Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome, c’mon in” ~ Lily Von Shtupp (Madeline Kahn – one of the brightest stars that left the sky far too soon)
Froggy Bottom Café is open and will remain open till they kick us out into the streets or until Bush, Inc’s Rapture occurs – which ever takes place first. Until then, enjoy, relax, laugh and vent.
Beach Hammock: The tag says, “One size fits all.” So… EVERYONE, climb aboard!
Summertime Friday’s can be rather hectic around here at the Damn House and I haven’t waited on tables since high school. Due to my `tude and inability to be organized at anything, I sucked at it then and I’m sure I’d suck at it now. I thought about calling it “Freedom Friday” but then (ahem) thought better of it. So today is…
The Upside to Self Service – Gelateria Chatteria!
But don’t think, dear ones, that I’m abandoning you. I’m sure that my two co-hosts, Mack and Jake, will take care of all your needs and they don’t require a tip or a “4” – a simple “Good Boy” or a shared slurp of whatever you’re drinking today will suffice. Just don’t toss them any grapes… this really really pisses off Jake. However, they might have their paws full by caring for the Café’s Outdoor 5 Star Spa. We do have our bennies here in the Grand Ole Pond. (Ummm … That is if they quit fighting over who gets to hold the hose first.)
If you’re missing a flip flop at the end of the day… my money says it’s Mack’s fault. He’s been known to eat garbage and seems to have a flip flop foam fetish.
Hope everyone has an incredible Friday. One that is filled with hope, dreams, laughter and… and… damnit Jake let Mack take a turn with the hose. I swear to Gawd you two are gonna’ make me go grey before my time… I mean it you two! Knock. It. Off! What? NO! You can not get out the bottle of bubble bath. … uh… as I was saying – Jake and Mack will take goooood care of you wonderful peeps.
It’s only 3 a.m. in the Wine Country. Now, excuse me while I kiss the sky.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power – the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix
Flesh Baking Chaos
Fire Breathing Catastrophinger
I prepared 4.5 pounds of roadside stand jalapenos for stuffed peppers yesterday. I had to take off my gloves because a squirt managed to get under my safety glasses. Hey, it’s only cooking if I require a hazmat suit and other protective clothing… Took care of the sitch and put my gloves back on (because they were my last pair). BIG. MISTAKE. After another hour of working with the chilies, I began to “feel the burn”. I had put the gloves on inside-out. My hands, top, bottom, every single fingerprint become red and numb from the pepper oil on the gloves.
The numbness wore off after all, sadly.
While I was hopping around and creating new cuss words, my suh-low computer using, non-multi-tasking husband started googling “pepper burns”. Nothing seemed to alleviate the continuing to worsen pain. I tried so many different things and things maybe I shouldn’t have. (The bleach dipping is pure bunk…) Aloe only relieved it for a minute at a time. Then it dawned on me. Our Swedish family secret about burns, fire or sun, is to use vinegar – any kind of vinegar.
Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh relief while neutralizing.
I sat all night and most of the a.m. with my hands in vinegar and ice. Finally at 2:00 a.m.-ish I fell asleep.
It neutralized the capscium and helped take away the burn. I’ve worked with chilies so often and usually, even if superduper careful, I am left with some annoying burn around a finger or inner wrist that will last for days. I can say that the vinegar worked as I can TYPE and am no longer afraid to touch my face. However, I smell like a pickle which probably didn’t bode well for my Scorpion Love Goddess rep. And constantly having to plunge my hands back into the casserole dish of vinegar every 10 minutes doesn’t constitute as foreplay in any culture – alien or otherwise.
The stuffed peppers turned out “Wicked excellent, honey! The best you ever made” – Mr. Damnit. I only ate four of them. I couldn’t concentrate on much except keeping both my hands in the vinegar bath he made for me so I could watch Superman II. I barely was able to suck down the Eskimo Pie my son insisted I have because he’s totally digging on the Superman Boxset of movies we just got. Then GOOOSH back into the bath go my hands.
