“President George W. Bush tours the Sandia Solar Tower Complex lead by Sandia Lab Director Tom Hunter Monday, Aug. 8, 2005 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Also pictured from left are, Senator Pete Domenici (R, NM) and Secretary of Energy Sam Bodman. White House photo by Eric Draper.
CAN YOU DO BETTER? (This IS an open thread. Enjoy.)
“Now, since we OWN the wind” (of course they do, their full of it ; )
No, they only SOW the wind…
…So when do we get to the “reap the whirlwind” part?
See, the sun’s so bright here sir…
“That I gotta wear shades? Hehehe. I made a funny”
Yes sir. As I was saying, the sun is so bright that we’ve been able to trap it’s energy into a laser beam that we predict will be instrumental in your world take-over.
“Sweet. Somebody tell Karl and Darth, I mean Dick, that ‘operation sunscreen’ is ready for dep… depl… deployage, I mean, deploma, I mean… usage. Heh Heh.”
keeps yammering …
“Heh. I think Dick said Halliburton owns 51%! Heh.”
Okay, so I haven’t scrolled any further but:
You win!
Bush: “The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand!”
Mary Jane Watson: “PETER!”
Peter Parker: “I swear I saw him sink to the bottom of the Hudson River….”
Mary Jane Parker: “Are those tentacles?”
Peter Parker:”No… That’s Karl Rove behind him…”
President Bush and his entourage are forced to don sunglasses to eliminate on the glare coming off Vice President Cheney’s (not pictured) forehead.
(I assume that is Tom Hunter gesturing with his hand?)
Hunter: And these towers, Mr. President, are how we harness the awesome power of the Sun. This could potentially have huge ramifications for our future energy strategy.
Bush: Heh, heh. Check out Domenici’s Blu-Blockers. Heh. Oh, what was that you were saying about oil?
Belushi told me that if you wear these shades, nobody will know. See?
Ooooh. I like this one! Heh Heh Heh.
Agent Smith: I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure.
Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.
Agent Smith: Do you know what the best thing about being me is?
[All the doors open, lots of Smith clones step out]
Agent Smith: There’s so many of me!
view his massive ego, held at a storage facility in Black Rock, Utah. The ego is so volatile that all must don protective gear and not approach within 2 miles of the core…..”
I’m sure everyone within a 3 cubicle radius of me is wondering why I just spit water out on my keyboard and started cracking up. π
And the ego is shaped like a mushroom cloud!
The Best Yet!!!!!!!!!!! π
A REAL virus alert from, which is in the business of dispelling bad rumors …
Real virus: If you get an e-mail that says something like “Osama bin Laden captured,” don’t click on the link to the photos.
And watch out for the one from “eBay” that wants to update your info. Get rid of it, unopened.
right through here once we rip out the rest of these towers.
In memory of the Big Ear Radio Telescope of Ohio Wesleyan and Ohio State University, which was taken off the search for extraterrestrial intelligence to become a golf course celebrating the new American century.

Full image at the linked site. The curved section shown above was bigger than a football field.
Pictures of Bush are mostly very carefully controlled, like those for short movie actors, so you won’t realized his puniness. He gets photographed solo, with no other people or objects you can use for scale.
I’m always amazed at what a shrimp he is.
“I beleive in miracles…oohhhh, since you came sexy thang..yah”
IDEA: Put out a big bowl of water in your back yard…. I took a large glass mixing bowl, and put it in the backyard, near a shady spot, and use a hose to fill it with water every morning. The little and big birds visit it all day — they have a sip — they take a little bath. Then, at night, the raccoons come by and play in the water and drink it…
I put edible “toys” in the water bowl at night, including grapes, which they adore.
“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s oh my Goawd, it’s Osama coming in for a landing. Red alert, Red alert!!!!”
“Shhhhh … don’t tell anybody. We need him as a bogeyman. Heh.”
Oh Gawd Susan…you are just too funny. I cannot stop laughing and I really needed a chuckle. Thanks!
Short guy says, “You’re full of s#$@ if you think this erector set trumps my oil reserves. Talk to me when we’ve made more money than god has off of what oil remains to be sold. Now, Pete, you owe me one… let’s go find some coke and a bicycle or two.”
where you, Pete and Dick shall make millions, you give us that no bid contract and we will make sure that you get 10% of every dollar we steal from the American public.
George, well hell Dick don’t need no more money, he is stealing it faster than I can make it, with Haliburton over in Irock,
Pete, well hell I will need that 10%, because a high classed Senator like myself, who should be compensated like any of the top 10 CEO’s of the nation, will need that extra money just to get by on. You know I will have to have extra security once I allow them to not elect me again to the Senate.
This is nothing new but to read it all together in one paragraph from someone who was THERE is very troubling.
Replies to George Packer
By Larry Diamond
From: TPMCafe Book Club
It’s Dick! No, no, it’s Rove! No, no, it’s HOGZILLA!!!
“Sandia Lab Director Tom Hunter and a bunch of fuckers.”
Men in Black 3 (Oops I Fucked up Your Planet) Begins principle shooting…
“Yes sir, I think I can just make it out . . . it looks like it says HEY GEORGE, GET OUT HERE AND TALK TO CINDY”
“Hey Jimmy Jeff, do you mind putting on a hat? The glare off your bald head is intolerable”
President George W. Bush attends a seminar on how to view a solar eclipse by staring directly into the sun, lead by Sandia Lab Director Tom Hunter Monday, Aug. 8, 2005 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Also pictured from left are, Senator Pete Domenici (R, NM) and Secretary of Energy Sam Bodman.
President George W. Bush at his newly installed 3D Drive-In movie theatre, in preparation for the upcoming Mary Carey retrospective, lead by Sandia Lab Director Tom Hunter Monday, Aug. 8, 2005 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Also pictured from left are, Senator Pete Domenici (R, NM) and Secretary of Energy Sam Bodman.
Pretty darn funny. Clever!
Hey everyone, I noticed that Booman put up a link to a RSS feed via Feedburner. Check to see if you’re using that link so the counter number will go up with readers.
Also, check out soj’s beginners guide for RSS if you’re a newbie to it.
My daughter thinks we can fix that number so it reflects how many people really are linked up with the other RSS feed link … she might help me do that tonight or manana.
I didn’t know that Soj had an RSS feed how-to. Very cool!
And what do you all think about adding the RSS link in the top right side of the page so people don’t have to find it all the way at the bottom?
Moving the link may make it more accessible, good idea. Also, I would try and put the RSS feed link and Feedburner link next to each other, there’s a bit of a space between them on the sidebar. (the Feedburner icon only shows when you’re on the frontpage, while the RSS link via shows on all of them, not sure if that’s fixable)
Ooof, I think I confused myself.
Oh just come over and let’s play with Boo’s site… he’s out until 11pm ET.
Dumb question: What’s an RSS feed?
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. You can download RSS readers that give you the headlines for your favorite blogs and most news sites. Check out soj’s beginner’s guide she did for BooTrib not too long ago. Hope that helps!
Thanks, ME. I’ll do that reading.
Damnit! (janet) I knew I should’ve logged back in last night, we could’ve had some fun.
Sunglasses are easier to see through than those bee-knock-u-lars since they don’t have those lens thingies on em.