Holy Crap… I heard of heavy crosses to bear, but…
“(AGI) – Oristano, Italy, Aug 10 – A woman died crushed by an iron crucifix at the entrance of the church of San Lorenzo while she was attending mass in the city’s patron saint’s celebrations. Paoletta Orru’, 38, had returned to Mogorella, near Oristano, with her husband and two children especially for the celebration of San Lorenzo. Tomorrow was her birthday. This morning the woman was outside of the busy church, together with other devotees who did not manage to enter. Suddenly, around 12, the heavy crucifix about one metre wide fell from the entrance of the church where it was placed, crushing the woman. The emergency services immediately dispatched a helicopter, but when they arrived from the nearby Ales they warned that it was not necessary any more: the victim, hit on the head, died due to a strong concussion. Fire-fighters and police arrived and will inspect the scene. The accident is currently unexplained….”
Killer Crucifixes and the man who attacked Oregon too?
“Attack on Oregon: The pilot who bombed Brookings returns to call for peace
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
On Sept. 9, 1942, Brookings became the first, and ultimately only, town on the U.S. mainland to sustain a bombing attack by the Japanese during World War II.
The attack was supposed to spark an inferno in the coastal woods that would consume U.S. attention and undermine the nation’s defense.
But the bombing didn’t play out as expected. And in one of many twists in the strange saga, the Japanese pilot who carried out the raid returned to the forest site decades later aboard a Beechcraft Bonanza flown by a former World War II U.S. Air Force pilot.
During the war, Nobuo Fujita and comrades had sneaked into U.S. waters on a Japanese I-25 submarine loaded with six bombs. There, at the bottom of the sea off Port Orford they waited for the weather to clear.
When it did, Fujita’s small pontoon plane was catapulted into the air at daybreak. He set his sights on Brookings, then released two 170-pound bombs over the forested hillside of Mount Emily, 16 miles east of Brookings on the Oregon-California border.
But it had been a wet summer. The bombs touched off only small fires that were easily extinguished, recalled Reg Pullen, curator at the Bandon Historical Society.
Yet the attack triggered fear of a full-fledged enemy attack on the Oregon coast, Pullen said. “My family lived in Bandon, and my grandmother said she expected to open the door any time and see a Japanese solider there,” he said. “She was that afraid.”…”
“…Fujita accepted the invitation and arrived bearing the gift of a Samurai sword that had been in his family for 400 years. It was the first of four visits. While the controversy over him never completely died, people who once bitterly opposed Fujita began to warm up to him.
“He had turned into a pacifist,” Jacques said, noting that he gave several thousand dollars toward a new library and children’s book promoting cultural awareness. “He really hoped there would be no more wars.”
So… blab already.
Just in from grocery shopping. Got in a nice load of healthy stuff: fruits, veggies, some low-carb ice cream bars…we’ll see how long the health craze lasts here in the Scribe household.
Got to go finish putting the groceries away — just wanted to stop in and say “hi”…
If I want to eat ice cream, I’m not looking to eat low carb.
If I want low carb, I’ll eat a carrot or some grapes.
it looks pretty good — Breyer’s Almond Bars (we like the Crunch Bars, and these look the same, but with almonds instead of crisped rice). We eat the carrots and grapes too, but sometimes we just need an ice cream fix.
As I said, we’ll see how it goes…I’ve already found out that working out regularly increases energy, for some odd reason. Who knew? π I just want to be able to visit Disneyland without having to pay a visit to every third bench in the park…
Poor woman. At least she didn’t get killed by a cross-eyed bear.
That’s the vision that went through my head when I read this. The priest is up front giving communinion saying…
“The Body of Christ… The Body of Christ…”
It’s like a scene out of The Omen 7.
Love that one…and in a similar vein, my mom was my Sunday School teacher when I was in either kindergarden or first grade, and she always swore that in the Lord’s Prayer, I was asking God to “deliver us from eagles”. π Hey, at that age eagles are a much more worrisome danger than evil…
I don’t know whose cross it is to bear, but has anybody else noticed that the margins are blown here? afs. I think what did it for me is that loooong http link.