If it doesn’t require protective gear and doesn’t consist of some pain… it ain’t pepper addiction. π
Tomorrow will be moisturizer day. I think my cuticles ran away from home.
Have a fantastic day, everyone! (Yawn of the Dead) I’m going back to bed for a bit.
Flesh Baking Chaos, indeed!
That you could not only serve and eat the stuffed peppers, but also organize this diary and share the story so eloquently is an amazing feat! You are a wonderful writer — I relieved the experience through your words. I’m still shuddering.
I’m so glad you knew to soak your hands in vinegar. If it still hurts, I’d try soaking a couple of times in baking soda also. The baking soda draws the toxins out of your skin which will also speed up the relief. I would even try making a paste of it and spreading it over your hands until the paste falls off.
Thanks, fingers, hands are fine now. Stopped burning last night around 2. Never before had such a time with peppers. I’ve done the baking soda for bee stings, I’ll give it a try… No… no next time π
you may now be immune to pepper spray at the next protest rally you go to…
Read some of the stories of what happened to the “Battle in Seattle” protesters for the WTO…police sprayed them with pepper spray and then rubbed it in their eyes after they had cuffed them…
Indeed! We had some police do that to some protesters up here near Humboldt. They q-tiped the spray INTO their eyes.
I have some bras that might shield against rubber bullets… somewhere in my closet.. π
Did you get the cat un-taped?
Not yet. No one has seen the cat since Wednesday. π
However the cat would only come by a few times a week. So there is still hope. Neighbor has a humane cat trap.
It’s totally driving the kids slowly bonkers, too.
Mexican wife offers you this to help heal and ease the pain
warm up about 4 cups of milk, luke warm, body temp warm, stir in about 1/4 cup of honey and bath your hands in the mixture.
She says that is the recipe her grandmother used whenever she would get jalapena oil burns on her skin.
oh wait… honey IN the milk…??? Okay I did NOT try that one. That’s a keeper in case I’m out of vinegar.
just told me about, his mother uses, used tea bags in milk to help alleviate the pain and draw out the oils.
I hope one or both of these will help.
By the way my bosses mother makes a great jalapena bread.
I tried the milk… several times. I’ll try the milk and tea bags one time, too. The vinegar really did help. I should still be on fire now.
I was thinking of you because I have to get you the recipe out but this was such a big batch. As I was making them I realized again that it’s really just a toss here and a toss there. π
the recipe for my cheesecake, I can’t remember some of the measurements for the indgredients. I will find it, I will turn the search over to my wife. She can find anything, she has told me it is because she has a uterus. Is that true fair women folk, I know I can not only not find stuff, I also suffer from an advanced case of CRS.
no hurries. no worries. π
Yes, I can find anything it seems. Especially if both kids and the Mr. looked for it first.
Not sure about the uterine tracking device. The clitoris is very very sensitive however… maybe a form of ESP -Extra Sensitive Pu… nevermind. It’s still daytime.
have the same mind set and thought process. Makes me grateful that I am married to her, she has truly made my life a much richer and deeply more rewarding experience.
The peppers have been enjoyed by several Latinos and Latinas. Great compliment when someone who grew up eating hot stuff says your peppers are good.
One guy came back from Oxcaca (sp) and gave me a black handmade jug of Mezcal “Mezcal de Oaxaca” which was also blessed (has some spices with it to) haven’t opened it up yet cause I hear mezcal is a bit on the WOW side of intoxicating drinks.
Would love to meet you and yours one day. π
So Cal originally and met in Kansas.
She from Studio City, Cal and Me from San Diego, never met each other in Cal. way to many people between us.
We will be in Studio City to visit her mother over Thanksgiving.
I never look forward to going to the Greater LA area.
I’m from the Seattle area and he’s from Danvers (Boston) …
I have no idea how he found me. π I thought I hid really good.
Good goin’ DJ. You’re up early!
Sorry to hear of your jalapeño-mishap. Those babies burn..
