While engaged in a discussion over at dKos on query of Dems supporting legalization of Marijuana, ben masel posted a comment with a link to Thomas to a bill introduced in June, by Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14],  

that would amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marihuana, and for other purposes.

Jump into the field with me for a minute….
Perhaps Mr Paul recognizes the need to Do Something about our energy crisis, but viewing his list of introduced bills, I suspect that it has something to do with taxes, and tax credits, as that seems to be a pretty strong focus of his this year, or perhaps Big Oil is setting up to make alternatives their new cash cow, as they are doing with wind.

Whatever the motivation is, whether you say marijuana or marihuana, I’ll take it.   I hope all will write reps, urging this bill forward and over the hump to amending the law that prohibits the use of this saving grace of a plant.

Unable to edit origional Hemp diary from last march, it is here, for those who wish to see.