From today’s Time magazine’s Aug. 11 story (sub.) — “A Bereaved Mother’s Crawford Vigil” — a featured interview with our BoomanTribune core member, Military Tracy, who drove from Alabama and joined up with Brinnaine, Janet, and Rick in Austin.
I just spoke with Tracy who told me that she met Time reporter Hilary Hylton today at the Peace House in Crawford. Ms. Hylton was lost, and asked Tracy’s help in finding Cindy’s gathering area. Tracy led her out to the “Love Camp.” While Tracy didn’t pour out her story to Ms. Hylton, someone else suggested that Tracy had a story to tell. And she did:
The protestors are supplied with large jugs of water and iced tea by a volunteer shuttle service based at the Crawford Peace House, in this tiny Texas town some 20 miles south of Waco. Tracy Sivacek, the 40-year-old wife of an Army Apache helicopter pilot, delivers water to Sheehan’s busy outpost. Sivacek left behind her husband and disabled five-year-old son on Monday and drove nonstop from Fort Rucker, Alabama to Crawford, pausing only to sleep in a Waffle House parking lot. Her husband served one tour in Iraq and, she says, he has not been handling the adjustment back home well. Despite his reservations, she felt she had to support Sheehan’s anti-war protest. MORE BELOW:
PHOTO CAPTION: Tracy, left; Janet, center; Brinnaine, right. Photo taken Thursday night in Austin by Adastra aka Rick Holcomb, an Austin photographer enroute to Crawford.
More from today’s Time magazine’s Aug. 11 story — “A Bereaved Mother’s Crawford Vigil.”
“It’s not unfair for us to ask questions,’ Sivacek says, adding she’d been concerned about the war even before her husband was posted to Iraq.
“(War) is just too much for any person,” she says.
In addition to the pressure of raising a disabled child, Sivacek says her uncle, a Vietnam veteran, had committed suicide in June of this year, compounding her fears about America’s fighting forces and military spouses.
[PHOTO LEFT: Tracy, far right, helps load the van that she drove from Alabama to Austin, Texas, where she met up with Brinnaine and Janet. Photo taken by Adastra aka Rick Holcomb of Austin, Texas.]
Sivacek’s concerns about the war led her to start posting on antiwar web logs, though up til now she had never even joined any protests.
As she watches law enforcement officers drive by periodically to ensure protestors remain in a designated area about two miles from the Bush ranch, Sivacek says she’s become more confident now that she’s met up with some of her virtual friends.
She intends to stay at the protest site at least until Saturday β or until she and her fellow protestors are arrested or run off.
PHOTO RIGHT: The backseat of Tracy’s van that she drove from Alabama to Austin, Texas. Photo taken by Adastra aka Rick Holcomb of Austin, Texas.]
Update [2005-8-11 23:36:32 by susanhu]: Big thanks to Mnemosyne for alerting me to the Time mag story, and for DIane101’s great help in contacting Tracy by phone!
Our girl is famous!!!!
She is! And what fun to talk to … she’s doing something tonight … will report more later :):)
Cindy Sheehan (L) of Vacaville, California, holds up a cross bearing her son’s name as the motorcade of President Bush passes by her protest in Crawford, Texas. Dozens of protesters voiced their opposition to the Iraq war as Bush was travelling to a neighbouring ranch for a Republican Party fundraiser.
congratulations to you, Tracy!!
I can’t wait for more dispatches…
Did i get everyone’s name right in the captions? I was worried about that …
And this is CROSS-POSTED at DailyKos
and I loved Booman’s comment there! π
Boo is so cute…. and TRACY, we’re in the recommended list at DailyKos.
Of course, that’s not your first time in the Rec list at DKos!
Just a couple of things:
“someone else suggested that Tracy had a story to tell. ” this isn’t exactly true — we were standing there putting Iced tea for Cindy in the back of the Explorer and Hillary just waled up to us and started talking with us — she asked if we were a shuttle and we said no, but she could follow us out to the camp. She said that she had to file something within the next five minutes and asked if she could talk with Tracy…
That picture with the ice and organges is not Tracy’s car…. it may actually be Janet’s car or my Explorer (shown in the other picture too…)
I so wish I didn’t look like crap in all of these pictures!