On vacation and offline most of the time. But a quick visit to one of my sisters where her kids have PCs spread out all over (they’re into online gaming).
Yesterday early morning at the south coast of Norway – my breakfast view from the veranda of the cabin at 6.30 am:
Heading back down there tomorrow for a final week of blissful peace.
Hmm, what happened to my image?
Anyway, just click the link.
You can honestly say, you’ve seen a lil’ peice of Heaven ; )
Fantastic view, enjoy
Sure is.
My parents built the cabin (no indoor plumbing) in ’69. Named the property ‘Ro’, which translates as ‘peaceful’.
You’re going to need a vacation from your vacation! π
LMAO Janet, sorry but could’nt help the laugh over the Vinegar Foreplay….what a hoot.
The hammock however needs some adjustment, lowering would be the main thing, cuz when I get drunk putt’n down DosEquis in there, and when I have to get up, to let some of those brews out, I could fall, and from that height, I could break sump’n… ~@^@~
Love the dogs, hey, Ol’ Yellar will be jump’n in the spa with them..
Morn’n all, hope this day brings you all your wishes…what?…NO…it’s still illegal to do that to the Pres..No matter what type of orifice he is…IT’S THE LAW…heh heh..erm..well..if no one is look’n….give it a SHOT …LOL
peace all…..BTW Janet, love the sig for Hendrix..KUDOS
I knew I wasn’t getting any last night. I just knew it. π Smelled like a pickle and couldn’t use my hands… not that that ever stopped anyone… π
My black lab, Willow (rip) would RUIN each kiddy pool we every bought and brought home. She’d stand in it and start pawwing the bottom. She LOVED the water. She’d bark at you till you hosed her in the face so she could attempt to drink it. Couldn’t lock her in the house while the kids played in it for the first and last time as she had those big sad puppy eyes.
Her baby, Shinobi, doesn’t like baths and runs from the hose… and she hates snow and the beach – gofigger.
I WISH.. Jimi and Lennon were still alive. I wish Madeline Kahn was around to make me laugh till I thought I was gonna die. I wish Bruce Lee was still making the rounds of the square mats.
Delighted you’re at the helm…. may I please have an Irish Mist, and a glance at the
Thank you, Dammit.
perfection…. did you put in that case of Irish Mist last week?
all I have at hand is the BAE. Best American (some Canadians too) Erotica. Will that do? We can read it toooooooooogether. Taking turns. You can help me with the big words.
Will have to try one of those Irish Mists because of you π
Dare you to make a start.
Here’s the preface of an essay the loved one wrote about “What’s So Sexy About A Man With A Belly”
Nother meaning to Santa comes down the chimney π
I married a “geek” who is also an athlete. Hockey, track, rock climbing, kayaker… So he’s the strong silent type in mind and body. One of the annoyances is he “conceptualizes” all the time which means he talks to himself … outloud. Usually AT me but he’s not talking to me. Over my head whoooooooooosh. Oh, and he scribbles out these mathmatical equations and it just looks like satanic stuff to me π
Got hockey scars?? π Those can be very sexy.
Hey DJ, I’ve got one of those myself … math geeky hubby who is also athletic. When I met him, he was doing a triathlon in fact. He’s less marathons and triathlons now, and more hockey and ultimate, so he does have a little belly! And he doesn’t leave the math equations lying about, but these weird ideas for inventions he’s always thinking up. And yes, hockey scars can be very sexy… ;o)
Yeah, the athlete balances out the geek and the geek balances out the athlete. It’s a nice pairing.
I had to say NO to the rock climbing once I was preggers. He has drowned TWICE while diving… Very extreme. He’s toned it down alot due to his knees (baseball, rubgy related not hockey) He’s had more knee surgery than Steve Yzerman.
I’m terrible at math. No ability when it comes to spatial organization of the numbers. However he thinks I’m extreme because I like to give speeches and get on any stage π
no hockey scars…. blind in the right eye…. nicotine stained fingers….
I ran hurdles when I was young… and played some tennis… badly….
