Is it too soon to sing? “Nah nah nah, hey hey hey — goodbye!”

Ever since his pro bono work for a gay group came to light, there’s been speculation that conservatives might also object to Judge Robert’s Supreme Court nomination.

And now, the blood is in the water.
Public Advocate, a group in Virginia which describes itself as “pro-family,” is one of the first conservative organizations to announce anything but support for the judge.

And Eugene Delgaudio, the president, believes that his group is only the initial domino.

“I know that others feel the same way. I know they believe as I do. They’re just not going to act,” the 50-year-old Northern Virginia neocon averred “But once I’ve done it, then they can’t claim that no one’s opposing Roberts.”

“We can’t take our limited resources and put it toward a candidate who is not a strict constructionist when we were told he is,” Delgaudio huffed. (Ooooh, honey, you mean Bush lied to you, too? How splendidly democratic of Bushco!)

Delgaudio’s group had planned to send out more than 1 million pieces of direct mail for Roberts, as well as working telephones, polling and conducting petition drives.

But now, “canceling our mail campaign is the least we can do,” he said.

Ouch! And the group is considering whether they should apply the full force of their wingnuttia and actually spend money to oppose Roberts. Double ouchy!

The Colorado case was a fight against Amendment 2, a typically meanspirited “voter-approved” measure designed to deny gays basic civil rights which “would have barred laws, ordinances or regulations protecting gays from discrimination by landlords, employers or public agencies such as school districts.”

“Gay rights groups sued, and the measure was declared unconstitutional in a 6-3 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1996.”

Roberts’ somewhat limited role in the case included “helping develop a strategy and firing tough questions during a mock court session at Jean Dubofsky, a former Colorado Supreme Court justice who argued the case on behalf of the gay rights plaintiffs.”

But the nice thing about the Religious Right Taliban is that they’re so delightfully predictable in their intolerance. As Delgaudio summed up his little bund’s attitude on another occasion, “‘Freedom’ is not embracing perversion.”

Of course Bush will do what Bush will do — no matter if the opposition comes from the left or his base in the far right corners of wingnuttia.

Other conservative groups still support Roberts, crossing their fingers that the judge will prove to be their great white hope in eradicating our right to privacy.  

However, we on the left can at least hope, ahopa, hope that enough opposition — from both the lunatic fringe frothing at mouth and liberals supplying reasonable doubt — might sufficiently scare Congress out of a vote or into filibuster.

Sing out, Boomaners! Start spreading the word! The below AP article appears today in at least 164 media sources, according to a recent google news search.