[promoted by BooMan. I love ePluribus]
by Philip Curtis
ePluribus Media
New York Times, 08/03/05
When two seemingly obscure White House officials were called to appear before the grand jury in the Valerie Plame/CIA leak investigation and asked to recall details of a mundane clerical task, Washington insiders considered it to be a minor footnote in a high-profile case. To the Bush family, however, Assistant Secretary of Commerce Israel Hernandez is far from obscure and, for him, the stakes could not have been any higher. More than a decade of tightly interwoven personal and professional bonds with the President, his family and administration preceded Hernandez’s appearance in Fitzgerald’s courtroom. Because of his long, close relationship to the President and knowledge of the workings of the administration’s inner circle, the stakes were high for the White House as well.
Hernandez began serving the Bush family in the early 1990’s, first as traveling personal secretary of sorts to gubernatorial candidate Bush, next as a live-in aide who often tended to the teenage twin daughters and then as a loyal “foot soldier” who assumed full responsibility for an incomplete jury questionnaire that helped suppress the revelation of then Governor Bush’s 1976 DUI offense.
The Bush confidante was a long time beneficiary of the President’s almost unprecedented adherence to the value of loyalty. At the same time, as Hernandez testified before the grand jury, he was likely well aware of the administration’s frequently repeated vow to restore honesty and integrity to the executive branch.
Becoming Bush’s Altoid Boy
Hernandez’ initial employment with Bush did not result from a chance encounter. As an undergraduate, he closely followed the future president’s early political aspirations and hoped he would be able to secure a role for himself. The Austin American Statesman(1) reported:
In 1993, as Bush prepared for the 1994 gubernatorial race, Hernandez worked his way in for an interview with him in Dallas. The two clicked, as Bush recalled in his book “A Charge to Keep.” Hernandez scored big points by showing up early for the interview that led to his being one of the campaign’s first employees.” By showing up early, Israel Hernandez aced an important test,” Bush wrote, adding that the young man was always “loyal and good- humored and professional and on time.”
The ambitious young man’s calculated perseverance was well-rewarded. The Associated Press reported that Hernandez became Bush’s initial campaign hire:
For years to follow, Hernandez’s name was to become inextricably linked with Altoid mints. The Statesman(2) noted:
Forging a Close Bond
Hernandez was hired by the Bush campaign in the role of personal travel aide. The newly elected governor, clearly pleased with the performance of his young aide, continued to retain Hernandez in a similar capacity. News accounts of this period often referenced the close ties that developed between the two men who frequently spent hours travelling alone together. The Texas Monthly described the pair’s standard campaign trail routine:
The New York Times reported:
The Los Angeles Times noted:
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post stated that Hernandez:
Moving in With the ‘Waltons’
An unusual chain of events enabled Hernandez to extend the strong bonds he was developing to his employer’s family. The Austin American Statesman(3) described how a 1994 burglary prompted an immediate invitation to Hernandez to move into the Bush family home:
The Statesman(3)further related how Hernandez’ experiences in the Bush household reminded him of a classic scene from the 1970’s television drama chronicling Depression era Appalachia:
“Good night, George.”
“Good night, Laura.”
“Good night, Barb.”
“Good night, Jenna.”
“Good night, Izzy.”
When Hernandez repeated the anecdote to the same newspaper(2)nearly two years later, his recollection shifted the ritual from an evening to a morning activity:
The Associated Press reported that Hernandez’ duties at the Bush residence often included babysitting:
He informed the Statesman that:
Hernandez also accompanied the Bush family on official trips. Bill Minutaglio, a correspondent for the Dallas Morning News, reported in an online journal:
Hernandez, Gonzalez and Bush’s DUI
In 1996, Governor Bush was called for jury service and faced an interview as a potential juror in a drunken-driving case. The jury selection process would have almost certainly revealed the governor’s own 1976 arrest for drinking and driving. The New York Times reported that Alberto Gonzales, the governor’s attorney, facilitated Bush’s dismissal from jury service arguing:
Israel Hernandez filled out the jury questionnaire for his boss, skipping over a key question that would have acknowledged Bush’s involvement in a criminal case. Slate summarized crucial details of Hernandez’s involvement:
… the Bush campaign blamed Bush’s personal assistant, Israel Hernandez, for neglecting to check the space on Bush’s 1996 jury questionnaire where he was supposed to acknowledge having been “accused” in a criminal case. “The governor didn’t focus on this document because he never even went into the courthouse in front of a judge,” campaign spokesman Dan Bartlett told the Los Angeles Times. According to the New York Times, Bartlett said Hernandez “filled out” the questionnaire and “handed the form to the governor shortly before he arrived for jury duty.”