I do have a very distinguished looking scar on my abdomen… from an accident in my youth when I was attempting to be Superman… or Charles Atlas… I attempted to move a 350 pound piece of furniture for my mother and popped a stomach muscle…. the surgeon’s name was Klaus Barbie, the butcher of Lyons… so it looks like I was in a BAAAAAD knife fight. And maybe I was, but I was anaesthetized at the time.
but your geeky husband sounds fascinating !!! I love people who talk to themselves and leave notes around in mathematical code…. what does he do for a living?
he’s looking for a new job. He’s an (takes a deep breath) an electrical/mechanical engineer. Mostly his thrill is designing machines such as safety equipment.
I scare him because I can read his mind.. and he has no understand at all of what exactly makes me tick. So I keep him guessing and hopping. Polar Bear opposites.. or is that Solar Opposites?
You make me laugh so hard! I love it. Klaus Barbie… π I have scars from snorkeling mostly. I haven’t had as many concussions as Eric Lindros but I’m close. No balance, no real depth preceptions, constantly trying to keep up with the kids and add a major blonde klutzoid to that and blammo you’ve got a real need to wear a helmet indoors π
Great first cafe, DJ! But whoo, you finished it AFTER the pepper trot? How did you type?? I know, I know. . .verrry carefully.
Morning, all! I’m starting the day with a funeral (no one close), which sounds bad, but it marks the end of an unhappy, cranky, resentful life, so. . .Then lunch with one friend and later coffee with another. What is this thing called “work”?
There are TWO adorable fluffy fat flickers a few feet away from me as I type this and I think they’re both young ones. So cute! They’re trying to figure out how to raid my finch feeder. Hey! One has managed it. You go, flick! She’s about four times the size of the black capped chickadee who wants to get on it, too. Goldfinch just arrived.
Geez louise, it’s an aviary out there all of a sudden. Two flickers, one goldfinch, two house finches (red breasts), one chickadee, a sparrow, and, of course, a squirrel.
Please, sir, may we have rain today?
fluffy fat flickers… I misread that at first LOL. Try saying THAT three times fast. Dr. Seuss didn’t have that one in his tongue twisters π
Fingers were fine by the time I got up. I had the Cafe portion ready in Word and then just sat here and typed my post. All was well.
Good morning all! I can’t resist stopping in the cafe every day because there’s always wonderful pictures. Unfortunately I had to cover up Mack and Jake frolicking in their very own pool. My catahoula Stella wants one real bad, but our alpha male insists it would only breed mosquitos. I can’t complain because he lets me keep a birdbath. Anyway, we have to take Stella to a farm where she can swim and dive every weekend. I enjoy it vicariously.
Might be good to get one of those hose misters instead? No skeetos that way. However, my kids took the first one I bought totally apart in about 5 minutes.
Is it possible to have sex in a hammock? Seems like it would be kind of tricky, to me. Anyone with experience?
If you put your mind to it, anything is possible.
Oh, and it’s a lot easier if both people are facing the same way instead of facing each other…
a trampoline?? Huh?? Huh??
Actually, I recently switched to an all-foam mattress from the traditional coil-spring ones…unfortunately have not had a chance to test it out yet…
Man, where do you live?!? Sounds like a fun place to be.
I don’t have any experience with trampolines, but have a ladyfriend that does…it really doesn’t sound all that difficult π
It helps enormously if one falls asleep while the other keeps swinging…. then the other wakes while the other sleeps… and they keep swinging…. vigorous humping does not work in sex-in-a-hammock.
Ummmmmmmmmm.yes it can be done.
Ooooooooh Yaaahhhh ….LMAO..thanks for the memories, and we “all” escaped with only minor scrapes and bruises…; ) (multiple times)
What emjw said.
One more member here.
Great Cafe DJ! You’ve done a great job setting up the Cafe today, and your two ‘helpers’ are very handsome I must say. Here’s my thanks to you: A rose, a bee, and a poem by Emily.
