This is just too damn good to pass up:
From the August 9 broadcast of The Ed Schultz Show:
SCHULTZ: Well, I know you inspired a lot of people in this country and gave a lot of people hope. Because eventually, this is going to start to turn. You weren’t given half a chance, in many respects. And you were vilified. In fact, the No. 1 conservative talker in this country, Rush Limbaugh, said you went to Iraq to pad your resumé. How do you take that kind of conversation?
HACKETT: That’s typical for that fat-ass drug addict to come up with something like that. There’s a guy — I didn’t hear this, but actually when I was on drill this weekend, I’ve got to tell you, he lost a lot of Republican supporters with his comments. Because they were coming up to me, telling me, “I can’t believe he said that! And besides that, he called you a soldier. He doesn’t know the difference between a soldier and a Marine!”
So generally, the consensus is, you know, Rush doesn’t know squat about patriotism. He’s typical of the new Republican. He’s got a lot of lip, and he doesn’t walk the walk. The fact of the matter is, I went to Iraq to serve my country. I left my nice house, my nice wife, by my choice because I thought it was the right thing to do. And man, if I was good enough to be able to see into the future that Rob Portman was going to step down from Congress, I mean, I should actually be running for something a lot more than Congress. I went to Iraq because I wanted to serve my country and be with my Marines.
I think it probably says more about Rush Limbaugh than it does anybody else that he comes up with those thought processes. And I think it’s indicative of today’s Republican Party, which is patriotic-lite translated to anybody who serves their country who truly who truly serves their country and demonstrates it by their actions as opposed to their flapping gums.
They want to attack us. But the fact of the matter is, they can attack me, but I punch back just as hard as I get. Ask Rush how come he wasn’t taking phone calls for the two days when he was on the attack with me. Ask him why his phone lines were clogged up. And that’s because he was getting thousands of calls from veterans from this war and other wars who were clogging up his phone lines, giving him an earful.
audio link
Left, a Right, Another Left and Rush falls down on his fat ass, knock out by Paul Hackett on the Right pundit asshat of the decade.
Seems to me the Right do an awful lot of spitting on the troops…
NeoCon way, use it till it is of no use to you anymore and discard it. There are always more expendable mother’s Sons and Daughters for the NEOCon’s to kill.
I won’t be truly happy until everyone involved in the slaughter of American Troops and Iraqi Civilians is frog marched into a Federal Prison for a minimum of 25 yrs.
is a new book about how that term “spitting on soldiers” was actually created by Daddy Bush before the first Gulf war.
It declares that there has never been an instance of anyone being spat on upon their return or for fighting in Viet Nam.
Eeeeenteresting huh? The NeoCons and their lies.
How far back does Spitting Image research?
Seems to me that “spitting on soldiers” propaganda goes all the way back to returning VN vets. And no vet I ever met claimed it had happened to them. So I’ve always wondered about the origins and truth of the phase.
I don’t suppose one could search Stars and Stripes that far back?
OMG! This is too much. Hackett is priceless. Nice work, Ghostie!
“He doesn’t know the difference between a soldier and a Marine!” Right on! 🙂
What a maroon, Flush Turdbaugh really is in life.
Rush has spat on disabeled students… then the bastard started going deaf… from DRUG USE.
He was applauded in San Jose last year for explaining that the best way to bomb the terrorits was to chain “retarded children” to bombs and lob them over…
I wrote to Snapple which sponsors his hate talk show to tell them I’m switching from their Crapple Rush Juice to Tazo Tea.
Maybe I am slow, but I don’t even get that comment. But then again, I am not stoned.
I meant to come back and ask about that also…besides being a disgustingly horrible statement I don’t get how that really is supposed to help..or is that the drug addict just saying shit like that and the ditto heads lapping it up?
Call my husband a soldier and his ears turn purple. I can’t believe — or can I — that Limbaugh can’t even get THAT straight. Really shows him for the chickenhawk he is.
I would like to see a nice soft money ad campaign highlighting the obvious differences between the personal lives and the rhetoric of both Lush and O’Lielly and just what they have contributed to the already breathtaking level of personal hypocrisy rampant within our country, not too mention the declining level of public discourse.
Hackett sounds like he could use a talk show. Pretty damn eloquent for a jarhead.
Semper Fi (just kidding– I’m more like Semper Fife)
Since Rush is promoting the GITMO T-shirts,
make very nice counter T-shirts.
like that t-shirt idea….the front could say-The answer to the question is-Rush Limbaugh..the back could say the question is-Who is a fat-ass drug addict?
Wish I had a little factory full of workers to put
these Tee’s out. The workers would be paid $20/hr,
medical/dental benefits, sick-leave, child-care on
premises, maternity/paternity leave of course. Oh yes,
and pet-care on premises too.
Now if we could just graft a bit of this Marines spine and no nonsense straight talk onto about 99% of the democrats we’d be in business baby!
Fat-ass drug addict..the man formerly known as Rush Limbaugh now called Fat-ass by friends or Mr. Drug Addict by his well friends…hey the truth hurts sometimes and especially when you’re sitting on cyst.
Doesn’t Hackett’s success, both in almost winning a repub seat and in getting his points across seem to indicate that the dems ought to be taking note and maybe even having lessons? No point in being nice-nice with people who should be in jail.
It’s hell when you put yourself high upon a pedastal, and then some honest, straight forward, real hero comes along, and BAM….your on your big fat drug induced, cysted ass, and worst of all…you’ve got NeoCon, all over your face ; )
Fact: Rush’s cyst is actually located between his shoulders, and slightly elevated
I think that I will let Dr. Dean know that I like the straight shooting nature of Mr. Hackett. It’s about time that we start hitting back – hard.
Thanks for the humor… no wonder the limbo-loonie is losing listeners.
I think Paul Hackett will prove to be a great roll model for the ’06 campaign.