Here’s a very good primer on HTML, please read it…it’s not just the 400px picture img width thats important…practice makes perfect…try it out w/ an OLD diary…
My carpal tendon will be pleased. :{)
but I thought it was just me and my dinky 14″ screen. Man, can’t wait for that 20″ iMac to touch down in my living room…
Diane101 asked for someone new to do late night threads. I volunteered…. but I don’t code. I made that clear up front.
The picture thing I understand and can comply with easily. However, I’m not going to learn a whole computer language just to put up what was supposed to be fun late night threads. That’s expecting a whole lot more from me than what was presented in the original appeal, and was not made clear as part of the bargin.
You’re doing a great job. It looks like Susan fixed the link so no worries.
first, welcome to the site. We’re glad to have you here.
If you want to post a long url without blowing the margins, there is a very simple solution that doesn’t require learning any code.
Copy the url.
Go to http://tinyurl.com
Paste the long url into the box and click enter.
It will produce a short url that points to the same site.
Then copy that new short url, and post it instead of the long one.
That way, the borders will be fine.
If you want to learn to do it by code, it is easy too.
Just type this: <a href="paste the url here">PUT SHORT DESCRIPTIVE PHRASE HERE</a>
And Voila, the only thing that will show up is the descriptive phrase, which could be "AP" or "Washington Post", or "link", or "here".
In any case, I hope you enjoy the site and the Cafe.
[ ” LINK http://www.boomantribune.com “] remove the ” sand you get this:
Easy, no code.
know that. Cool.
See afs, I run this site and my members know more about how to post shit than I do. So, don’t worry, no one is going to give you a hard time about petty shit. More likely, they’ll give you helpful advice.
More Frackin’ Soccer?
Okay… even I can handle that.
WOOHOO! Congrats, now I’m off to check out that soccer page, it was the only sport I was ever half-way decent playing. The rest I just took to taking stats.
You did it!! Here at the cafe is where I learned to do that, too. Plus inserting photos. Ooo, that as a red letter day, or would have been if I’d known how to make red letters. I was so put-off by all that code shit before coming here, and still am to some extent, but people will take me by my widddle hand and lead me through it. Whew.
You done good! And a soccer link, no less. Cool.
There’s some what I’ll call “page layout-focused communities” for the sake of this thread on the net. There’s a few of them that are so overly focused on the page layouts that one wonders if they care more about the layouts than the actual content itself.
I know nothing about coding. I know nothing about page layouts. I’m on the net to stay informed and I honestly don’t care how a web page looks. As long as the text I’m trying to read can be read, I’m fine. I don’t notice when margins are blown other than to move my hand to the mouse to continue to read the page…. and once my hand is moved, I completely space that I ever had to move it in the first place. It’s so complete a non-issue to me that quite literally do not notice.
It seems page layout is a serious concern here. So much so that people are willing to post the fact they are annoyed with various page-layout deficiencies. How is someone like me, who can’t code and literally doesn’t notice page design unless it’s so bad that it crashes my browser, supposed to interact with those who are willing to post complaints about things that I don’t even notice? They can’t.
It’s nobody’s fault. It’s just different priorities.
It’s got nothing to do w/ page layout…it’s about respect, responsibility and courtesy…nothing more, nothing less. I am somewhat puzzled by your unwillingness to accept the reality of the situation. To accept what has been obviously offered as assistance, in a gracious manner.
I look forward to your explanation, as opposed to the casting of aspersions upon others who you claim do not share your sensibilities.
I stated that people have different priorities. That’s respectful.
It’s YOU who just proved you find no viewpoint other than yours as valid.
Varying attitudes toward the importance of graphics presentation IS NOT a question of “respect, responsibility and courtesy.”
You linking different tastes on web graphics to real world issues such as ” respect, responsibility and courtesy” is DISrespectful, IRresponsible, DIScourteous, and MANIACALLY ANAL-RETENTIVE.
