Went on a search this morning to determine where in Iraq our forces had suffered the greatest casualties. Found this site:
Iraq War Coalition Fatalities is a chart of the US and coalition military fatalities that have occurred in the war in iraq since the onset, mapped across the dimensions of time and space. It is an ongoing project that is updated regularly, and will continue to go on as long as the war does.
Yeah, I’m breaking protocol on this one. One website/story diary. I want to see this site on the screen in back of Howard Dean the next time he steps onto a podium. Coupled with an animation of all the fallen, in sequence, over a background of the infamous hangar at Andrews.
[If I was king of the world, the entire administration would be parachuted into Baghdad – naked with slingshots – at midnight. (Apologies if you were just eating your breakfast.)]
Just goes to show ya. If you can think it, it’s probably out there.
Bravo! I like how you think! Crazy like a fox!
Thanks suse, just bookmark it, ok? Just got an e-mail reply from the author and he’s going to add ALL the casualties. I’ll stay current and post as the changes come online.
it would make an excellent backdrop for sure, I wonder how many would even have an idea what it was?
I don’t know about who’d know, but I ran the damn thing three times and did the “deer in the headlight”. Each time it sinks deeper. The bad wolf is rising. Gotta feed the good one.
I believe that everyone of these chickenhawk, lily livered cowards should be placed in the front lines with our troops and told to go to war with what you have, not what you need.
Bushco is such a cowardly and despicable human being, that I relish the thought of his burning in hell upon the day he has to stand before his so called God. The only god that asshat loves is money and power and the destructive forces that he can mobilize with it.
I despise this entire fascist, neo theological, cowardly, self absorbed, greedy slime ball of a regime that has permeated and taken control of my country.
That he understands the sacrifices that so many have made, so that so few can garner wealth and power turns my stomach. I am at a point that black heart is within reach of my soul and that this regime will one day understand what true power is and they shall feel the wrath of a power that makes them the insignificant pissants that they truly are in this world.
I have known two shapeshifters in my life. Both exerted such power that I was paralyzed by the experience. I hope that those who would destroy us will know that same fear as their world comes crumbling down upon them.
I am furious, I am running out of patience and I am willing to go to any lengths at this time in my life to regain my country.
Like I wrote above, feed the good wolf. We’re all running a little too close to the bad one these days.
is in control because I feed him all the time and work diligently to starve that evil wolf who had control of life for so many years.
This waste of human life, both American and Iraqi, infuriates me to know end. Then smug chimpco does a press conference telling us he understands the sacrifices that have been made.
I need to pray.
I have known two shapeshifters in my life. Both exerted such power that I was paralyzed by the experience.
Can you explain what you mean by shapeshifters? It’s an interesting term, but it has many meanings, and I’m intrigued by your usage, in this context.
can utilize power to exert the image of another upon themselves and walk upon the earth as another.
That is the simplest form I can come up with to describe what I saw many years ago.
go here: http://d21c.com/selkywolf/2myths/shapeshifter.html
this will explain, as we know it.
I’m getting a 404 error. Do you have another link?
this will take you to the table page, on there you will find this, and many more, enjoy ; )
Ok. My confusion, I guess, has to do with the context. I’m assuming we’re not talking about dancing our power animal. We’re talking about actually changing form, or appearing to change form. I’ve heard that this can happen, but I’d be fascinated to hear an eyewitness account. I’m also a little confused about the association of this w/ very justifiable anger. Are we talking about misusing power? We’re not saying that Bushco are shapeshifters, right? Although I’m fairly certain that Cheney is some type of sorcerer. I’m not trying to be cute. I’ve seen some shit, that makes me think that.
Yes, I was actually contemplating contacting one of the shape shifters that I know and asking them to do something that I am unprepared to deal with in its consequence to my spiritual well being.
The fact that two people oepned up the door so my good wolf would gain its power back and I would not be so stupid as to ask for something that I have no power or ability to control.
As far as witnessing this power to change, like I said it was the most fearful thing I have ever witnessed and I would not witness it again for love or money.
The power these two people can pull within them is awesome and had I not seen them morph into something other than themselves, I would never have believed that something like this could happen.
I was neither on drugs nor alcohol or any mind altering substance when I witnessed this in the late 1970’s. It has always stuck with me that there is indeed powers in our world that are much more powerful than any human being can be prepared to deal with and only through the positive powers gained through Great Spirit are many of them held in check.
I see. But, power is just power. What matters his how we use it. One can certainly shapeshift for good reasons. Like any shamanic ability, it can either be used in furtherance of univeral integrity, or as self-serving sorcery.
In a sense you are correct, that no one good, could do the evil things they (the adminsitration/corporations) are directly responsible for.
Evil takes on many disguises, and many faces, and yes, it has happened, you are seeing it daily.
Yes, shape shifters can take on different forms, but it is in the eye of the beholder. It is an illusion of evil, for it’s own good, and the demise of the good.
Relate it to the term, “Buyer Beware” if your anxious and willing, the deal will seem wonderful, if your cautious, look deeper, listen, learn, and you will see the truth.
No. I don’t mean that I’ve seen them do evil things. I mean, I’ve seen them warp reality, not just the perception of it. I mean, all reality is perception, but there is a consensual reality, and what happens around them isn’t normal. Something is wrong at the heart of the world.
Of course you have seen what they have done, you see it daily, people’s rights taken away, their retirement, their hospital coverage, medical benefits, lower wages, the list is just too long to write.
Nothing is wrong with the heart of the world, it’s the people in control, for the moment, that are the “wrong”
Look at the number of lives that this diary is speaking of, for who’s gain, surely not the common man, for any gain made is for the corps/wealthy.
If we did not see these things, this would just be a chat room.
