A Theocrats Dream
As Dobson, Perkins, Falwell, Robertson, Kennedy, and other Theocratic minded Christian leaders, continue their crusade to return America to its Christian roots. Have you as a Citizen, really looked at what they want you to sacrifice if you are not a Christian or one of their Christians? I would enjoin you to look at what these Theocratic religious extremist have in mind for our country and its non Christian or not exactly like them Christians.
I can tell you from the research that I have been doing, their first order of business is to promulgate the myth that there is persecution of Christians in the United States of such proportion that it hinders all good Christians from proselytizing to the fullest extent of their credo of spreading the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. Well, I guess persecution means that they must covertly arrange meetings to worship, wait now in my town there are at least 100 churches and that is in a town of less than 13K. There are three churches right within eyesight of the county courthouse and Sheriff’s office. I guess persecution only happens when I can’t see it.
By continuing to perpetuate the myth that Christians are persecuted in the US to the magnitude they are in fact persecuted in many other countries, these extremists can rile up the mainstream Christians that one day will also be sacrificed to the altar of the Theocratic crusaders. You see if Theocrats can get mainstream Christians to support them, they will in fact gain a much wider base and therefore can achieve more of their agenda. This is where you will see that agenda spread out before you.
The Theocratic right believes that only Christians should hold public office, because they have the moral authority vested in them by their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to insure the purity of their rule. Therefore the rest of us are left to the mercy of these Theocratic extremists, who would have us believe that they will indeed look out for our best interests.
As a Native American, I can tell you that not many of the Christian Indian Agents that were appointed by the BIA to care for the Indian, actually provided that assistance. So much of the money, grain, blankets, food and clothing that was supposed to enter the reservation for the betterment of the Indian’s lives, instead found its way into the coffers of the church and the Agents bank account. Now I really want to give credit where credit is due, there were in fact Christian agents who fulfilled their fiduciary duties as Agents and worked diligently to help Indians survive. But unfortunately the majority of Indian Agents routinely cheated and stole the majority of the items that were destined for the Indians.
Crossposted at Village Blue and OurWord
Now I am sure that those religious men I noted above truly believe they are called by God to protect the rest of us from ourselves. Somehow, I just don’t feel the need to be protected from myself and particularly I don’t want to be protected by a Theocratic republic, who’s doctrine is to eliminate all dissent, crush all opposition to its dogma and prohibit the free expression of opposing viewpoints.
If you go to any of these so called Christian’s websites, you will see that they all have one thing in common, the call to control all aspects of the lives of American’s. You will see that they do not believe that any of us have any right to any kind of privacy when it comes to our medical decisions, who we decide to have a sexual relationship with, or if we have the right to use contraception if we do choose to have a sexual relationship. First and foremost these
Theocrats want to control our ability to decide whether or not we shall have children and how many. I personally don’t like abortion, yet I defend the right of a woman to control her reproductive abilities, it is she not I that must carry the physical disturbance that pregnancy imposes upon her body. Our Theocratic saviours want to insure that in no fashion can any woman at any time prevent a pregnancy and if a pregnancy occurs, there will be no safe medically proven way to terminate that pregnancy, even if the life of the mother is endangered by the pregnancy. Wow they surely do want to protect us don’t they?
Now I don’t mean to compare these Theocrats to the failed Third Reich too much, but it seems that many of these Theocrats have devised a way to treat homosexuality. You know that disease that makes two people of the same sex, fall in love and want to have a life similar to the rest of us in the USA. Now it seems to me that coercive therapy has had little impact on changing people’s behavior, except when it is so severe as to debilitate the person to the point of such extreme pain, they would say or do anything to stop the coercion.
And now one of our Theocratic saviours has written a guidebook for parents to determine if their children are on the path of homosexual destruction and how they can help prevent that from happening…My oh my will wonders never cease to occur and miracles never stop happening. I am sure given my limited understanding of these Theocratic messiah’s that any one who display’s anything resembling homosexual behavior, in their Theocratic world will soon be isolated into re-education camps, to become heterosexuals like the rest of us. Now didn’t something like this occur in just about every communist country and fascist country on the planet in the early and mid 20th century? Oh yes we had three wars to try and prevent it, you know where more than 100 million human beings died during those wars and its aftermath.
Now our dear Theocrats blissfully recall the 1950’s or better yet the good old days of the Salem witch hunts, where mom stayed home and watched the kids, dad went out and earned enough money to support them and life was grand. Yes ladies and gentlemen, our Theocrats really want us to return to that time where women were barefoot, pregnant and stuck in the home, subservient to their men.
