The NYT‘s Maureen Dowd riffs on W. with Mick Jagger’s mocking scowl and the Rolling Stones’ upcoming single, “Sweet Neo Con.”
Earlier today, Matt Drudge — along with downright ugly photos of W. and Condi — gave us a sneak peek at the lyrics to “Sweet Neo Con”:
You call yourself a patriot.
Well, I think you are full of sh*t!…
How come you’re so wrong, my sweet neo-con.”
Dowd’s litany of poxes on Bush’s house begins:
W. can’t get no satisfaction on Iraq.
There’s an angry mother of a dead soldier camping outside his Crawford ranch, demanding to see a president who prefers his sympathy to be carefully choreographed. …
Way to go, Cindy Sheehan. I was astonished to see you respectfully interviewed tonight by Greta Van Susteren on FOX. But now you’ve gotten top billing — and five whole paragraphs — in Maureen Dowd’s column, you’ve definitely arrived. What’s next? Charlie Rose? I hope not. I hope you’re on Oprah and Montel and all the shows that average Americans watch. They need to see your fight, your grief, your plain sincerity, and homespun gumption. And, Maureen Dowd, welcome back.
Update [2005-8-10 0:46:9 by susanhu]: Military families to join Crawford protest at Raw Story
BELOW, the next four paragraphs by Dowd on Cindy Sheehan:
Cindy Sheehan, a 48-year-old Californian with a knack for P.R., says she will camp out in the dusty heat near the ranch until she gets to tell Mr. Bush face to face that he must pull all American troops out of Iraq. Her son, Casey, a 24-year-old Army specialist, was killed in an ambush in Sadr City last year.
The president met with her family two months after Casey’s death. Capturing W.’s awkwardness in traversing the line between somber and joking, and his love of generic labels, Ms. Sheehan said that W. had referred to her as “Mom” throughout the meeting, and given her the sense that he did not know who her son was.
The Bush team tried to discredit “Mom” by pointing reporters to an old article in which she sounded kinder to W. [See Drudge Quotes Cindy Sheehan Out of Context.] If only her husband were an undercover C.I.A. operative, the Bushies could out him. But even if they send out a squad of Swift Boat Moms for Truth, there will be a countering Falluja Moms for Truth.
It’s amazing that the White House does not have the elementary shrewdness to have Mr. Bush simply walk down the driveway and hear the woman out, or invite her in for a cup of tea. But W., who has spent nearly 20 percent of his presidency at his ranch, is burrowed into his five-week vacation and two-hour daily workouts. He may be in great shape, but Iraq sure isn’t. …
Dowd brings up Paul Hackett’s great fight in the OH-2 special election last week. She concludes with this:
Selectively humane, Mr. Bush justified his Iraq war by stressing the 9/11 losses. He emphasized the humanity of the Iraqis who desire freedom when his W.M.D. rationale vaporized.
But his humanitarianism will remain inhumane as long as he fails to understand that the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.
As Dowd says, “It’s hard to think of another president who lived in such meta-insulation.”
with Vengeance…I read in the papers her mother had died, but she has been storing up a lot of anger towards W during her leave…btw/ Nice Rant SusanBuHu. Cindy on Oprah great idea.
I was wondering if she’d already been on Oprah … she’d be a great guest for the show.
I’m sorry to hear that Maureen’s mom died. They were close. She talked about her mom a lot… she talks about her whole family a lot.
It is a GREAT column. Bless her heart.
I don’t think she has been on Oprah, but you can write in a rec. guests, she has an area for all different things. Not to say that it will work, but might be a good idea to barrage her with on site emails.
will do..thanks diane for the tip.
Have always loved her writing…I just slammed a few people over at kos with some very small numbers/ratings….calling her lazy and stuff…pisses me off..some people can never be happy, they always have to find reason to bitch regardless of any good news we get. UGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…I hardly ever give out low ratings but MoDo haters piss me off. Beware of Chamonix.
The Cindy/Bush reality show. I’ll bet that Cindy can hold out longer and claim the title of sole survivor. Cheers to Cindy and Maureen!
“This message is to announce an action of support for Cindy Sheehan at the Federal Building in Seattle, from 5 to 7 PM, tomorrow, Wedneday, August 10th. We will gather to show solidarity with Cindy and support for all those persons and organizations inside/outside that are calling for an end to the occupation of Iraq. Please join us and spread the word.”
-from Judith Shattuck,Progressive Democrats of America organizer, Washington.
from is down right now.
Holy shit, I’ll say ‘downright ugly photos.’ Condi looks like she should have killer beams coming from those eyes. What a giggle. Good for Mick Jagger. Hey, bellbottoms and tie-dyed t-shirts are back, maybe we’ll see the return of the protest song. I’d love that.