Oh, and, guess what we were looking at on my laptop?? BMT of course! π
Y’all look utterly fabulous! Really.
That was the way Tracy told me the story, if I understood her … not to matter.
YOU LOOK GREAT! Just like you’re trying to stay cool with your hair tied back! Just like mine is right now … sometimes I look in the mirror, and scream, because I’ve tied it up while I’m in front of the computer, and it’s sticking straight up in the air!
Are you getting sleep? Food? Some down time?
I agree, I think you all look great!
Looking forward to the story and pix later.
You look beautiful to me.
Damn, y’all rock! How dare y’all go off and give me hope!?!?!
But you have. So for you, I dedicate “Say My Name” by Destiny’s Child to Cindy Sheehan and everyone standing beside her.
Because that lazy, spoiled brat punk they have nerve to call “president” had to say her name today:
What’s up with this?
Tell the truth, who you with
How would you like it if I came over with my clique
Don’t try to change it now
Sayin’ you gotta bounce
When two seconds ago, you said you just got in the house
It’s hard to believe that you
are at home, by yourself
When I just heard the voice
Heard the voice of someone else
Just this question
Why do you feel you gotta lie?
Gettin’ caught up in your game
When you can not say my name
Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you, say “baby I love you”
If you ain’t runnin’ game
Say my name, say my name
You actin’ kinda shady
Ain’t callin me baby
Why the sudden change?
Say my name, say my name…
Yeah, you sniveling bastard–Cindy Sheehan is on to your game, and today you had to say her name.
smackdown, peachy π
You look gorgeous.
Oh Goddess, now my tears are starting! This is so cool. I am so proud of all of you for standing up for what you believe. You are truly an inspiration!!!!
Bush is such an ass. He could have ended this immediately just by asking one woman in for tea. What a fucking wuss.
He can’t face one woman, so now he has to go down in history as the least.compassionate.president.ever. If I believed in hell, I know there would be a special place there just for him.
I am so very proud of our trib’s. They practice what they preach…..God be with them on their journey and keep them safe and sound.
I hope they will give us some darn good stories when they return to us here. I am anxiously awaiting their return with them….stories, I mean..:o)
This is so freaken awesome. Tracy, woman, way to go. Cindy made top story tonight on NBC, MSNBC and the second story on CBS but that was very brief. The attention is getting bigger. Now that Bush has talked about it to the world like the dumb f’er that he is maybe some of the “believers” will wake up to the reality of the cost of this criminal occupation.
My family saw Cindy on the news tonight, and were very impressed with her…they though she was well-spoken, speaking from the heart.
Absolutely well spoken. SHe even brought up the Downing Street Memos and the senate hearings and 9/11 commision reports. SHe is on point and I feel like my best friend just punched Bush in the nose. She is very focused. You can see it in her eyes. I loved it when she said Casey was murdered.
Just give me a bit — I am trying to get kiddos to bed, must run off and pick up pictures and I just got back from “Meet the Teacher” with my son’s first grade teacher about 30 minutes ago….
Basically, I need a moment to unwind, and get my mind calm, scan some pictures into the puter and think about writing something coherent! I got home at 5:30, talked to my husband for about 10 minutes (and showed him video), ran out the door to pick up kiddos while he fixed dinner, was home for another 20 minutes, and then off to meet the teacher…
Whew! This activist mom stuff is hard work! π
I love you all — it was a really wonderful day!
… Hard Work… but those children you just tucked snugly into their warm beds are worth it and they deserve the better world that YOU are ensuring for them.
Please tell us everything. I am so proud of you. Have you had any run ins with freepers? How is the law enforcement handling it? Did you talk to Cindy?
… I am so very proud of you. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing on the front lines as you are.
It warms my heart to know that Cindy is no longer standing alone in front of the tanks.
Thank you.
I’m trying not to be self-conscious, but could we have a little more flattering pic of me?
In my native habitat, in front of an iBook (though this one is brinnainne’s)
[Y’all can’t have too many pics of Tracy, can you?]
You???!!! You’re so lithe and fit looking — slim and trim — I just HATE YOU!
That is just what I thought. If I could look half as good as you! The three of you are all perfect spokespersons for all of us who could not go.
I would love to sit down someday over coffee and devise ways to shame the president. I would love to see a growing movemnent of people who follow him and demand answers where ever he goes.