My upmost fear is that people are going to be pushed so far, that civil disturbance will ensue, and that will not be pretty. It will be damaging to say the least. For it truly will be, “brother against brother”
Of course you have seen what they have done, you see it daily, people’s rights taken away, their retirement, their hospital coverage, medical benefits, lower wages, the list is just too long to write.
This isn’t what I’m talking about, though. This is obvious. I’m not talking about ordinary reality. To a certain extent, I’m talking about non-ordinary reality, which is far closer to matrixic reality, than what we see in the visible world.
Nothing is wrong with the heart of the world, it’s the people in control, for the moment, that are the “wrong”
I would say that this states something impossible. It presupposes that the world and the people who make it up are separate. They are not. We are not. The people “in control” only appear that way, because that is the reality we have co-created.
Ahhh, I see now, we are looking at the same mirror, only from different sides.
Different perceptions, same glass.
Grandfather, many have tried to destroy what you have created. The Dancing Spirits have reached deep within my heart. They shall protect the Sacred Circle you have created in my heart. Your gift of such a Sacred Dance is as a precious breath of Mother Earth. The rage of her nostrils shall not harm the ground the Dancing Spirits have danced on.
My Grandson, know that the beauty of this Sacred Circle, you are just a part of. Your brothers build along side of you, take this hand and increase your strength. Seek his wisdom for a river runs swift when streams become as one. You shall honor his deeds for his hand reaches for yours as the Mighty Redwoods reach for the Sacred Skies.
Old One, I shall be as the Standing Bear, his strength has carried him through harshness. Your teaching of the Great Warriors that have turned into dead trees is wise. In how many seasons will they turn into stone? Those before me shall keep the Dancing Spirits buried in my heart.
Young Warriors, what you have built let it stand Mighty as the Paha Sapa. We can not change the past but Father Sun shall guide our tomorrows. It is I that has granted you the Dancing Spirits. You have learned well my sons that Warriors turn into trees and then stone. Listen to the words the Great Winds Have carried to your ears. You cannot live on the empty promises of those that cause hunger to your women and children. My son, let no man break the Scared Circle of the Dancing Spirits.
Dancing Spirits
by Crying Wolf
Thank you Grandfather,
“Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice. You lived first, and you are older than all need, older than all prayer. All things belong to you — the two-legged, the four-legged, the wings of the air, and all green things that live.
“You have set the powers of the four quarters of the earth to cross each other. You have made me cross the good road and road of difficulties, and where they cross, the place is holy. Day in, day out, forevermore, you are the life of things.”
Hey! Lean to hear my feeble voice.
At the centre of the sacred hoop
You have said that I should make the tree to bloom.
With tears running, O Great Spirit, my Grandfather,
With running eyes I must say
The tree has never bloomed
Here I stand, and the tree is withered.
Again, I recall the great vision you gave me.
It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives.
Nourish it then
That it may leaf
And bloom
And fill with singing birds!
Hear me, that the people may once again
Find the good road
And the shielding tree.
Black Elk, Sioux
I have been standing for you in the tears from the skies above that calm and cool our Earth Mother from the fire that has been placed upon her,
We must keep our Circle in the Spirit of Light.
Wado my brother
for helping me to stay within the Spirit of light. Many things are transpiring not only in my country, but within my life as well. I am so angry that so many are suffering for the benefit of so few. That slime ridden theives are gaining profit from the death and destruction they are permeating upon others, violates all that I believe in as a Man and a Human Being. I continue to pray and will offer up a sweat this weekend to cleanse myself of these poisons that I have been carrying. I offer you this from Black Elk.
Your post helped me to remember whence I came and what my life means to me and all living beings that I come in contact with in my life.
You have noticed that everything an Indian does in a circle,
and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles and everything tries to be round.
In the old days all our power came to us from the sacred hoop
of the nation and so long as the hoop was unbroken the people
flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the hoop,
and the circle of the four quarters nourished it. The east gave peace
and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain and the north
with its cold and mighty wind gave strength and endurance. This
knowledge came to us from the outer world with our religion.
Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle.
The sky is round and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball
and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls.
Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours.
The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon
does the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great
circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were.
The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is
in everything where power moves. Our teepees were round like the
nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation’s hoop,
a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children.
Black Elk, Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux 1863-1950
…everything tries to be round.
This is one of my favorite quotes, by the way.
If I were king of the world, soldiers would be waiting in airports to spit on our civilian leaders as they travel about in safety with more than adequate security.
Of course, if I were king of the world, our soldiers would come home, and the Bush Administration would be sent to the front to “stay the course” with inadequate body armor, and in the unlikely event there were any survivors, they’d get to cool their heels on a twelve-month waiting list to get medical care at a VA hospital.
At the going rate, it will only be a few more months before Bush has managed to kill more Americans than Osama bin Laden.
if the “heart” of your comment was king of the world, none of this would even be happening ; )
the pundits and spin doctors of this corrupt and vile administration will spin it to say, see Osama has killed another 2,000+ Americans, we must stay the course.
Bushco and all his family every single one needs to be present at every single funeral of every military person who has died in this illegal, immoral and completely illogical war on terra.
He should stand there while the families of these brave men and women rail against him for murdering their children. He is a walking crime spree and I can only hope to live to see the day him and his entire corrupt administration is frog marched to prison for crimes against humanity.
He is lower than anything I can come up with to describe him.
Bush has managed to kill more Americans than Osama bin Laden.
There ya go. In one sentence you’ve disarmed their principal argument, and shown their policies don’t work. Nice comparison.
abso-fuck’n-lutely, that is the best phrase I’ve heard, and it should not just be someone’s sig line, it needs to be part of a battle cry.
Add it to the story of the wolf, and two sides of the mirror.