Robin Cook – Founding Member of The Awkward Squad
In memoriam to Robin Cook I have started this Diary Project called “The Awkward Squad.” Originally I went looking for all those resignation speeches and letters of those in public office who resigned in protest of the war on Iraq. But as you will see, the project became too big for me. So I need the help of Booman Tribune & European Tribune. You will see who is missing, (Sibel Edmonds, “Gagged But Not Dead” and find what links don’t work…. Clearly I need all the help I can get… thanks in advance, Suskind. And a special thanks to Oui, who is a Member of The Awkward Squad.
They Resigned In Protest of Iraq War
“The more aggressively we use our power to intimidate our foes, the more foes we create and the more we validate terrorism as the only effective weapon of the powerless against the powerful.” – John Brady Kiesling
- British Member of Parliament Robin Cook Resigns
- Read Mr. Cook’s Brilliant Speech – A must read!
- AU Senior Intelligence Officer Resigns: US Weak Case for War
- More on the AU Officer
- An Interview with the AU Officer
- Senior American Diplomat Ann Wright Resigns in Protest
- More on Ms. Wright
- Diplomat John H Brown Resigns in Protest
- Career Diplomat John Brady Kiesling Resigns in Protest – Read His Resignation Letter to Colin Powell – “Still, we have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such manipulation of American opinion, since the War in Vietnam
- Elizabeth Wilmshurst resigns as minister in the Foreign Office in protest of the illegal war Iraq
- Clare Short quits with attack on Blair
- Short resignation letter in full Short calls for Blair to step aside
- U.S. Diplomats Who Quit to Protest Iraq War Believe Toppling Saddam Hasn’t Made America Safer
- U.S. Culture Advisers Resign Over Iraq Museum Looting – Advisers: U.S. Military Should Have Protected Antiquities – Martin Sullivan, who chaired the President’s Advisory Committee on Cultural Property for eight years, and panel member Gary Vikan said they resigned because the U.S. military had had advance warning of the danger to Iraq’s historical treasures
- U.S. Terrorism Policy Spawns Steady Staff Exodus
- Finland PM resigns over ‘Iraqgate’ – She used the information in the documents in election debates with Lipponen, accusing him of changing neutral Finland’s foreign policy by giving American leaders the impression that Finland was part of an anti-Iraq war coalition
- Broken promise: Why I quit Iraq – America’s approach to governing Baghdad has failed to involve Iraqis, says ISAM al-KHAFAJI, who returned home to help rebuild his country – On July 9, with deep sorrow, I respectfully submitted my resignation as a member of the Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council to U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.
- ‘I did not want to be a collaborator’ – Isam al-Khafaji, a former member of the Iraqi reconstruction council, explains his decision to resign –
- White House striking back? – Former ambassador charges mudslinging over statements – Wilson tells NBC News the White House deliberately leaked his wife’s identity as a covert CIA operative, damaging her future career and compromising past missions after he criticized the administration on “Meet the Press” and in the New York Times.
- Head of CIA Weapons Analysis Program Leaving – A top CIA expert on weapons of mass destruction, who became embroiled in controversy over whether the White House stretched evidence about Iraq’s programs, said he planned to leave the agency in October. – Alan Foley, who heads the Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center, told colleagues in a note dated Aug. 29 that he had been “thinking about life after the agency for some time” and decided to leave after 26 years to enter the private sector. – He alluded to this summer’s finger-pointing between the Central Intelligence Agency and the White House over who was responsible for an unsubstantiated claim in President Bush’s State of the Union address in January that Iraq had sought uranium from Africa
- U.S. Journalist Quits Pentagon Iraqi Media Project Calling it U.S. Propaganda – But we immediately started clashing with coalition provisional authorities, who wanted control — they just couldn’t resist controlling the message. Unfortunately, they turned what should have been an independent voice for Iraqis — this was our aim, to sort of make a PBS, a public broadcast radio and TV for the Iraqis. But instead, it just became a mouthpiece for the coalition, and the Iraqis didn’t find it credible.
