I’m not a big fan of spending my effort on criticizing Democrats. But Yellow Dog’s new Senate Weasel Meter is pretty amusing.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Check out the report on the blogosphere by Chris Bowers and Matt Stoller. Via MyDD, the report includes:
so we’re the 9th biggest liberal community blog. Last month we would have been third or fourth. Not too bad, but we can do better.
If your sitemeter numbers stay consistent, then August will bring higher numbers than June when we got that influx of new members. I’m also noticing that places like Raw Story, Crooks & Liars, and Alternet have been linking more to the frontpage. That’s a testament to you and Susan’s ability to write top-notch commentary. Keep up the good work.
As for the rest of us, raising awareness is key. Make sure the site is listed on the blogrolls of your other favorite blogs. For more tips, see my earlier diary on how you can help out.
I forgot to say: CONGRATS BOO! Making the top ten is great considering the site is less than six months old. You should be very proud.
1. Sciavo
2. Social Security
3. Iraq War
4. Downing Street Memo
5. Valerie Plame Outing
6. John Bolton Nomination
7. Rising Gas Prices
8. Regular Folks discontent
9. Stem Cell Research
10. Hackett losing Ohio race by 3.8%
11. Cindy Sheehan’s Protest
These all are helping the unraveling of the Repug domination.
We need to keep hammering and hammering these people
7. Rising gas prices
Is good. Gas costs $6 a gallon in Britain and they still drive too much. It should be $20. A major failing of the current Democratic party leadership is the inability to see beyond the very short term “I need to fill up my SUV to go to the grocery store” problem.
Comparing gas prices between the US and Britain is comparing apples & oranges. You can drive to anywhere and back in the country in England in the time it takes me to drive from one end of my state to the other.
Because of the difference in land area, public transportation is also not a viable option in many areas of the U.S. , whereas it is in Britain.
I agree with you that gas prices rising is good for the future of alternative energy and lowering dependence on fossil fuels. But you have to balance it with the “I need to fill up my car to get to work” need, which is what keeps the economy chugging…errr, slugging…along.
Gas prices at the local Shell where I get my car fixed … premium: $3.07
There are cheaper places to get gas but drivers have had a lot of trouble in the region lately with buying bad gas.
The people who run the station I go to told me that they switch out their filters in the pumps all the time…. makes a big difference in how clean the gas is .. but a lot of stations don’t do that because the filters are expensive.
I buy the cheapest — I think it’s $2.77. I could save a dime a gallon or more by going to Safeway, but … besides, I can only put 10 gallons in my car, so I’d only save $1.00 at most, and run the risk of bad gas.
I posted the article on my blog:
“This year the Department of Defence will initiate an America Supports Your Freedom Walk,” Rumsfeld said, adding that the march would remind people of “the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation”.
The march will start at the Pentagon, where nearly 200 people died on September 11, 2001, and end at the National Mall with a show by country star Clint Black.
These goons in the White House are still trying to link 9/11 and Iraq, and now have a Soviet-style propaganda event scheduled for Sept. 11. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t reading something nicked from The Onion. Geez.
So, while the DoD and the Bush League use the 4th anniversary of 9/11 to try to revive support for their failing strategy to confront a loosely-organized international group of terrorists by attacking and occupying a nation that wasn’t any threat to us, and to continue the political strategy of trying to blur the distinction between support the troops and supporting the Bush League’s mistakes ….
… in the very same city on the very same weekend, there’s a conference for people trying to create a U.S. Department of Peace.
Rummy can walk across DC, Bush can’t walk across Crawford to speak to a Soldier’s Mom. Yeah, let’s talk about respecting the dead.
Why aren’t they doing this walk in NYC? Could it be because New Yorkers are fed up with the Bushies. Maybe they keep asking the same question. Where’s Osama?
There is a diary on DailyKos called Tasteless
regarding this. I’ll try to link it.
Let’s talk about diversion again from the Repugs.
Link courtesy of the front page of dKos.
How heartbreaking.
Clicked the links at Eschaton and read about Rick Kaplan have a screaming fit all over our boy, Keith Olbermann after his Monday night tribute to Peter Jennings.
I actually was distracted at the very end and missed the part that pissed off Rick. What do you folks think? Did Keith cross some kind of line? Were you discomforted by his stop smoking smacks?
It was some of the most powerful testimony I’ve ever seen from a news journalist.
Kaplan can go Cheney himself, K.O. is the only reason I watch MSNBC.
Send Keith some love: KOlbermann@msnbc.com
And send MSNBC’s Viewer Services, Kelly Frederick, some hate mail: Kelly@dbcpr.com
Keith is the best…. he’s a very good writer too.
Paul Hackett called Rush a FAT ASS DRUG ADDICT on the Ed Schultz show, I posted the transcript. It is great
great minds think alike.