Er darn, I meant the four of you.
Janet you all are goddesses. Don’t ever forget it!
In a spiritual way of course…mustn’t make the spouse jealous or anything… π You all look like you’d make the bestest friends in the world!
with adastra who thinks we’re criticizing his photos because we’ve all whined about how we look. Yes Rick, it is a “woman thing” to be self-conscious about one’s looks! It’s the culture – not your fault!
[Long email trying to explain the culture thing to him – all of us women already know, so I won’t rant here.]
You look fantastic!!! π
Tell Rick he’s a cutie, too
Now to see Supersoling soon
You guys are truly making me bawl like a baby.
Take care of each other okay. And know that we are all embracing you with our hearts and so damn damn damn proud of you.
Please give Tracy a HUMONGOUS hug from me :)and um that cutiepie Rick, too π
Here I am
Beady eyes, thin lips, and a Bozo nose! What’s not to like?!
Lol! Well, just wrapping up the last few loose ends here before I jet out there tomorrow. Rick (Adastra)will be waiting for me at the airport tomorrow night and then he’s offered to let me crash at his place. What a good guy, really. Sat. morning we will head up to Crawford and see what we can do.
I spoke with Susanhu a little while ago just to see if there was anything I needed to know before I left. We talked about the demise of the counter protest that was organized by some local radio stations and how they had to cancel due to pressure they were getting from people calling in. YEAAAYY!! But it seems the freepers are trying to get one going themselves (let me at em!)
Susan just urged me to call her with anything interesting or maybe even controversial (my word) and she and Booman would call the appropriate media to get over and cover it. I’m bringing a digital camera so there will be lots of pictures when I check in.
Tracy and Brinn and Rick are inspiring people to say the least and I can’t wait to get out there and join them. I wish you all could be there, but trust that I will carry your heart and passion with me.
Love to all,
Michael (supersoling)
(((((BigHugs)))) I was JUST talking to Momagainstthedraft (my dearest friend who got me addicted to dailykos and then here – however she needs to get an account here Mrs. LurkerLady :))
about you. How you have had such a time these past few weeks and still you are going. You do know I’m hitching a ride on your heart, right?
If this keeps up I might be able to fandangle a way to get down there for a long weekend…. I might have to divorce my husband though … but… hey.. whatever right?
I am trying to figure a way to go down the last weekend of Aug if Cindy is still there. I am sure she will be cause George ain’t talkin to her anytime soon. The repugs are all on the talking heads shows trying to make her look bad but then they show an interview with Cindy and she is so calm and focused. They will have to dig really hard to make her look bad.
Anyway I am looking into tickets. I have some Delta miles so that would help but Southwest may be the answer. I have to go to Vegas this week for four days to help my sister move otherwise I would go this week. Damn, I made the commitment to help her move and there is no way out of it. So if I am going the 26th I will let you all know.
That’s cool. I’m leaving Sunday afternoon so I wouldn’t be there when you are unfortunately. I’d love to see you, but maybe this is a way that we can send different people at different times so that we contribute to a constant presence for as long as Cindy is there. I sure wish I could stay longer but this trip will already add to whats turning out to be a very complicated time in my life. This is off topic but I was up half the night last night tangling with Florida family members over my Dad and his intentions for dispersal of his assets since he left no will. Lucky me! It’s disgusting and sad what money does to people, and my family stands to lose our house if my brothers turn out to be what they now look like they are turning into, money grubbers. Anyway, gotta go. I’ll check in once more before I leave and then will check in with Adastra during my layover in Baltimore.
Safe journey to you Michael. Sorry to hear of the family problems. I went through that with one of my sisters when my Mom died. We found out three years later that she ripped us off a few thousand dollars. It wasn’t the money as much as she lied and stole from her own sisters. She was the executrix og the will. What some people do for money. Hope you can resolve this peacefully. In the meantime give em hell in Crawford my friend. Big hugs!
I just checked Southwest and they have the best fare. If I can get the 26th off I am going. I think I can get my weekend agent to cover for me. Wish me luck. I am working on it.
And Booman…I promise to wear my Booman shirt…lol!
Hi there. It’ll all work out, but for now I only have a minute then I’m on my way. Glad to hear you can make it out there at the end of the month. Sustained pressure and support. You are all in my thoughts and good luck to you to.
