Against the backdrop of THIS story — “Military mulls third tour for Iraq GIs” (via Raw Story) — here’s more on Cindy. If you have more, please post.
ClearChannel Stations to Host Anti-Sheehan BBQ next to Crawford Security Bank, free burgers & “Coca Cola” Sat. at noon with host Jack Hammer. Ft. Hood military allowed to attend. KLFX (254-699-5000) + KWTX 1230AM (Waco, 254-776-3900), 102.5FM.
Joe Trippi: I just talked to Jodie Evans [Code Pink activist — You can explore many ways to help at Code Pink] with Cindy in Crawford. They had 3-1/2″ of rain last night. The camp is flooded, supplies soaked. Cindy has a fever and sore throat.
We are trying to find anyone who can go to the camp and bring fresh materials – umbrellas, chairs, blankets, etc. [SEE LIST BELOW the fold.] They have a terrible time acquiring these on their own so depend on us to help them quickly. If anyone can do anything to help, please send an email to Thanks, Joe
- Crawford Peace House (Donate!)
- Code Pink: “Join Diane Wilson’s hunger strike in support of Cindy Sheehan’s request to meet with George Bush”
- Donate or GIVE YOUR AIR MILES, etc., etc. to Code Pink
- Amercian Friends Service Committee donations page + AFSC’s sample letter to the media
- The Iconoclast, a local Crawford paper, is giving daily updates
- Crooks & Liars has a “rush” transcription of a blog call with Cindy (excerpts below)
- MeetWithCindy (Cindy Sheehan’s site)
- A recent story on Cindy
- is also helping
- Latest diary at Daily Kos
- Suskind’s new diary, “Speaking Truth IS Power — Cindy Sheehan
IN ADDITION: Organizers are asking for donations of the following items, which they will deliver to Crawford: food and water, coffee, tarps/ canopy, flashlights and batteries, wet wipes, bug spray, ice chests/ ice, camcorders, Gatorade or Emergen-C, and spray misters. The organizers include the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, and Veterans for Peace.
From C&L:
Last night Bill O’Reilly said Cindy was appearing on his show tonight. I asked her today if she was going on with Bill to talk about her situation. At first she said that she thought she would, but after hearing what O’Reilly said about her she told the show she would go on only if he apologized for lying about her. She then said she “will not dignify” his show by going on now and called him an Abomination.
Dave Johnson asked her what she would ask the President if she does meet with her. She said she’ll ask the President what the noble cause is for the U.S. going to war. “Does he encourage his daughters to enlist?”
Peter Daou talked about how the media is still making Natalie Hollaway the lead story in the news. She said that she fells the Holloway’s pain, but also said that MSNBC cancelled two interviews with her yesterday….
Update [2005-8-10 19:8:54 by susanhu]: “Rage Against the Killing of the Light,” by Norman Solomon at Alternet: “Cindy Sheehan is bursting Bush’s attempt to ignore America’s war dead.”
Update [2005-8-10 19:8:54 by susanhu]: “Is Cindy Sheehan ‘fair game,’ too?,” SalonWarRoom:
We’re not particularly shy about saying what we think to the ever-shrinking group of people who support George W. Bush and the war he started in Iraq. If you’ve still got a “W 2004” sticker on the back of your SUV, you can expect that we’ll engage you in conversation in the parking lot at the grocery store. Maybe it’s not such a good idea — in Kentucky this week, an argument over the war came to a close when one participant shot the other — but we’re always eager to have a “frank exchange” with those who see the war differently than we do. …
This is another good resource page: Get Thy Ass to CRAWFORD !!!
That was a rhetorical question.
But really. Where is the common human decency? Laura! Paging Laura Bush! There is a woman down the road from you who is wet and sick. For god’s sake, get a guest room ready. Take her chicken soup. Tell your husband to get his ass off that horse and into the shower to clean up to greet Cindy Sheehan and welcome her to your house. Call a doctor. Get a nurse. HELP HER.
“Tell your husband to get his ass off that horse…”
He’s askeert of horses.
He prefers a bicycle because it’s a long way to fall off a horse.
off the horse?
