I noticed this over at MyDD. Gallup numbers on the ’08 nomination:
Giuliani 28
McCain 24
Rice 18
Frist 8
Romney 4
Pataki 3
Allen 3
Brownback 2
Clinton 41
Kerry 16
Edwards 15
Biden 8
Clark 5
Richardson 3
Bayh 3
Warner 2
The source for the polling is 443 Republicans and 466 Democrats, with a MoE of +/-5%, Aug 5-7th.
The entire political landscape will shift with the 2006 elections.
What happens if there is a Dem landslide? What happens if the GOP – and specifically Bushco – can claim another “mandate” by holding their huge majorities? (the cynic in my asks if we’d even have a shame election by 08…)
Personally – I find no point to even speculating on 08 until 06 unfolds. It will be a different world by then.
I agree. Way too early for ’08. Let’s get cracking on the candidates for ’06 first. Work hard and put money into candidates that will really be dems not republican lite.
Way too early. (Too early for ’06 IMHO, but that’s another story.)
Not one of those Democrats inspires me. Shit.
Hey, remember how weird the polls were even at the start of the primary season in 2003/2004? I think Dean, Edwards, and Kerry were all swimming near the bottom, while Gephardt and Lieberman had all but been crowned by the press. Once campaigning actually started, they rapidly became irrelevant.
I think if Wes Clark could get more air time and face recognition he might just be the real deal. But we’re not gonna worry about that today. Are we? I am not excited about any of them. As much as I would love to see a woman in the Oval Office Hillary”what way do i need to move this week” is not the answer.
Will someone please tell me why a philandering twice-divorced man can lead the “family values” party (..cough..cough..) in the polls, but everyone says that Feingold’s biggest weakness is that he has been divorced twice?
It’s O K If You’re A Republican
Maybe one of these days I’ll learn blog-speak.
I won’t tell if you won’t, but I had to look it up myself. 🙂
i nominate Paul Hackett
For what? Maybe 2116? He has a long way to go before he’ll be ready for the Oval office …imho. He is a rising star and saying really great stuff but let’s get this guy some political experience under his belt first huh?
If we don’t get the electoral system fixed none of this is gonna matter at all.
I say if the Republicans can screw up the country with the likes of Ronald Reagan and Ahhnold, then it’s time to fight fire with fire.
Jon Stewart ’08. It’ll be worth it for the debates alone.
Think of the fun during run-off debates in primaries, with our two leading Democratic nominees!
Diary SusanHu – Jon Stewart on Robert Novak
<click on pic for C&L link>
VIDEO clip C&L – Bill Maher with Joe Biden on Jeff Gannon
<click on pic for C&L link>
I personally think that any poll that has Hillary up by that much is pure disinformation. She’ll be lucky to keep her Senate seat, much less run for Preznit.
The only suspense in 2008 is which of three candidates the GOP runs. The answer will depend entirely on the mood of the country.
If its more of 2004 (say, after we cut and run in Iraq), a solid neo-con will do (Rice, Cheney).
If the “social conservatives” (American Taliban — religious lifestyles through incarceration and govt intervention) are ascendant, a nice pliable brain-dead suit will do (Frist, Santorum, Pawlenty)
If however the tide changes to the Democrats (aka America wakes up and wants out of the Republican nightmare) and say they pick up many seats in 2006, the Republicans will retreat to a “moderate” (Guiliani, McCain) who’ll ironicly run as anti-administration, just to co-opt the ABB (anybody but Bush) voters.
I’m predicting scenario #3, and banking heavily on McCain (who’s already swore allegiance to the R powerbrokeers and sold cut deals with the Religious Right) to become the critic of the administration that no Democratic Presidential candidate is willing to do.
The key will be to watch the Right Wing propaganda machine. If McCain gets away with a few symbolic victories against the White House (pre-selected to not actually matter to the Republican Monied interests — like stem cell research) without being crucified by Faux News, we’ll know the fix is in.
With the Republicans running a “trusted” moderate, “respected” by both sides, they’ll cut off moderate/independent support for Democrats (who’ll be painted as “beholdidng to the liberal left”, no matter how moderate).
Yeah, and all the money we spend on a “centrist” message will just drive up McCain’s numbers when he co-opts those positions. And unlike our guy, he won’t be savaged by the (Right) press for it.
The only chance I see for Dems in 2008 is to pick someone who can paint a picture of America that the voters want to have come true, but that Republican’s can’t co-opt for fear of upsetting their base and/or moneymen. Something bold, that benefits the poor, but also the middle and upper-middle class, without costing any of them a thin red cent.
Health care bombs because most of the middle and upper class have health care. They don’t want to pay for a govt program that doesn’t benefit them directly. Maybe someething like 2 years of free college paid for entirely by the estate tax. Better yet, make it a “paygo” program — N thousand dollars a year (2 year max) towards college education, where N is strictly (estate tax from estates valued at $5million+) / (number of enrollees). Put in a direct link that higher taxes on someone else means more benefits now to their kids. (okay, obviously not a “ready-to-implement” plan, but a concept to tinker with)
Or give everyone a N thousand dollar tax credit, where N is determined by the amount of Estate taxes brought in.
Screw the “lower taxes” bullshit, get America demanding taxes on the rich for a change.
Isn’t it funny that the ONLY pro-choice candidate is heading the GOPer list…
but… but… I thought the “swing voter” was a “values voter” who was anti-choice!!!!
We are being fucking lied to by our our party leadership…. notice DFLer Bayh is at the bottom of the llist… so where is this so-called conservative revolutions that Democratic women must give up their wombs to support…. the fucking Republicans don’t even want anti-choicers

Air America Radio – Al Franken Show <click pic to enlarge>