First, Katherine Harris. (“Yesterday was a historic day. A woman captained a shuttle back to earth, and a woman announced for the U.S. Senate,” Harris just said.) Hackett is up next. MSNBC.
Sometimes I imagine you strapped into your data center console with a keyboard at your fingertips and your eyes scanning an array of news channels. In the audio background, you’re listening to liberal talk radio. And you keep all of us informed. For which, I am truly grateful.
I picture her as this really really intelligent sponge that soaks up information and then transforms it into something those of us lessor brained individuals can really grok!
Me bad … i got into listening to Laura Flanders talking about Cindy, and didn’t pay attention to Hackett.
Katherine Harris is VERY VERY scary, I must report. She got one of those I-have-Chinese-eyes facelifts. Frightening.
Hell for me would be being stuck in the same room with Harris and W for eternity, having to listen to her grating phony bitch drawl and W’s ignoramus’s whine.
Hackett is the real deal folks. He is the exactly what we need in the Democratic party. He must be persuaded to run for the senate. Says he hasn’t made up his mind yet. says we should get the hell out of Iraq as smoothly and quickly as possible. Says Goldwater is rolling over in his grave because of what the republicans are doing, especially that the repubs should stay out of peoples private lives. He was asked if Iraq is better off without Saddam and he said he didn’t think so but his concern is if The American people are better off. Oh God, I am in love with this guy.
In Canada, a Governor General was just appointed. A GG is the Queen’s representative in Canada. It is an archaic position but very useful in dipolomacy. The appointee is a woman, she’s black and she is a Francophone. But that was not pointed out in the press to a great extent. Mostly the press described her as a former journalist for the CBC. That’s how I like it, capable people described by their expertise first.
Hackett. I can’t forget what he said about Rush:
“He is a fat-assed drug addict.” That is so refreshing.
calm down during the break and not to be so agressive. She still looks like the bride of Frankenstien. She has been cranked recently. Hackett Rocks. He is the total opposite of Harris…So real, we need to run more of our American Heros.
Mike Malloy doesn’t seem to like him, and I really should check out his web site if it’s still up & investigate his policy preferences more.
But for simple ability to talk and willingness engage, he joins dean as one of less than a handful of Democrats who sound present when they look present. Both the camera and the microphone love him too.
I haven’t a clue, but if I had to guess I would say that Hackett is too conservative for Malloy. The only way Hackett even came close was BECAUSE he is somewhat conservative, though I can’t remember specific positions besides Bush and Iraq.
Thanks. I was impressed especially by what Hackett said about the government keeping out of peoples private lives. Doesn’t sound too conservative to me. I too plan on reading up on the man. He still has his web site up.
after Harris and Hackett…there were two political pundits..the man was bob shrum(?) and the blond woman…who is this hag? She spent the entire time pimping Bush Talking points and was so desparate as she was frantically trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the SS Bush Titanic.
Katherine Harris looks to have some pretty serious clinical problems, (along with perhaps a slight “wacky dust abuse problem [evidenced by a slight sniffle or 2]).
I don’t know much about Paul Hackett ‘s views beyond the things he says about the Iraq Debacle and the hapless Bush regime’s mishandling of same.
What is clear about him though is that he’s able to speak his mind apparently free of the temptation of trying too hard to persuade people to agree with him. This idea of letting the facts and one’s own perspectives speak for themselves, rather than always trying to apply “spin” is something that’s been pretty much “bred out” of political discourse in recent years.
And this kind of dialog is what we need as a country, as a democracy, if we’re ever going to get back on track as a civilized society. I think Mr. Hackett’s greatest single contribution right now is to be virtually the only compelling symbol of this kind of plain talking, no-spin language in the political sphere today.
If some of his directness, some of his fearlessness with respect to speaking his mind without calculating the electoral effects of those words first; if some of these talents could rub off on other democrats we could really get somewhere and start driving the lunatics running the country now out of the corridors of power.
Sometimes I imagine you strapped into your data center console with a keyboard at your fingertips and your eyes scanning an array of news channels. In the audio background, you’re listening to liberal talk radio. And you keep all of us informed. For which, I am truly grateful.
I’ve often pondered that same scene in my mind’s eye.
I picture her as this really really intelligent sponge that soaks up information and then transforms it into something those of us lessor brained individuals can really grok!
And not only keeping us informed (sometimes in great in-depth research projects), but in providing activist / constructive things that we can do!