- O’Neill: Bush planned Iraq invasion before 9/11 CNN, Jan 14, 2004; The Bush administration began planning to use U.S. troops to invade Iraq within days after the former Texas governor entered the White House three years ago, former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill told CBS News’ 60 Minutes. … “From the very beginning, there was a conviction that Saddam Hussein was a bad person and that he needed to go,” O’Neill told CBS, according to excerpts released Saturday by the network. “For me, the notion of pre-emption, that the U.S. has the unilateral right to do whatever we decide to do, is a really huge leap.” …
- South Korea’s Foreign Minister Resigns – South Korea’s foreign minister resigned Thursday, the presidential office said, amid a dispute over criticism of administration policy. – By some accounts, they criticized Roh’s plans to dispatch South Korean troops to the Iraq and his negotiations to relocate U.S. troops currently based in Seoul.
- US weapons hunter won’t return to Iraq: report – David Kay, the chief United States weapons hunter in Iraq, has told the CIA he will not return to his post, a US government source said today. – “He has told the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet) that he doesn’t want to go back, they have been trying to get him to stay,” the source told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
- Danish defence minister resigns – Denmark’s defence minister has resigned amid criticism of government reports about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. – It recently declassified intelligence reports compiled before the Iraq war which show officials thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. – The extracts appear to contradict claims leaked to a newspaper that there was no evidence to back up the theory.
- Attrition Security Rant
- Inspector Calls US Iraq Intelligence a Failure DAVID KAY – WEAPONS INSPECTOR
- , Mr. President: the Secret Resignation Letters KAREN KWIATKOWSKI – DoD NEAR EAST BUREAUGoodbye
- Maverick colonel blames US army’s ‘sycophantic’ culture and heavy-handedness for failures in Iraq – June 9, 2004 COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR – US ARMY
- Two U.S. Diplomats Resign over Iraq Stance BEN MILLER; FLYNT LEVERETT; HILLARY MANN
- Top two whistleblower protectors resign – 5/12 03 TIMOTHY HANNAPEL – DEPUTY SPECIAL COUNSEL
- Top two whistleblower protectors resign – 5/12/03 ELAINE KAPLAN – SPECIAL COUNSEL
- O’Neill Calls Bush a Disengaged President – 01/10/04 O’Neill and Lindsey submit resignations Friday – White House Financial Team Reshuffle – 12/02 PAUL O’NEILL – U.S. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY
- U.S. Journalist Quits Pentagon Iraqi Media Project Calling it U.S. Propaganda DON NORTH – IRAQI MEDIA PROJECT
- The Spoils of War
- An Oversight Hearing on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in U.S. Government Contracting in Iraq (pdf) BUNNATINE GREENHOUSE – US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (Demoted)
- New light on the life and death of John O’Neill JOHN O’NEILL FBI
- Remember John
- Who Killed John O’Neill?
- Why Is O’Neill’s Family Suing Iraq?
- Evidence mounts that Paul Wellstone was murderedPAUL WELLSTONE – (D)MN – U.S. Senator
- The death of US Senator –Paul Wellstone: accident or murder?
- Paul Wellstone Murder – 10/02
- What Happened to Paul Wellstone?
- Dr. David Kelly
- SENATOR ROBERT BYRDReckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences
by US Senator Robert ByrdSenate Floor Speech – Wednesday, February 12, 2003; To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human experiences. On this February day, as this nation stands at the brink of battle, every American on some level must be contemplating the horrors of war.
- Journalists Killed in 2005: Confirmed 30
- Journalists Killed in 2004 Confirmed 56
- Journalists Killed in 2003 Confirmed: 39
Steven Vincent: Steven Vincent, freelance, August 3, 2005, BasraVincent, who had written for a number of U.S. publications and was working on a book, was abducted along with his translator, Noor al-Khal, on August 2. They were taken by armed men driving what initial press reports described variously as a pickup truck or possibly a police car.