Oh my, what are they going to do with all those women who are not married, I can just see it, Theocrats marriage service, all unmarried women over the age of 18 must register to be assigned a husband, as it is unfathomable that any women over the age of 18 should be unmarried. And of course there will be plenty of room in the colleges now that women are forbidden from enrolling in any college that teaches anything other than the culinary arts and the latest fashion and beauty tips. After all we don’t want our women to be smarter than us now do we. I wonder what Ann Coulter will do when they take away her right to express her lame right wing vomitus garbage.
Of course there will be financial incentives from the Church of Jesus Christ of the United States of America for having more than 2 children, you know, you receive a 10K bonus for any children after two and a 25K bonus for any children after #5, along with the added development of you receiving the Rick Santorum Medal of Procreation if you exceed 9 children. I can see it now folks, the fact that our planet currently does not have the resources to sustain our current populations, the Theocrats want to increase our populations because they are good little Christian soldiers and Rapture is coming.
The fact that more than 4 million children are starving and more than 100K die each day from starvation means little to our dear Theocratic leaders.
Now you say, yet you can write this critique of the Theocrats. Today I can write this critique, you see they haven’t found a way yet today to stop criticism of their beliefs. Though they are working harder than ever to insure that others beliefs are criticized at every juncture. After all Islam is a filthy religion full of platitudes and hatred, Buddhism is a psuedo-cult, native American spiritualism really is Satan worship and Wicca falls right in there with Native spiritualism as Devil worship.
Just ask Pat Robertson, why he is the Theocrats guru on what constitutes a true religion, after all he has pocketed Billions of dollars in his glorification of the heavenly father. He has in fact, according to him, moved Natures fury because God speaks and acts through him. Well Pat, I have a question for you oh great Theocratic guru, why did you allow four Hurricanes to strike Florida, when they were instrumental in insuring that your Theocratic Candidate won the last two major elections. Just a small question for you there Patty boy.
Now there will be no Darwinism taught in the religious school systems that Theocratic members will have instituted to replace our current school systems. Only Intelligent Design, that the Creator one day looked down upon the earth and said, hell I am lonely, I think I will make a man, ok, so now he is lonely I think I will make a women. Damn now I have real problems on my hand. Damn man can’t keep his hands off woman, so we will blame woman for corrupting man’s purity. Hey sounds like a good book to write, TADA, the Bible, the only book needed in the Theocratic school system.
I know many of you will not take much of what is written here seriously, but I assure you, if you read what these Theocrats have written, what is on their websites, what they sermonize on regularly, this is not to far off the mark. I love my country, I love my right to religious freedom and freedom from religion.
If you read our Constitution, there are implicit references to our right to privacy; there is explicit reference to our right to be free of Theocratic tyranny. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that the USA is a Christian Nation and how many times I have said to that person; show me in the Constitution where it says Christian. It says this in the preamble:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
And of course they go on about the Declaration of Independence and I suggest that they read it in its entirety because nowhere within that document does it say Christ, Christian, Christian nation or anything at all about Jesus Christ.
It says this in its opening:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. –Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
I realize anyone who has been educated after the years 1980, have had little civics and government classes offered in their local schools. I believe that Ronnie Raygun and the earlier neo neocons perpetuated the reduction of these classes to dumb down our peoples to their rights and privileges due to them under our republican form of government. That Theocrats have seized the day and are in fact garnering their crusade to usurp the legal and rightful means of self Government causes me great distress.
I call upon all citizens, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Native American, Agnostic, Atheist, Wiccan, whatever form or non form of spiritual belief you have or don’t have, join in and stop this assault upon our rights as American Citizens.
The Theocrats view any dissent about their policies as an attack upon them as people of Faith. The only faith I have seen from the likes of these Theocrats is that if they find a way to usurp our rights under our constitution they will have at their disposal the full faith and value of the US Government to institute their Theocratic rule to the detriment of all citizens that do not believe as they do. That means anyone who Dobson, Perkins, Falwell, Robertson, Kennedy, and other Theocratic minded Christian leaders, decide is unworthy to bear the title Christian.
I for one have little doubt that anyone who crosses them, if they gain power will soon find themselves in a situation that little resembles the freedoms that we currently enjoy. My guess is there will be a strong resemblance to many of the camps that Stalin and Hitler created to eliminate their problem populations, just a thought that I could not resist putting to paper.
My culture has been on the receiving end of the culture of life within the so-called Christian movements. That culture of life nearly destroyed an entire race of human beings and it caused great damage to its culture. If you don’t want to feel the pain that our current culture of life wants to instill upon those of us who are not Christian, I advise you get off your butts and start encouraging everyone you know who has not voted to vote for progressive candidates.
