Happy Humpday Tribbers!

It’s a beautiful day in the Bay Area, and I’ve got the world on a string…  no work, just play, and a tiny bit of studying for your host today.  So feel free to swing by the Cafe in the park and we’ll toss a frisbee or a baseball or just watch the world go by and ponder how the hell working 10 hours a day ever feels “normal”.

I’ve got some chopped nectarines and what the Abbott-ette dubiously dubbed “pluquats” (which I thought were Indians with a giant casino in southern CT until about 5 minutes ago)…  see you all inside!
Did any of you catch the descriptions on all the news outlets on how a space shuttle re-enters the atmosphere and lands?  Absolutely insane.  It makes landing a 747 look like a piece of cake.  I’m pretty sure I can’t land either, but holy hell, that looks like a crazy ride.  Kudos to the fine folks who helped land it safely.

What’s on your plate today?

rrrrbbbbiiiittt (Frog for “Thanks SallyCat”)