Vincent’s bullet-riddled body was found with hands tied with plastic wire and a red piece of cloth wrapped around the neck, The New York Times reported. Al-Khal was seriously wounded and was hospitalized.In an op-ed article published in The Times on July 31, Vincent said police in Basra had fallen under the sway of Shiite religious groups, and he strongly criticized British authorities in charge of police training for tolerating such influence. Vincent’s work also appeared in The Christian Science Monitor and the National Review. A resident of New York City, he had been in Basra for several months working on a book about the Iraqi port city.Vincent was the first U.S. journalist to be murdered in Iraq.
(And there’s more: THEY BROUGHT SUIT: DOE V. BUSH; Ramadi v. Rumsfeld: CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS…. THEY PUBLISHED… those people who took out full page ads in opposition to war on Iraq, i.e. Sean Penn, MoveOn, etc..etc.. THEY TESTIFIED…. Sen. Robert Byrd, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, John Bonifaz, Ambassador Joe Wilson… THEY WROTE, THEY PETITIONED, THEY MADE THEIR MOVE… Congressman John Conyers, Rep. Barbara Lee, Markey, Waxman, …. etc. etc. Then there’s Booman Tribune/European Tribune members of the Awkward Squad… your nominations please)
Awkward squad tries to sharpen view
They call themselves the “awkward squad” and their questions to the generals running the war in Iraq are starting to divide the sceptical press from their more loyal American colleagues.
By Guardian Newspapers, 3/25/2003
This is a great thing you’re doing – needs it’s own website. How can I join up with the A.S?
Provide a link, or fix a link… and find me the (shhh) Whispering Campaign link.
Anyone who writes a letter to the editor is a member of the Awkward Squad….. though I suppose anyone who speaks up anywhere anytime is a member of the awkward squad.
I’m thrilled to be called awkward. You’ll be sorry you charmed me so, I can be terribly relentless.
Here you go: whispering campaign
Think Boo will let me change to Awkward Alice? Too much work, we’ll just keep it between us.
Jerome a Paris, SusanHu, Oui, Booman
Militarytracy is terribly awkward, too.
of the Incorrigible, Inconvenient & Exasperating Squads… can I propose a merger for efficiencies sake? We could even adopt an acronym… IIEA Squad, Truth Telling Division… or we could just stick with Awkward Squad. That’s good too. Your call.
good diary, thanks suskind
I didn’t know how to spell incorrigible… but you certainly are…. How do I get in touch with the IIEA Squad, Truth Telling Division???
whatever you’re doin kiddo, keep doin it… and whatever help i can be, let me know….
we find you… now that we have initiated contact you will be subjected to a fierce background check (okay, done, you passed)… and a barrage of snarky comments…
To initiate contact in the future, just look for the Frog in handcuffs and you will know we are present, accounted for & on the case.
Welcome aboard… glad to have you. You are doing the Frogs work and will be rewarded in the great pond in the sky.
/End Transmission from IIEA
Now how do you spell indefatigable?
Therefore I was delighted to meet Andrew Wilkie when he spoke at the Whistleblowers Australia annual general meeting in December. In my judgement, he is one of Australia’s most effective whistleblowers. He resigned from the Office of National Assessments just before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, condemning the government’s use of intelligence to justify going to war.
Wilkie did nearly everything right. He resigned, thereby avoiding debilitating reprisals at work. He skipped all the formal reporting processes that give only an illusion of justice. He chose the ideal moment to speak out about dubious claims concerning Iraq, and he went straight to the media, the most effective tool for dissent. He spoke calmly and accurately, a remarkable performance for someone who had just sacrificed his career for his beliefs.
Wilkie is only one of a number of Iraq-policy dissenters from within intelligence and policy circles in Australia, Britain and the US. Wendy Errey, an Australian defence adviser, recently claimed to have been sacked for refusing to write media briefings on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
Katherine Gun was a translator at a British intelligence agency. She leaked a memo to the press about the agency spying on United Nations Security Council members before a vote about Iraq. Gun was charged with violating the Official Secrets Act, but the British government subsequently backed off – the publicity was too negative.