A Bee his burnished Carriage
Drove boldly to a Rose –
Combinedly alighting –
Himself – his Carriage was –
The Rose received his visit
With frank tranquillity
Withholding not a Crescent
To his Cupidity –
Their Moment consummated –
Remained for him – to flee –
Remained for her – of rapture
But the humility.
E. Dickinson
While studying for a final in the 70’s, when this subject was current, my roommate and I discovered that a large fraction of her poems could be sung to the Coca-Cola theme “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.”
Sing along, poetry fans:
“I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm. “
(“She’s the real thing….”)
Now go take on the day!
LOL, hadn’t heard that Gooserock, and now I’ve just gone through some of my favs singing them to the theme!
Thanks Olivia!
I hadn’t heard that either. Now I’ll have the Coke theme in my head. Only way to get rid of that is to start singing some Patridge Family tunes… ACK! π
Psst.. HOCKEY! We’ll have hockey soon! Not that they are getting a thin dime from this fan… not this year at least. π
I’m with ya on the hockey. I’m not planning on spending money this year – mini protest, right? We do have relatives that get season’s ticks for business, and they give us a few each year. We’ll probably go to those games though… We’ve been following the junior teams this past year, so we still got our hockey fix.
It also works with “Gilligan’s Isle.”
Oh no. That’s too funny. Fess up now, how many others are there?
I just randomly opened my Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson to number 380, and it does in fact follow the Gilligan’s Island theme:
There is a flower that bees prefer
And butterflies desire
To gain the purple democrat
The hummingbird aspire
Whew.. doesn’t work with “The Brady Bunch” π
Good morning Tribbers! Great job, DJ! I am so sorry to hear about your poor burned hands, but at least you ended up with one wicked batch of peppers.
Here’s a picture I came across on an old photo disk. It was taken at World’s End State Park in central Pa in June 1998. I took the pic, that’s my hubby and best friend posing in the woods, waterfall in the background… can you see the ghost lady on the left?
She appears to be standing on a rock with her back to the camera, looking down into the stream. She looks to have a long 1800’s style dress with her hair up in a bun. Not to mention all the ghosty stuff going on by my feet. Freaked me right out then and it still does.
Really kewl pic! Eerie too!
Wow Nag that is skeery. Gave me goosebumps. There are tons of ghost stories in Pennsylvania. I lived right outside of Philly back in 82 and as a kid I read every scary story I could get my hands on.
Great job with the cafe, Janet!
Just stopping by, I’m at work so I can’t stay long, but figured I’d take my new sig line for a test spin. Simple, and to the point, I think. Man I wish Pac was still around.
Anyone else catch the Daily Show last night? One of my favorite episodes ever. I nearly died LMAO at his Novak bit. I think he would have been happy to do the whole show on it (and he damn near did it!).
Anyway, I’ll be stopping back in occasionally. TTFN!
I tuned in just because I knew how happy he would be about Novak. And he didn’t disappoint.
Ooooh I missed the daily show, hope it will be repeated. The time has changed here for his show and I can never remember when it is on..
Sounds like it was delicious!!
And Hi!
Great sig π
I didn’t catch it. Been watching family movies this summer. I read about the Novak material π I love Jon Stewart.
Jon is great. He says he has no political aspirations, but if he ran, I’d move to wherever he was running and work tirelessly on his campaign.
but a actor turned politician… never will happen… π
Actually if it hadn’t… we would have Arnold or Ronnie… Which would be wonderful. ahem π
Plus I think his role in Half Baked (hilarious movie, btw) would probably disqualify him anyway…
It’s Friday. . .Let’s Get Froggy!!
I’m havin me some spicy V8 with plenty of ice. . .thanks.
How goes the world for everyone today. My you are a FINE lookin bunch of Froggies!
Have the best of the day and night and if you have clear skies where you are, don’t miss a chance to go out tonight and look at the stars. They are just stunning here in Idaho!
I’m having… a strange craving for caramel coffee gelato.
It’s that “tongue technique” thing. . .isn’t it?
LOL. . .and some more.
