NYT CAPTION: “Jeanine F. Pirro was handed the missing page to her speech on Wednesday after a 32-second pause as she searched for it.” [I’m wondering how you all will rewrite this caption.]

So, Jeanine “I’m-a-pontificating-pundit-and-world-expert-on-the-Michael-Jackson-and Scott-Peterson-trials” Pirro is running against Hillary.

The NYT writes that her campaign got off to a “rocky” start today and that, “[c]onspicuous in his absence was her husband, Albert, whose personal and legal problems have proved a liability in Ms. Pirro’s career.” It’s said he has “mob ties.” And the NYT says “Mr. Pirro fathered a child with another woman in the 1990’s, and in 2000 he was convicted of income tax fraud and spent 11 months in prison.” Her Web site has no photos of Mr. Pirro.

Pressed for an answer, Ms. Pirro said: “The specifics of that – it’s my first day on the campaign, I will certainly be able to give you the exact numbers of the federal deficit.”

On Iraq, Ms. Pirro would not answer a question about troop withdrawal, saying that she would “leave that up to the experts” and that she lacked the information to say whether she would support sending more troops to Iraq. … NYT

A little short on specifics. Think Greta Van Susteren will show up with her on campaign stops?