Let’s start my Bush-bashing with the Democrat’s solution to Bushco, this in reaction to this hilarious article on Bushco domestic policies:
Put taxes back to where Clinton had them to create some stability in the markets so that Americans can have some confidence in a safety net, one way or another, with or without the “War of Terra.”  (Speaking of that, I personally would like to refocus back on Bin Laden and his Cheney-trained band of thugs, but religious zealots have a nice gentleman’s deal not to attack their fellow fascist theocracies.)

Meanwhile everyday Americans are hoping that politicians will help ensure that health care will be provided without financially ruining an entire extended family’s lives when their loved one gets sick or has an accident, that social security will be there when they are old, especially if a health care crisis wiped them out, and most importantly, that an economy with jobs HERE IN AMERICA will be there so that they can take care of themselves if possible.

So, now, today, testicle-brain-boy Bush is trying the “I feel your pain” approach to promote his horrid policies.  Doesn’t have anything to do with crashing poll numbers, especially now that everyone knows that Bush is just another lying figurehead, however lying about Cheney Mujahadeen connections (Cheney’s buds trained Bin Laden), lying about WMD to promote the Mujahadeen’s agenda (deal with the devil type thing), and lying about the jobs flying overseas, are quite another matter compared to, say, Clinton’s lies about what the meaning of “is” is…  And now, we all even know that Bushco intentionally let boogey-man Bin Laden, Cheney’s proudest Mujahadeen trainee, go free in Tora Bora…

What would they do without their boogeyman and besides, they did make that deal with the devil back in 1980’s Afghanistan (Cheney training, arming, kissing-up-to Bin Laden and such ilk)?

Anyhow, Bushco was back to domestic policy today: Bush’s handlers had him claim that “..we’re more concerned about energy prices and health care prices.”  Ha!  Double Ha Ha!

The Oilman feels your pain America.  

This after their massive giveaway to oil companies who are enjoying the largest profits in their history; all the while, we the little people suffer under the Oilman Presidency.

…Little testicle-brain boy made me laugh when he also pitched today:

  1. making permanent the soon-to-sunset tax cuts in the face of Baby Boomers’ retirement and current massive deficits,
  2. providing medical-liability damage caps to fix health care, testicle-brain boy decided to wade into the long-time Republican non-action on the health care crisis now that Newty is talking it up on this topic, and,
  3. quite hilariously and to top off Neo-Con Neo-Fascist Bush’s testicle-brained policy pitch, he made yet another pitch for his failed social security policy to, get this, help with the health care crisis … yes, that health care crisis Republicans have created by ignoring it since Hillary’s unsuccessful and shortsighted attempt at universal health care.