On to the White House
Karl Rove describing Israel Hernandez to the Austin American Statesman.(1)
When the Texas Governor began his run for the White House, Hernandez was assigned to the position of Director for Voter Outreach in the Office of Strategy. The Statesman(2) characterized the job as:
Following the election, Hernandez was immediately appointed to Deputy Assistant to the President in the Office of the Senior Advisor. The Statesman(2)described his transition to the new $141,000/year White House position:
Hernandez proudly boasted of his continued close ties with the Bush family to the Statesman(2):
The well-paid Deputy Assistant to the President continued to be called on to chaperone Jenna Bush. The Associated Press described a 2002 European trip:
Leaving, Coming Back and Coming Out
After more than a decade of service and friendship with George W. Bush, Hernandez decided it was time to try something new. The Statesman(1) reported Hernandez’s thoughts as he prepared to leave the White House in January of this year:
He has an idea of what he wants to do but is unsure whom he will do it for.
“I love strategy communication. I love crisis management. I love theme development,” he said, adding that he plans to stay in Washington.
Hernandez’ departure for the private sector was curiously short-lived. A May 26, 2005, White House personnel announcement stated:
Around the time of his confirmation hearings, the New York Daily News made an unexpected revelation:
Hernandez did not return calls from the New York Daily News seeking comment on the matter. ExpressGayNews.com reported that the new assistant secretary of commerce shares a Falls Church, Virginia, residence with another adult male.
In 2001, Hernandez discussed his “private-sector goals” with the Statesman(2):
Among the Washington mysteries he is trying to decipher is the silence of passengers on the trains — the unwritten rule that makes the subway a no-chat zone and frustrates the gregarious Hernandez. “There’s a lot of cute girls on the train,” he said.
If allegations regarding Hernandez’ sexual orientation are accurate, they serve to demonstrate the strength of the loyalty that exists between Bush and his long-time aide. Bush’s continued allegiance to Hernandez risks undermining the support he currently enjoys from the powerful social conservative portion of his political base. The Greensboro Times Record(4) reported Bush’s 1999 comments to the conservative Madison Project:
The Advocate further explained:
During the same year that Bush invited Hernandez to move in with his family and help care for his twin daughters, the governor voiced his support for preserving Texas’ harsh sodomy law. The Statesman(5) reported:
The Advocate described Bush’s strong support for legislation prohibiting gay adoption:
Testifying Before the Grand Jury
The New York Times provided only skeletal details of Hernandez’ July 29, 2005, appearance before the federal grand jury. However, one can imagine the pressures weighing down on the assistant secretary of commerce as he swore to tell the whole truth and awaited the questions that the grand jury had prepared for him.
The aides’ grand jury appearances were first reported by ABC News and provided the first sign that the prosecutor in the case was interested in following up on Mr. Cooper’s testimony with more questions for the White House about Mr. Rove.
…At one point, the aides were asked why Mr. Cooper’s call to Mr. Rove was not entered in Mr. Rove’s office telephone logs. There was no record of the call, the person who has been briefed said, because Mr. Cooper did not call Mr. Rove directly, but was transferred to his office from a White House switchboard.
The aides have worked closely with Mr. Rove, screening his calls and coordinating his activities with other White House officials.
… In an article in Time last month about his grand jury appearance, Mr. Cooper wrote that he had telephoned the White House and been transferred to Mr. Rove’s office.
“I believe a woman answered the phone and said words to the effect that Rove wasn’t there,” Mr. Cooper wrote, “or was busy before going on vacation. But then I recall she said something like ‘hang on,’ and I was transferred to him.”
Hernandez is only one of many long-time Bush administration officials who have been called to testify. Each has brought with him a unique personal history of loyalty and the rewards that accompany it. For Hernandez, the ties are particularly strong. His entire adult life has been spent in close contact with a single employer who encouraged Hernandez to establish close bonds with his family. Hopefully, he has not been placed in the unenviable position of needing to weigh the value of loyalty with the value of telling the whole truth to a nation.
End Notes:
(1)Herman, Ken, “Longtime Bush aide leaves White House ; Eagle Pass native has worked with president since days as Texas governor.” Austin American Statesman. January 15, 2005: A16
(2)Herman, Ken, “Once the ‘Altoid boy,’ loyal Bush aide now a well-placed insider.” Austin American Statesman. February 19, 2001: A1
(3)Beach, Patrick, The first son // George W. Bush had his rebellions. But he always returned to the family path. Have Andover, the oil patch andnobless oblige produced another president?” Austin American Statesman. June 13, 1999: A1
(4)”Bush passes the “squishy” test a series of private interviews indicates that George W. Bush is rock ribbed enough to suit conservative Christians.” Greensboro News Record, October 7, 1999: A13
(5)Elliot, David, “Bush promises to veto attempts to remove sodomy law.” Austin American Statesman, January 22, 1994: B3
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Recommended 10000 times over! With Fitzgerald at the helm, I’m hopeful that at least some of their lies will be exposed. There are too many to count. Thx for your hard work, ALL OF YOU!
I hope you all saw this post earlier from Booman (and soj) about the power of the internet. The work you do is top-notch. I remember seeing your group form at Kos, I was still a lurker at the time, didn’t even have an account, but you all motivated me to take the next step and get more involved. Kudos to you and can’t wait for the next digging expedition.