Good morning everyone. Janet, you inspired me to change my sig line…
Any other Hendrix FANATICS out there? I think most of his stuff is great, but I’ve always preferred his quieter tunes…”The Wind Cries Mary”, “Castles Made of Sand”, etc.
We have everything by Jimi. My babies grew up rocking out to him. My daughter enjoys Jimi. She usually goes out for trick or treating as a “voodoo chile” π
This Christmas my bro’ sent us the Criterion version of Monterey Pop Festival. INCREDIBLE!! An absolute must have.
Speaking of “Voodoo Chile”, the only rendition of it besides Jimi’s that I absolutely adore is Stevie Ray Vaughan’s version(s)…. It makes me very sad to know that these two great artists died way too young.
And how bout Jimi’s “Star Spangled Banner”? It’s very appropriate these days, don’t you think?
btw, I still have the old album, somewhat scratched, of the Monterey Pop Festival. It’s scratched, sure, but the performances shine right through the noise! I’ll have to get the CD soon…
You ain’t kidding. It’s amazing to me how many of the true greats died at the age of 27. To name a few:
Robert Johnson
Jim Morrison
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Kurt Cobain
I’ll be 27 next month. I’m glad that I’m merely an amateur musician π
What instrument(s) do you play? We should start a virtual BooTrib Band/symphony/choir! I hack on a guitar,fiddle,or sax from time to time and also sing some….
Happy 27th, when it happens! And many more…..
Guitar, mostly. I’ve been trying to teach myself piano but just haven’t had the time. Someday π
I’ve been playing guitar for about 6 years now, off and on. I usually don’t have a lot of time to play in the summer, as I’ve got a lot of outdoors-y interests, but in the wintertime I play quite a bit. I haven’t done any performances other than in front of friends at parties π
Now that’s REAL music! Sharing a song with friends.
I play a little guitar – have a 12 string acoustic, my first true love ::sigh:: – and bass guitar. I also play a mean trumpet, and have played clarinet.
ABSOLUTELY! We’re pickin and grinnin and blowin up a storm, and there are only three of us so far!
A well picked 12 in my opinion is a heavenly, and almost completely overlooked, backing for Irish & Scots trad.
Oh yeah! It was a something that I used to spend a lot of time on. I love the sound of acoustic guitar … and the 12 string was heaven to me – richer, fuller, more melodic. And finger picking was just the only way to go for a lot of the music I liked to play. It’s been a long while since I played. Right now, it’s down in my basement … keeping company with the trumpet … both cases covered in dust. But I feel the tingle in my fingers though, and just may have to pull it out again.
and that ilk.
That’s me off to the left of the tourist toddler visiting as we waited for a ferry.
Ahh the warmth of vinyl π
Jimi will always be timeless. Certain people are. Sadly they don’t stay with us for too long. ‘
This is your brain on Pac NW:
You’re not letting all the sun leave before I get there are you?
I can’t believe I’m leaving in a week. I am s-o-o-o-o not ready.
Puget Inquisition!
It’s all about microclimates here. Fog is perfectly consistent with bright sun, rain and snow. Right now we’re still in California mode; the sky is 100% clear blue, but here are pockets of bay fog stacked around various places. As I drove home from depositing Mrs. Gooserock at work I saw a stretch that would look just like that picture inside, till you climb up a couple hundred feet, or drive around the corner.
Nobody expects the Puget Inquisition! π I don’t know what I’d do without Mel Brooks or Monty Phython flicks π
Washington has EVERY climate it seems to known man. Snow and desert. Just get in your car and drive around and you’ll hit them all.
Hi Janet, what a great FBC today…..huff, puff, I am dragging this birdbath in here, I wanted to bring you something for today and this is what I found in the storage unit for the cafe, pic courtesy of the other Janet, the ‘Strange’ one that is.

YOu can always dip your hands in here to cool them off and froggers can take a splash.
So how is everyone doing today! East Coast, West Coast, all around the world…
Aren’t all Janet’s on the strange side of life to begin with?? π
I got some photos of some swallowtails in my butterfly garden. Can’t find the doohickey cord that goes from my camera to my computer. ACK.
