Greeting fellow tribbers, I am putting this diary up tonight so that it will be ready for guests early in the morning/late at night, depending where in the world you are.

This beautiful cafe pic, is by Van Gogh and sent to me by Chocolate Ink, and I think it is so nice I am having the cafe here today!

Be sure to check out Katiebird’s diary of yesterday
here about plans for a photographic extravaganza soon!

Have a great day everyone and be sure to check out my site Village Blue

Pastries will be delivered, coffee will be brewed and ready; newpapers are by the door.  We have hookups for lap tops at each table.
See you all in the morning!

[UPDATE: I just wrote the following comment in Booman’s diary Open Thread regarding increasing traffic over the weekends and thought I would present it here for a vote, to see if you like the idea or not! so read this and then take the poll]

“”Maybe we could have weekend ‘carnivals’ with each diary a booth, so to speak, one with Jazz, one with gardens, one with painting, one cafe, and so on. If you could keep moving people from booth to booth, that would keep people on the site longer. Have signups on the Cafe diary….then the cafe diary can advertise the other diaries….Seems like on the weekends people don’t want to think about more politics and maybe we all need rests from them..Just some thoughts!!!And Front Page the FBC on Weekends.””

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