepared when we click the link. (I usually Google News a topic to find a non-subscription source when I can.)
Just my $0.02 on the topic — anyone else with more authority out there?
Thanks.. I’ll probably do a lot of paraphrasing..
I want to see this movie! The Constant Gardener … that’s a link to the Quicktime trailer. Other trailer formats.
From the book by John Le Carre and the director of “City of God.”
P.S. it opens Aug. 25, and it’s set in Africa … involves greedy capitalist drug companies.
March & Rally
August 6, 2005-Atlanta, Georgia
40th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act
March for Voting Rights, Jobs, Justice, & Peace
On August 6 2005, the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition will hold a march and rally Atlanta, Georgia to commemorate the signing of the Act and to call attention to the threats facing minorities and the poor as key provisions of the Act come up for renewal in 2007.
8-10:00 a.m.
Assemble at the Richard B. Russell Federal Building,
75 Spring Street, Atlanta GA
9:30 a.m.
Pre-march program begins at 9:30 a.m. featuring
Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, Willie Nelson, and others.
10:00 a.m. March Begins
The route follows Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to Herndon Stadium at 643 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, between Vine and Sunset, on the campus of Morris Brown College.
10:50 a.m. Rally Begins
Herndon Stadium provides a beautiful setting for a full day of inspiration, education, and entertainment.
Bleacher and lawn seating will be available. Blankets only on the lawn. No lawn chairs permitted.
Food and beverages will be available throughout the day.
No coolers or glass bottles permitted.
More info
Don’t link well sorry.