Went on a search this morning to determine where in Iraq our forces had suffered the greatest casualties.  Found this site:

Iraq War Coalition Fatalities is a chart of the US and coalition military fatalities that have occurred in the war in iraq since the onset, mapped across the dimensions of time and space.  It is an ongoing project that is updated regularly, and will continue to go on as long as the war does.

Yeah, I’m breaking protocol on this one.  One website/story diary.  I want to see this site on the screen in back of Howard Dean the next time he steps onto a podium.  Coupled with an animation of all the fallen, in sequence, over a background of the infamous hangar at Andrews.

[If I was king of the world, the entire administration would be parachuted into Baghdad – naked with slingshots – at midnight.  (Apologies if you were just eating your breakfast.)]