Just to pass the time – Flash game of Bush walking drunk. It’s a rip off of the original drunk walking game. Just move your mouse opposite to the side he’s leaning. And it has sound so if you don’t want others to hear you may want to turn down your speakers.
I think Bush is still doing something… he’s got the jaw crunching and the tics. I think they are medicating him to the max perhaps.
As expected, the spouse and I slept in after our late night; got home about 1am from SF.
The comedy show was spectacular; both Johnny Steele and Will Durst were totally on the money. Wish I could remember some of the best lines.
The spouse and I made it home in one piece, got changed into our jammies…then fell asleep ON TOP of the bed instead of under the covers. Oh well, I don’t have to worry about making the bed today, just straighten the bedspread! π
And yes, I did get in a workout this morning; first thing after I got up at 9am I pulled on my workout outfit and headed for the fitness room. I’ve already worked my way up to 15 minutes on the treadmill, and slowly increasing my speed as well. We’re heading up to SF again for the day tomorrow so I can do some photography (the Regal Princess is coming into SF tomorrow, and I’m a cruise ship nut), so I know I’ll be getting in a lot of walking so can skip the workout (my doctor wants me to do a dedicated workout 5 days a week anyway).
Okay, time for breakfast, then shower (definitely!) and get some work done around here.
Have a great day…DJ, watch out for those peppers; that’s why we keep powder-free medical gloves handy! π
Keep putting one foot in front of the other. (wait that’s a Rankin & Bass Christmas toon tune, I think)
Well at you at least made it to the bedroom and were in jammies. After the Rev. Horton Heat concert, I didn’t nail all those. In fact, my purse was still over my shoulder and my feet were on the floor. π
Good morning everybody, I just popped in to say hi, so filled with childish glee after local TV news ran the Novak tape this morning and the weatherman made fun of him: “He sure is getting cranky in his old age.” I don’t have cable so missed Jon Stewart but seeing Novak made the butt of local news jokes was just as good, maybe.
And today my workmates are throwing me a little party to celebrate my passing two years probation and getting “permanent” (tenure-like) status at my job. So… a good day so far.
Must… work.
Congratulations LibraryLil!!!!
Hi everyone, I am soooooooo happy it’s Friday. I need some serious battery-recharging. I know just the thing: tomorrow afternoon I’ll be purchasing a keg for my dad’s 50th birthday bash. Salud!
Sorry about the chili burns DJ, my nana used to swear by milk to help with the soothing of the burns. I know it works when you’ve eaten the chili, but never tried it with the soaking of the hands. Buenas suerte!
Salud! and Happy Daddy Birthday! Kegger!
The Mr. is going to buy me a big box of the gloves. SO I never have to try to reuse a pair again.
Fire Extinguishers. For oral is different than for skin. When I get a hot pepper, guzzling milk is KING! As is bread for milder peppers. Cucumbers help too.
I want everyone, and yes damnit I MEAN everyone, to reach out, if a loved one is near, give’m a big ol’ hug.
If there is no loved one, then reach over to the person closest to you, and I don’t give a damn what/who/where, and shake their hand.
Now, when they ask why, just smile and say, “Because your you” and smile…then go on like noth’n happened, it’ll drive them nuck’n futts ; ), or they’ll smile and say thanks….now ain’t that great…
NOW DO IT …..peace
Infidel, there is no one anywhere near me at the moment, save you and the Boo tribbers so I am sending this hug out to you all!

You are sounding mighty chipper of late Infid. good to see it!!!!!
Damnit? You called? π Consider yourself hugged, baby
I don’t want to disturb the kids… they aren’t fighting and listening to some killer music. Santana. Still not fighting…
Still not…
Hoooooooo Laaaaaaawwwwddd,,,I been HUGGED…..yeppers, and not only one,,,but TWO…damned skippy…..