Put a little money where you mouth is, I can’t give much, around $50 a month spread out over three or four candidates. Now you do the math. 1,000,000 people donating $600.00 a year to progressive candidates. Wow that is $600 million dollars. If you can’t do $600 a year, do what you can and invite others to donate. We have become the Silent Majority folks and we are just as moral and just as worthy of representation in our Government as the Theocrats. Do your part, Hell I gave up my cigars so I could donate that $50 bucks a month. I don’t figure that is too much of a sacrifice when others have been forced to sacrifice their children for this illegal and immoral Theocratic war that has been foisted upon us by the extremists that have overtake our government. Do your part, do what you can locally, statewide and nationally. Stop the Theocrats in their tracks.
This must really be the biggest success the whacko theocrats have pushed into the mainstream publics mind and that is that Christians are being persecuted and that all of us secularists/heathens etc want to eliminate god.
It’s so patently untrue for anyone with eyes to look around and as you say see the numerous churches/ads on tv about god/religion that I wonder how stupid people have to be to believe that somehow god is being eliminated.
Personally I’d say that just the opposite is true and the public is bombarded with talk of god, churches, people declaring their christian and so on. I certainly don’t see atheists, humanists and other non christian people populating the news shows or anywhere else for that matter.
http://tinyurl.com/9ge56 In keeping with your diary ghost, here is a short little article about the ever stupid Jerry Falwell. He sent out a newsletter recently and in it he asked his flock to proclaim they ‘vote christian’..and included a sticker to that effect. Which in turn has made people in the Jewish community pretty pissed off and they asked him to explain himself.
an excellent addition, you do know when Jerry Falwell is lying don’t you. When ever sound comes out of his mouth.
When ever sound comes out of his mouth.
…or ink is coming out of his pen, or his fingers are pressing keys, or he’s tapping out morse code with his foot…
(Oh, and great diary Ghostdancer. As always 🙂 )
Well, when they speak, I always, and I mean always remind them of one thing, Bearing False Witness, Then I’ll toss an ocasional phrase about hypocracy, and I do it with a smile, while looking them straight in the eye. That usally sends them on to preach to someone else.
great diary, as always
wado my brother.
like a sponge and their so called communities never see that. Billy Graham has suits that are so expensive it is unreal and yet he is telling everybody about how to go to heaven – wasn’t there something in that book about how much easier it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to make it into heaven? They prey on the lonely, the disoriented, the people who have not matured, and the bigots. People want to believe that they are special, that they are better than anybody else and that they have proof of both of those because of the church they go to. Perhaps a good dose of Desiderata chanting morning and evening might cure them.
I have a pretty good indoctrination into the theocrats agenda given that my entire family (extended as well as nuclear) would qualify. I do have one brother that joined me in “getting out.”
I’ll share a quick story with you to demonstrate. After college, my first professional job was as a counselor in a residential treatment program for teenagers who were chemically dependent. Given that I was as “green” as they come in this work – the kids were pretty hard on me. One night I made the mistake of telling my mom and dad about the hard day I had at work. My dad’s reply was that I was “wasting my time” with this work. He said that all of these kids were going to hell unless they were saved and that by helping them get their lives straightened out, I was just making that road to hell a little easier for them.
What can I say…that’s how they think. Its infruiating!!!
By the way – I stayed in the field. Still working with troubled kids. And if there is a hell – its NOT these kids who are heading there!
I admire anyone who can work with troubled kids, try to help and make a difference. How do you do avoid burnout with no doubt hearing many horrible stories from these kids?
Lots of people respond like that – but honestly I don’t even understand the question. Sure I get mad at how we’ve treated children, but it is an honor and a priviledge to share their stories and their lives. And the really big payoff is knowing that you have given them a piece of yourself and somehow spread the light in the world. I think I have the best job in the world!
Always wonderful to hear about someone who really loves their job and especially one as important as yours.
Thank you for the great diary, and for saying much better than I can what I fear, and what I see happening. It has to be fought, as you say, we will lose our future but also, we are losing our past.The revision of history to excise gays, pagans, free thinkers, free women is going on all over the country. Books are being pulled from library shelves and truth is being twisted out of all recognition. To quote someone else who puts it better than I can “It isn’t simply that they don’t want to know who we are…They don’t want us,ourselves, to know who we are. You must be ready to fight for your birthright.”(Curlovich)
Your diaries give me heart to keep fighting.