I knew some asshole was going to start a fucking flamewar over goddamn links and blown margins. I knew it was going here. I should have walked out at the first goddamn nitpicky whine over a stupid fuckin’ blown margin.
I hope you don’t let it bother you too much.
I’ll try to explain. The center column of the site is 400 pixels wide. If anything is posted that is wider than that it will blow up the margins and make it necessary for people with small monitors to scroll right and left to read a complete line of text.
We have a rule that it you should not burden other users with such an annoying task. However, we aren’t dicks about it. Susan or I will often fix the margins, if it doesn’t require any major change in the diary (and we usually leave a note to let people know what we have done). But other users will also explain why the margins were blown, and how to avoid the problem.
In any case, I hope you are not offended by people’s efforts to he helpful, or the tone of some of the suggestions.
Even if scrolling right and left doesn’t bother you, it is a bother to many people, so we try to fix such problems as quickly as we can.
Last night’s crescent moon, taken by holding my camera up to our low power telescope eyepiece.
That is so cool. I love your ideas w/ photography. Still thinking about the last one … the binoculars one, that made the picture appear as if we could see the view through your actual eyes. And this one … kewl!
You are so cuckoo !!!
But here’s the test… may I please have an Irish Mist… as soon as you can possibly manage it? Thank you.
Well… this was the last one.
I’m not going to be nitpicked at over coding issues when I made it clear that I can’t code.
You’ve done a tremendous job here with your late night Cafe diaries. Please reconsider discontinuing with them.
Please don’t think we’re picking on you, or ganging up. We’ve all had to learn the html code for linking/url’s at some point … it does cause the site layout to go a bit wacky when we post long url’s only. As BooMan up above pointed out, it’s a small bit of code.
I’ve really enjoyed your late night diaries, and the topics so far have been really diverse. We really do appreciate the work you’ve put into them!
No, there’s no nitpicking here…. I was just asking for a drink… here, you have one too. Don’t worry about code…. there are people who know code and do code…. and your FBC is really glorious… I’m going to go luxuriate in it now…. deadly crucifixes and octopi (or squid?) and death by artificial trees… it’s just FABULOUS !!! How could anyone expect you to do all this and code too???
The Honorable Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor of the State of Oregon has proclaimed July 23rd – July 31st, 2005 as Oregon Beer Week.
Frackin’ Link to Official Proclamation from Gov. Kulongoski
We have an official beer week. That makes us holier than thou.
Today was my late mother’s birthday-she’s been gone for nearly 10 years now and I still miss her. It’s tough becoming an orphan even in middle age.
She married young (18) and she and my father had the four kids they’d planned for & bought a house in suburbia. On a doctor’s visit for a minor injury she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma which in 1961 was 100% fatal. She endured experimental treatments which actually worked and her case was written up in medical journals. Those experimental drugs became the standard treatment and nowadays Hodgkin’s is nearly 100% curable.
Less than two years later my father died at 39 from stomach cancer. My sister and I often speculate about our parents’ illnesses in a family of long-lived folks: were they exposed to radiation from the Hanford nuclear plant or from Nevada A-bomb tests? Both of their cancers are rare in people of their age groups.
Because Dad had an incredible amount of life insurance, she could stay home and take care of us. She lived on, never finding another love like my dad, and after raising us up, moved to Hawaii. This was her paradise indeed and she was happy nearly every day she was there.
Cancer caught up with her again but she’d had 35 extra years of full living before that happened. She died in her own home with us all there taking care of her. The night before she died my brothers said she was conversing for hours in the strong voice we thought the illness had taken from her. She kicked them out of the room saying, “This isn’t about you”. I like to think she made her peace with whatever’s on the other side because the next morning she moved on.
But this is her birthday and I’m remembering all the summer fun we had, that she instigated: swimming, picnics, jam-making and always the gardening she loved so much.