(look’n out from between two sets of boobs, it’ll take dat undertaker a month to get the smile off’n this heah face ; ) (even if’n there is only one tooth)
Infidel Sammich π
The feral cat came ONTO my deck as I was sitting her typing and the kids were hollering at each other to shut up.
I quietly and quickly got up and tried to get her into the garage but it ran off. However… the tape is gone!!!! You can see where it had been from where all the hair is matted down.
On my deck though.. not where the water is at all. She/He must know this is a safe place (aside from the big black dog, that is)
The Froggy Bottom Cafe Friday Night Jazz Jam is now up for your listening pleasure while you dine.
Let me know if we should make this a regular feature.
I just got called for a Gallup poll for CNN, questions were about Bush, war, troop, martha Stewart, Bin Ladin, who would I support for Pres., Hillary Clinton,Iraq, supreme court, very long and detailed.
When I get such calls (and I haven’t in years, having gotten rid of all of my land lines but one–and that one is only answered by a machine), I lie like crazy.
Who would I support for president? Scooter Libby. He’s not on your list? Well, he’s my man.
What do I think of the war? Which war? The one in Iraq? But that’s not a war; President Bush said so, on that aircraft carrier. So I can’t answer your question.
Martha Stewart? Who? Oh, isn’t she the mother of that kid who sued Michael Jackson?
Bin Ladin? Is that related to a bill-of-lading? Maybe one from the past?
Hillary Clinton? Yeah, whatever did happen to her after they left the White House?
Supreme Court? Oh, you mean Wimbleton!
Too many people use the poll results in ways that I don’t like. I want to make those results as suspicious as I can.
Well I take the opposite view, I tell the truth, lord knows the poll will still go out so why rig it even in the smallest way.
No one knows ‘one person’ skewed it, so why the effort. Either take the poll or not, I would say, but if you are not going to answer your feelings, why take it.
I thought the questions were very well put and plenty of choices for answers on most, although some were yes and no, such as do you support the pres. and do you think he is honest. 5 choices for troops in Iraq, more, less, none, etc. of course I said none.
Also creationism, evolutionism, intellingent design questions.
I understand what you are saying and why.
It’s the simplicity of it, the idea that things can be broken down into the “yes and no” that makes me crazy when I’m asked such questions. I always feel like it’s “Are you still beating your spouse–yes or no?” Or “You say you are a pacifist, but would you stand by as someone raped your daughter–yes or no?”
The polls dumb down our national discourse, making it extremely difficult for us to have real, substantive discussion.
Something like “Should intelligent design be taught in schools?” I certainly couldn’t answer “yes,” but a “no” wouldn’t encompass my feelings on the issue. There’s a place for such discussions as those raised by intelligent design in schools–just not in biology classrooms. But even that is too simplistic….
Anyhow, I do appreciate your point that we on the left need to make our opinions felt.
But, again, I sometimes think the questions are skewed in such a way as to obviate honest responses from the left.
I see your point as well but honestly I felt that the questions were very straighforward.
There were no questions reg. taught in school about Creationism, Intelligent design, etc. but rather do you agree with concepts or not and to what degree.
Also I was asked at the end if I would agree to be interviewed by a cnn reporter should one request and I said yes.
IMO the questions were not skewed at all, and open the right, left or center to answer honestly, also you could give an other on some questions.
That does sound better than most. I do know I’ve been polled by Gallup, but I don’t remember them providing much latitude.
It’s really not the polls themselves as much as the usage made of them that gets me. The media use polls as one of their means of circumventing real discussion of issues.
And that makes me nuts.
I am very jealous. When I was still living in the states, I never got a call like that. I love to spout off.
I did once get a request for money from the Republicans. I wrote mean things on their request and mailed it back to them, on their stamp.
we had a small crusing sailboat at a marina for a few years.
Everybody wanted our opinion back then. Local, state and national races, true polls and push polls.
I liked the push polls. What you do is stay on as long as you can bear it, tying them up, making them think they’re slowly winning a convert, then try to make them throw up.
Really? Killing babies? Do WE get to kill babies too??