Against the backdrop of THIS story — “Military mulls third tour for Iraq GIs” (via Raw Story) — here’s more on Cindy. If you have more, please post.

ClearChannel Stations to Host Anti-Sheehan BBQ next to Crawford Security Bank, free burgers & “Coca Cola” Sat. at noon with host Jack Hammer. Ft. Hood military allowed to attend. KLFX (254-699-5000) + KWTX 1230AM (Waco, 254-776-3900), 102.5FM.

Joe Trippi: I just talked to Jodie Evans [Code Pink activist — You can explore many ways to help at Code Pink] with Cindy in Crawford. They had 3-1/2″ of rain last night. The camp is flooded, supplies soaked. Cindy has a fever and sore throat.

We are trying to find anyone who can go to the camp and bring fresh materials – umbrellas, chairs, blankets, etc. [SEE LIST BELOW the fold.] They have a terrible time acquiring these on their own so depend on us to help them quickly. If anyone can do anything to help, please send an email to Thanks, Joe



IN ADDITION: Organizers are asking for donations of the following items, which they will deliver to Crawford: food and water, coffee, tarps/ canopy, flashlights and batteries, wet wipes, bug spray, ice chests/ ice, camcorders, Gatorade or Emergen-C, and spray misters. The organizers include the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, and Veterans for Peace.

From C&L:

Last night Bill O’Reilly said Cindy was appearing on his show tonight. I asked her today if she was going on with Bill to talk about her situation. At first she said that she thought she would, but after hearing what O’Reilly said about her she told the show she would go on only if he apologized for lying about her. She then said she “will not dignify” his show by going on now and called him an Abomination.

Dave Johnson asked her what she would ask the President if she does meet with her. She said she’ll ask the President what the noble cause is for the U.S. going to war. “Does he encourage his daughters to enlist?”

Peter Daou talked about how the media is still making Natalie Hollaway the lead story in the news. She said that she fells the Holloway’s pain, but also said that MSNBC cancelled two interviews with her yesterday….

Update [2005-8-10 19:8:54 by susanhu]:Rage Against the Killing of the Light,” by Norman Solomon at Alternet: “Cindy Sheehan is bursting Bush’s attempt to ignore America’s war dead.”

Update [2005-8-10 19:8:54 by susanhu]:Is Cindy Sheehan ‘fair game,’ too?,” SalonWarRoom:

We’re not particularly shy about saying what we think to the ever-shrinking group of people who support George W. Bush and the war he started in Iraq. If you’ve still got a “W 2004” sticker on the back of your SUV, you can expect that we’ll engage you in conversation in the parking lot at the grocery store. Maybe it’s not such a good idea — in Kentucky this week, an argument over the war came to a close when one participant shot the other — but we’re always eager to have a “frank exchange” with those who see the war differently than we do. …