UPDATED: see below.

According to a press release from Dandelion Books, the true US Military death toll from the war in Iraq is nearly five times the total of “1800-plus” which has been widely reported in the American media. Full details are to be published in September in a book called “Prelude To Disaster”, by Brian Harring.

The Whispering Campaign has just posted an excerpt from this press release. We urge you to read, print, copy, and distribute this information as widely as possible.

We’ve posted six other new articles as well. Here’s the full list of pages posted since our last update:

US Military Deaths In Iraq Near 9000, Not 1800 from Dandelion Books
Cheney’s Halliburton: Fraud, Extortion, Brutality by Chris Floyd
For This They Have Made A Holocaust by Chris Floyd
Pretty Hot in Crawford; Pretty Hot in Hell by Mike Whitney
He Regrets Nothing by William Rivers Pitt
One Act Of Defiance And Strength And Solidarity by William Rivers Pitt
The Mother Of All Scandals from What Really Happened

It’s getting clearer and clearer that ignoring the lies of the major media is not going to be enough. We have to do their job for them. Fortunately, being the media has never been easier.

The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power! Pass It On!!

Update [2005-8-5 16:41:0 by Winter Patriot]: After reading comments and links provided by some very considerate readers, we have taken down the page about the “true” US death toll. We’re aware of a variety of opinions on this matter, but the situation is still unclear, so we will sit tight and await developments. Thanks those who have added to our understanding. [See their comments below.]