David Kelly, a British expert on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, spoke to the BBC’s Andrew Gilligan. Kelly did not set out to be a whistleblower, but suffered the same sort of hostility as if he had. After being grilled in government inquiries, Kelly was later found dead.
Joseph Wilson, a former US ambassador to Iraq, was asked by the CIA to investigate claims that Iraq was trying to buy uranium from Niger in Africa. Wilson found the allegations had no substance. But then Bush included the claim in his State of the Union address. Wilson wrote for the New York Times about his findings, embarrassing the White House. The reprisal came in the form of media exposure of Wilson’s wife as a CIA agent, blowing her cover.
Anonymous leaking is far safer than openly speaking out, but is still risky. The government pursues sources of embarrassing leaks with furious diligence; in contrast, those who leak as part of the government’s public relations efforts are given a free ride. Double standards abound in the treatment of dissent.
Leaks and whistleblowing within the intelligence services over the Iraq issue seem much more common than during the Vietnam war. During the 60s and 70s, there was one prominent whistleblower: Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked to the media the so-called Pentagon papers, a history of the Vietnam conflict written by defence experts.
If the treatment of dissenters hasn’t changed much over the years, what’s different about Iraq? Two things stand out. Firstly, even before Iraq was invaded, there was enormous popular opposition. That means there’s a receptive audience for revelations – people want to know what dissenters have to say, so it’s harder for government to mount reprisals. Andrew Wilkie says that he hasn’t encountered a single member of the public who’s criticised his actions.
Secondly, intelligence agencies were blatantly used as political tools by the Australian, British and US governments in making the case for the conquest of Iraq. For professional analysts, that can be uncomfortable. You can bet that for every public dissident, there are ten or a hundred who have dissented on the inside or who wish they could.
Much of the debate and discontent about Iraq revolves around who’s telling the truth. Whistleblowers and dissenters believe that the truth is so important that they’re willing to risk their reputations and careers to reveal it. Listen attentively to them, because they have the most to lose by saying what others don’t want you to hear.
Whistleblowers and Iraq
Suskind you can use any of these links — David Kelly!
Blair denies …

PM under fire … <click photo for RAI link>
I will use them all. Merci mille foix, mon ami
How about Katherine Gunn, the GCHQ linguist who leaked a memo showing that NSA had asked GCHQ for help in bugging the offices of Kofi Annan and the various UNSC delegations, in order to find out how they were going to vote on the war?
…as a former GCHQ linguist myself, I might have done better with the spelling of “espionage”.
(Slinks away embarassed).
I had only this bit:
Katherine Gun was a translator at a British intelligence agency. She leaked a memo to the press about the agency spying on United Nations Security Council members before a vote about Iraq. Gun was charged with violating the Official Secrets Act, but the British government subsequently backed off – the publicity was too negative.
Now I need a fellow named Wilkie, in the post above, Whistleblowers & Iraq. Do you know about him? (Is he Australian?)
Awesome that you did this memorial to him. Thank you. He is an inspiration and a reminder of our own duties as citizens.
is it just me or is Tony Blair a bit light in his loafers?
Why do the British so love to publicly gnash their teeth?
Impassioned speech yes, but resignation?
With the news of the death of Robin Cook being annouced on the same day, the grave illness of Mo Mowlam got pushed into the background. For those who do not recognise the name, she was the Northern Ireland Secretary (of State) who did the most to bring the two sides to the negotiating table in Northern Ireland. Sadly it looks like her brain tumour has returned and she soon may be joining the ranks of the deceased awkward squad. This from the Guardian in September 2002, after her illness forced her to retire from Parliament at the 2001 election.
Its certainly impressive, seen all together: well done. Remember also, Michael Meacher who was sacked in 2003 – purportedly because he wouldn’t toe the line on GM crops – and has been writing some challenging articles for major newspapers ever since (just as Robin Cook did)
A couple of his articles:
“This war on terrorism is bogus ” :-,12956,1036687,00.html
“Did Dubbya rig the election?” :-