Man Egee.
I had not seen the diary so very much thanks for the link.
Very much true, we are all getting better at this as we go along!
Kick-Ass post! This is another example of how groups like ePluribus Media are making the mainstream media obsolete. This denouement is very delicately handled —
Army Times Aug. 11, 2005 — A lawyer representing a four-star general has issued a statement aiming to quell rumors surrounding allegations that caused him to be relieved of command. Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes, commanding general of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) was fired Monday on allegations of an extramarital affair.
“The allegation against Gen. Byrnes involves a consensual, adult relationship with a woman who is not in the military, nor is a civilian employee of the military or the federal government,” according to an e-mail statement from Byrnes’s attorney, Lt. Col. David H. Robertson. “Gen. Byrnes has agreed to the release of this information,” said Robertson, an attorney in the Army’s Trial Defense Service.
Tom Seligson classmate of George W. Bush at Phillips Academy in Andover, now a producer for CBS-TV: “I organize the reunions, and it’s like going back to a prison reunion. This was an atmosphere where there was a lot of cruelty to other classmates. He never did any of that.”
Is there a link between Izzy Hernandez leaving his WH position in Januari 2005 and the PropaGannon Investigation JG|JG?
HoustonVoice.com June 24, 2005 — “One source tells us Hernandez waited until Bush was sworn in for a second term to formally tell him he is gay,” the columnists reported. “By then, says a source, he’d brought his partner to several official events.”
Hernandez testified (pdf) June 16 at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation. He mentioned the presence of his sister, mother and father at the hearing but made no mention of a domestic partner.
In a questionnaire he submitted to the committee in advance of his testimony, Hernandez listed his residence as a Fall Church, Va., townhouse that, according to tax records, is owned and occupied by another man, Albert A. Gallegos.
A male voice on the answering machine of the home identified himself as “Al,” but messages left seeking comment about Hernandez’s nomination were not returned by deadline.
“Izzy” Hernandez and Rove/Bush in Texas
I was wondering the same thing as I read this story last night. Was Hernandez Gannon’s in at the WH? (and if not, who the hell was?) I wonder what the WH logs would show…
What we see is a group that operates not unlike the Mafia. Loyalty to those on the inside and “to hell” with everyone else.
Wow. I’m sitting here dazed and confused. First, as I was reading, Iwas thinking…hmmm, he sounds gay, then it turns out he might be, then he moves in with the Bushes, then he works for Rove, then he talks about leaving and they promote him way up. What a great piece of reporting and I sure hope some MSM reporters read this and pick up the thread. Great Great job. It also sounds like Fitzpatrick has a laser focus in unraveling Rove’s gate. Congrats and recommended of course.
I read this last night and had the exact same thoughts as I was reading it..it was just sort of fascinatingly creepy for some reason.
Once again ePluribus shakes things up. This is an outstanding piece of journalism. Thank you for your dedicated work. Izzy/Gannon?
Loyalty in Bush’s inner circle seems to be a mixture of mafioso and borderline cultish behavior. It most definetly is creepy. This piece is a wonderful glimpse into that world. ePluribus Media has certainly grown up… you folks are amazing.
You know what creeps me out the most? Those seemingly embraced by the Bushes have to know deep down that with one misstep, one misplaced word to the outside world and all that power would be directed at destroying them. How much does fear play in their hold on loyal minions? It’s amazing how this all works; once someone is trusted and brought into that circle, when the time comes, they know just how to lie cheat and steal for their Master without necessarily having to be instructed in those dark arts.
I hope Fitzgerald is able to crack the code. I’m sure he is aware of the dynamics at work here and I sure don’t envy him. Absolutely great job.
I read this morning a diary over on kos written by Kant about the role of the GJ and what they do an dhow they do it.
I found it of great interest to read. If I knew how to bring it here I would for you all to refer to.
here is a list of all that were of interest to the GJ:
Karl Rove
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Condoleezza Rice
Stephen Hadley
Andrew Card
Alberto Gonzales
Mary Matalin
Ari Fleischer
Susan Ralston
Israel Hernandez John Hannah
Scott McClellan
Dan Bartlett
Claire Buchan
Catherine Martin
Colin Powell
Karen Hughes
Adam Levine
Bob Joseph
Vice President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush
I feel it would be interesting to know how the GJ views their intel and info on these ppl.
How they all fit into the puzzle and scheme of it all.
The one man is a crook just like they all are. He is an opportunist, like they all are.
I really wonder just how much he has done for dubya in a personal nature!…:o)
This scrip will not cease to keep giving to us, will it…..:o)
http://tinyurl.com/9r4qg link to thinkprogress which has list of 21 officials in the WhiteHouse surrounding Plame and a link with each name. Giving information and how involved and interconnected they are. From Bush/Hernandez/Ari/Scotty/Powell, etc. Nice to have handy.
Thank you CI for link to pretty extended coverage with easy access from view of each suspected traitor.
Surprisingly, I miss my point man “yellowcake” John Bolton.