The world could use, a few more like Hu and Boo!
I admit it. Silence freaks me out. 🙂
Susan…I am still stuck in my cubicle. What is Hackett saying? How long will he be on?
My God this guy is the real deal. Sure hope the rest of the dems are listening.
Me bad … i got into listening to Laura Flanders talking about Cindy, and didn’t pay attention to Hackett.
Katherine Harris is VERY VERY scary, I must report. She got one of those I-have-Chinese-eyes facelifts. Frightening.
Hell for me would be being stuck in the same room with Harris and W for eternity, having to listen to her grating phony bitch drawl and W’s ignoramus’s whine.
Hackett is the real deal folks. He is the exactly what we need in the Democratic party. He must be persuaded to run for the senate. Says he hasn’t made up his mind yet. says we should get the hell out of Iraq as smoothly and quickly as possible. Says Goldwater is rolling over in his grave because of what the republicans are doing, especially that the repubs should stay out of peoples private lives. He was asked if Iraq is better off without Saddam and he said he didn’t think so but his concern is if The American people are better off. Oh God, I am in love with this guy.
of Hell .. not to mention Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz (he of the spit comb job) … okay, I have to stop
What did he say about talking to his wife about running for a senate seat? U.S. or state?
In Canada, a Governor General was just appointed. A GG is the Queen’s representative in Canada. It is an archaic position but very useful in dipolomacy. The appointee is a woman, she’s black and she is a Francophone. But that was not pointed out in the press to a great extent. Mostly the press described her as a former journalist for the CBC. That’s how I like it, capable people described by their expertise first.
Hackett. I can’t forget what he said about Rush:
“He is a fat-assed drug addict.” That is so refreshing.
How I hate it when women who introduce themselves by the position of their husband or some top level job in corporate or government power.
Often, I know these women have an university education and a career as lawyer or whatever.
I should answer: “How nice, but I’ve already been introduced to your husband”.
calm down during the break and not to be so agressive. She still looks like the bride of Frankenstien. She has been cranked recently. Hackett Rocks. He is the total opposite of Harris…So real, we need to run more of our American Heros.
on his feet, to mix two metaphors.
Mike Malloy doesn’t seem to like him, and I really should check out his web site if it’s still up & investigate his policy preferences more.
But for simple ability to talk and willingness engage, he joins dean as one of less than a handful of Democrats who sound present when they look present. Both the camera and the microphone love him too.
Who is the republican shill Kate O’Briere that is talking? National Reveiw? God she makes me sick.
Why doesn’t Mike Malloy like him?
I haven’t a clue, but if I had to guess I would say that Hackett is too conservative for Malloy. The only way Hackett even came close was BECAUSE he is somewhat conservative, though I can’t remember specific positions besides Bush and Iraq.
Thanks. I was impressed especially by what Hackett said about the government keeping out of peoples private lives. Doesn’t sound too conservative to me. I too plan on reading up on the man. He still has his web site up.
after Harris and Hackett…there were two political pundits..the man was bob shrum(?) and the blond woman…who is this hag? She spent the entire time pimping Bush Talking points and was so desparate as she was frantically trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the SS Bush Titanic.
Kate O’Bierne! Horrible wingnut harpie, editor at National Review, former big time mucky muck at the Heritage foundation.
Hasn’t had an original thought in decades. A true wingnut’s wingnut.
Katherine Harris looks to have some pretty serious clinical problems, (along with perhaps a slight “wacky dust abuse problem [evidenced by a slight sniffle or 2]).
I don’t know much about Paul Hackett ‘s views beyond the things he says about the Iraq Debacle and the hapless Bush regime’s mishandling of same.
What is clear about him though is that he’s able to speak his mind apparently free of the temptation of trying too hard to persuade people to agree with him. This idea of letting the facts and one’s own perspectives speak for themselves, rather than always trying to apply “spin” is something that’s been pretty much “bred out” of political discourse in recent years.
And this kind of dialog is what we need as a country, as a democracy, if we’re ever going to get back on track as a civilized society. I think Mr. Hackett’s greatest single contribution right now is to be virtually the only compelling symbol of this kind of plain talking, no-spin language in the political sphere today.
If some of his directness, some of his fearlessness with respect to speaking his mind without calculating the electoral effects of those words first; if some of these talents could rub off on other democrats we could really get somewhere and start driving the lunatics running the country now out of the corridors of power.