Stop giving him quarters, and tell him to let the next kid in line have a turn…
(sorry, couldn’t resist…)
tell him it’s Cindy in Crawford and he might think “hey Cindy Crawford wants to meet me?? Cuhoool”
is here from GN1927:
That is great. I can’t believe the inhumanity of the whole thing. What on earth are they thinking?
I AM SO ANGRY!!!! CLEARCHANNEL SUCKS MORE THAN EVER!!!! (see the link to latest dKos diary above)
How dare they to advertise and provide a free party in Crawford to bash the parents of dead soldiers! And to invite soldiers down to participate in the bashing. <insert long-winded string of expletives here>…
Free Speech<snark>
As I often tell my boys, “Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you SHOULD…”
Why am I even surprised at the nastiness of the other team anymore? sigh
What’s the link to Cindy’s own site? I couldn’t find it.
btw, the other day, I tried to get to it but couldn’t… i just hung and hung.
the rumors that were floating about invading Iran in August? Well all the latest headlines are making me think more about this rumor. Rummy suggesting that without a doubt(sound familiar?)Iran is bringing in weapons to Iraq. “Iran breaks UN seals on nuclear power plant”. Here we go with the excuses for invading another mideast country folks. Cindy…stay right where you are…help is on the way. These facsists(Cheney) will stop at nothing to continue to grab land where ever they please. They are bringing on the distruction, chaos and mayheim that we just may never recover from. I’m scared!
Sign their letter of support.
Intro of email:
Yesterday, they raised $50,000 so that a member of GSFP will be there to confront Bush at every public appearance he makes, there to ask him why he won’t meet with Cindy Sheehan.
Today, they’ve upped that goal to $100,000 for peace activities. Part of the message:
This story has legs a mile long.
That’s impressive.
You know, if W didn’t take such long vacations, this would be a lot easier for him to get out of. I always hoped that would come back to bite him squarely in the ass.
Just signed the letter of support!! i so want to be there.
signed, sent and forwarded on to friends. ๐
Now this woman has her head screwed on straight. I, too, would love to hear Dubya’s answer to this question. Does he encourage his daughters to enlist? If not, why not? If so, why won’t they go?
The response would no doubt be something like: “My daughters are adults, they make their own decisions just like everyone else in this free country.”
Which — true to Bush form — would make for a great sound bite but wouldn’t answer the question. The question wouldn’t be about whether he ordered them to enlist, but whether he encouraged them to. How many parents entirely stop encouraging/discouraging their offspring about various things when they become adults? Damn few, I’m guessing. Hell, I’m 43 and my mom doesn’t give me orders anymore, but she sure as heck encourages me in various ways.
There’s also another question that should be asked, even though I don’t think Ms. Sheehan would. Both daughters have said, repeatedly and publicly, that they support the war. Bush, obviously, supports the war. So there is no reason for them not to enlist. Why haven’t they?
Paul Hackett called Rush a FAT ASS DRUG ADDICT on the Ed Schultz show, I posted the transcript. It is great and I thought it might add some joy to an otherwise tenuous day.
Isn’t that just too cool…I read that this morning also and was thinking ok democrats-stand up and be counted or else go sit with the repugs.
Why does anyone believe Sheehan won’t be piled on as mercilessly as Howard Dean was? She’s even blunter than he is. The more honest, blunt and well-spoken and passionate you are, the more they hate you.
I think we have this fantasy that someone standing up and telling truth will inspire a great movement, something back toward truth and sanity, and our country will somehow heal itself.
I am getting less optimistic. Our society is fouled with its own delusions of grandeur, and there are thousands and thousands of people who will fight tooth and nail to maintain the illusion.
This is what you get when you have a volunteer military. You get to a point where cowardly enemies of a truth-telling woman are able to point fingers at her and insinuate that she has no say in anything, that she didn’t really lose anything, that she’s somehow “against” her son. The volunteer military gives them that “excuse.”
Decades from now, dozens of books will be written about this period in our history. The histories will be littered with the very same names who think they are movers and shakers now, but who, in the cold light of history, will be revealed to have been very, very small and painfully common figures indeed, who were chasing small and meaningless things.
How would a conscript military in any way prevent them from doing this? They’d still be able to do exactly the same things, in exactly the same way. They did to many people after the Vietnam war, and after World War II.