Wow I’ve rambled on-forgive me
Happy Birthday, Mama
I’m not going to invalidate your feelings of loss by saying I’ve been through this situation or that situation that may be similar.
I’m only going to say is that they would want you to be thinking about the summer fun you mentioned right now, not the periods of illness. Don’t dwell on the loss. Remember the life.
‘soup, thank you so much for sharing about your mom. In a couple of weeks my family will be ‘celebrating’ the loss of my grandfather. It’s also been ten years. Amazing how time seems meaningless when you think of someone you love who hasn’t been around. I think of my tata every single day and know that he lives on in my daily actions and breath; the same goes with your mom, she is alive because you are sharing her story with us. Peace to you.
Thanks for sharing this. It’s said “time heals all wounds”…well, there are some wounds that never completely heal, but with love and patience, at least they don’t become infected with bitterness and hate.
Blessings and peace to you, and to your mother’s spirit that lives on in you…
Someone came onto this diary and changed the style of the links.
You NEVER alter the contents of someone else’s diary without at least posting a small notification of the changes. I don’t care how small the changes are, you never touch the work of someone else without at least a post stating the changes made.
Making even the smallest changes to other people’s diaries is beyond uncool.
I didn’t do it. Maybe Susan did. But we do sometimes make cosmetic changes, especially to fix the margins. I’m sure if Susan fixed it, she did it to improve the look, and she’ll let you know.
No harm is intended.
Does anyone else ever have weird re-ocurring nightmares? I have had one dozens of times since I was a kid regarding the giant squid. It has made me truly terrified of open ocean water. Sounds crazy but it’s true. When I learned that their eyes can grow the size of dinner plates, I about passed out. Am I a wacko? (don’t answer that kansas) π
Haven’t had one in a while… but I had series of them…. I would go to Dr. Jung or Joseph Campbell before I consulted anyone else… as the deep sea creatures are from your deeeeeeep deeeeeep psyche…. it’s all good, even when it’s scary.
I’ll have to take your word on that one suskind. I have a couple of Dream dictionaries but none that ever mention eight-tentacled creatures of the deep. <shiver>
Anyone else bought a mug or shirt? I LOVE MINE!!!
I’ve been nuked so many times in my sleep I might have radiation burns on the inside of my eyelids.
I was a Cold War kid, and grew up down the road from a ground zero, and within 100 miles of DC. If WW3 had ever started, I was beyond screwed. That’s the sort of thing that can’t be hide from even a little kid. My nuke nightmares go back all the way back to my very first memories. I never believed I would live to old age. I was certain WW3 would happen before then.
I’m certain my experience was quite common. Just the baggage of the times we were in.
Well, we’re glad ur still around. I have lived in Arizona for most of my life and had a couple of years in Oklahoma as well, so I don’t really know where the squid madness came from… Now that you mention it, I’ve also had a few dreams about tornadoes. hmmmm.
oops, you didn’t mention tornados at all…there I go talking to myself again.
Growing up in central Illinois, I had plenty of tornado nightmares. One involved huddling in the basement while a tornado approached and finding myself in a conversation with a giant spider! Two phobias for the price of one!
October waterspouts wander across the lakefront off Cleveland one year. Saw a bi-i-i-g one while on the middle of the bridge across Sandusky Bay. Never on land though, in 50 years in Ohio.
Lived in the Cleveland area when it was a major target. We used to drive past the Nike site on the east Shoreway. I’ve never gotten hip to naming a shoe for some kind of obliteration. And there was our basement bomb shelter we set up one grim October.
Then when I grew up they built nuke plant out on the west shore that you can still watch steaming, almost as far away as you can see Perry’s Monument on South Bass Island.
BTW, don’t give up on this place yet. I got bit tonight too, by someone very atypical for these parts. I’m pretty sure it’ll pass naturally.
(don’t answer that kansas
Lol!! Me? Snark on you? Squid forbid! I mean, god forbid. Sorry.
Golly, how’d those dinner plates get in here?