I don’t know the particulars of your family situation (must have missed those posts), but it sounds as if you might do well to talk to a lawyer sooner rather than later. Just as a precaution, to know what your rights are in the matter.
Thank you. I’m already on it. They’ve gone and screwed with the wrong dude :O)
I am SO proud of all of you ,all teary -eyed and everything.If I wasn’t in the middle of this $#@&% move,I would be there.Congrats,gutsy wimmins!:)
So, does anyone know where one can get one of those Code Pink super cool umbrellas? Here in southern AZ we use umbrellas like parasoles. I want one of those pink ones with a peace sign!
I don’t see the umbrella, but they have some cool shirts at their store. Don’t forget that we also use them as lightning rods during the monsoons. π
They also have what’s described as a “pashmina shawl,” which is an environmental no-no. Pashmina is lovely and soft and luxe, but in order to get the hair, it’s necessary to kill the endangered animal.
MIKE MALLOY — per usual — is talking about Cindy …
Air America
You girls are my heros. Hot Damn! Tracy, awesome job. You are all beautiful and I am just so proud. Keep on truckin’.
Great diary!! it’s so wonderful having pictures of Tracy, Janet, Brinnainne, the van, the coolers! everything – this is such an amazing event
Please recommend this top AFP/Yahoo story on Cindy. It’s only getting three stars — the wingers are at it.
Congrats to all!!! Great photos!!! WooHoo!!!
Other Lisa called and left me a message that Cindy Sheehan was the top story on NPR tonight. Lots of progress. Sheehan is indeed the Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement. This story isn’t going away!
Lisa, you know Jodie Evans and the Code Pink people … someone above asked about buying their umbrellas. Do you know if they sell them?
And, have you heard from any of the Code Pink people there?
I don’t have a lot to add, everyone here is saying what I’m thinking and feeling.
But I will say this just to reiterate….you all look gorgeous to me..our own Peace Goddesses.
I am thoroughly exhausted and can barely think straight — I will tell you all about today tomorrow. Must sleep. G’night!!
Woah Tracy is very cool for this! Also the fact that her husband is an Apache pilot is equally impressive…
It’s really hard to type when one is bawling and choking on tears.
My dearest friend called me to tell she saw you guys on Kos and .. damnit our hearts are just bursting with pride.
I love you guys!
Tracy… as a wife, as a mother of a child like no other, as a woman… as a human… I love you. STay safe and remember…
Don’t run. π
Everyone in here is so beautiful!
Everyone in here is so beautiful!
Man I have to totally agree… This site is like some kind of purgatorio with nachos
Lateley I leave lib sites only two notches less pissed than the ref*ck ones.
Here there’s anger but still people willing to stop and smell the flowers too…
Cheers everyone
Have you checked the Code Pink store at their website? If they don’t have them I’ll make a call and see what I can find out.
What I heard from Jodie (via another friend) is that they are there to support Cindy and are trying to make sure that the focus stays on her and doesn’t drift to Code Pink.
The long-sleeved women’s Code Pink T-shirts are tres cool, by the way. They run kind of small but look great and have a really great cut. And for those of us who look wretched in pink (like me), you can get them in black with pink letters.
Other Lisa recommends…
I signed on to CodePink yesterday. I am flat busted this week (checks bra- yup!) but will be sending them some “support” when I can. Also, I just was emailed by their site about Sacramento doings this Monday. π
I, too, would totally love one of those umbrellas.
Beats the shit out of those yellow ribbons. π
just came on my iTunes?
John Lennon’s “Power to the People”:
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Say you want a revolution
We better get on right away
Well you get on your feet
And out on the street
Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
A million workers working for nothing
You better give ’em what they really own
We got to put you down
When we come into town
Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
I gotta ask you comrades and brothers
How do you treat you own woman back home
She got to be herself
So she can free herself
Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Now, now, now, now
Oh well, power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Yeah, power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
This is all wonderfully amazing to watch. History in the making, I’m pretty sure.
Kudos to Tracy and Brinn and all the pilgrims that are making their way there to add their bodies and voices to this. Wish we could all be there!
Three cheers! I am so proud of BooTribber women. Most excellent indeed. And the men too!