“…and you tell meeee over and over and over again my friend. AAhhh ya don’t believe we’re on the Eve of Destruction…”
OK, I’m good now. You know Cindy Sheehan/George W Bush is like a David and Goliath story and you know how America loves an underdog with an ache in their heart and a gleam in their eye. You’re so right, Susan… I hope Cindy makes the rounds of all the talk shows. Maureen Dowd is right as well. If Bush had an ounce of decency and truely empathised with those making the real sacrifices in the Iraq war he would meet with Cindy and hear her out. But he won’t. Bush’s overbearing, cocky arrogance coupled with that simian strut makes him a perfect Goliath: the villian everyone loves to hate. Methinks Rove the Worm has underestimated Cindy Sheehan, which is how every David and Goliath story starts, isn’t it?
We’ve got your back, Cindy Sheehan.
AND our BooTrib group going to join Cindy! I’m so excited about that!
P.S. Cross-posted at DKos.
Yeah! I know if anyone can give ’em hell, it’s Tracy and Brinnainne. Go get ’em, girls!!! Woo hoo!
has an awesome How You Can Help Cindy Sheehan diary up at dKos with a ton of useful links. We should all bookmark it.
Guess Tracy is driving to Texas right now. Can’t wait to hear from her and brinnaine when they get there.
Take a look at Jeff Danziger’s cartoons this morning, it’s the second one down. I’m not fluent in image-posting, but perhaps someone else can pick up the High Noon cartoon and show it.
Good one, Susan. Thanks for everything you do around here. You really do ROCK!
Man I gotta’ say it’s nice to see someone take this guy to task on his own level. This guy claims that Christ is the biggest historical figure in his life and he acts more like it should be ghengis khan or some shit.
I’m sick of all of the attacks against GW by attacking Christianity… Anyone that does this is painting with too wide a brush.
Instead the Stones judged him by what he wants his perception to be… as a Christian he’s not doing a very good job…
I believe I’ll have my own tough convo with God someday too… I will say I’m glad I’m not W…
“It is direct,” Mick Jagger says with a laugh to fresh editions of NEWSWEEK.
“Keith [Richards] said, ‘It’s not really metaphorical.’ I think he’s a bit worried because he lives in the U.S.” Jagger explains. “But I don’t.”
What I would do to see them sing this one and hear the crowd roar. The times are a changin folks. This should become our new theme song. IAnyone find the full lyrics yet?
Great diary Susan….you rock woman!!
Great stuff. In fact all this on the Gold Star Mothers is excellent. However, I do not want Cindy on the talk show tour…No, let the talk shows interview her in CrawfordQ! This story is a Powerful Symbol. As more Gold Star parents and supporters gather what will happen? You going to arrest grieving parents and put htem in jail? Well? Will you? Even my sister, who voyes but that’s pretty much it is thinking of going to Crawford this weekend…this deserves a lot of support..donate miles, $$ and yourself if you can.
WTG Susan and your Seattle action will lead to more..Let’s hear it in SF, LA, NYC, Boston, Chicago, Austin, Detroit…
Wow. That’s a hell of a kicker, n’est-ce pas?
Ain’t that the truth. This from the NYT:
Armed men walked in and threw the Mayor of Baghdad out of his fucking office and Rumsfeld is worrying about the drafting of a constitution.
Bush better go talk to Cindy Sheehan and get some advice on ending this debacle.
Danzinger – “High Noon”

Mnemo-this one’s for you
Can’t read it…what does it say?
High Noon
Best copy I could get…quality out of my control w/ 400px limit…
Thanks for the link dada1
Excellent cartoon! Says it all doesn’t it?
Does anyone know if we have a reliable/live/ongoing link for Militarytracy and Brinnainne on their excellent Crawford adventure? I know they can call or email someone (Diane?), but I’m going to worry about them just the same.
Good news: This story is being reported in The Guardian, Le Monde, China Daily, other international sources. But not, apparently, on NBC.
Could that have any connection with NBC’s GE parentage? Surely, a large military contractor wouldn’t interfere with the reporting of its wholly-owned “news” subsidiary. Would it?
BooMan and I gave them our phone numbers and told them to call 24/7!
We’ll be sure to give you full reports! And the same goes, I hope, for whoever else hears from our girls!
That’s very reassuring, Susan and BooMan. but given today’s coverage, it seems they won’t be quite as alone as we had feared.
This story is huge, the media perfect storm. It’s August, not much going on, the WH press corps sitting around in East Elbow, Texas, being bored, a charismatic central character with a compelling story, and va-va-voooom.
I feel a bit sorry for the local cops. They’re trying to do their job and are being overwhelmed. The danger is if they lash out in frustration or anger, rather than try to smooth things over and keep it peaceful.
I was getting gas (in Missouri close to Kansas City) and overhearing a conversation between an older man and a younger one. The older one was recounting Cindy’s stand right outside Bush’s little enclave in Crawford and saying he did not believe that Bush went to war for WMD but for oil. I think this one woman has really touched Americans and gone straight to their hearts and minds.
It is another picture of the power of one person and what that one person can do. Even repub smears have rolled off of her.