(cross-posted at daily kos)
Earlier today mem from somerville posted a diary here (at dkos) about local events in support of Cindy Sheehan and Camp Casey – this diary is a follow-up.
As mem said, we can’t all be in Crawford, but many of us want to show our support.
Please post any such events in your area here (and provide a link or source if you have one.)
But, wait, there’s more…and a poll: (well, hopefully. It’s my first one.)
As for me, I went to Value Village today, bought myself a bright pink* t-shirt ($2.99 baby!) and will either write or attach something that has MeetWithCindy.org on the front on the front and back. Or, maybe I will put AfterDowningStreet.org on the back. I plan to go to the Rolling Thunder event in Seattle for a little while, then show some out-of-town guests around the area. Visibility.
If you don’t have an event in your area or cannot attend, howzabout if you ask some people if they have heard about Cindy? I was surprised yesterday that my leftie neighbors only had the vaguest idea.
So, again, please post your events and ideas below!
*This shirt is so bright, I am sure you can see it from outer space.
Actually, see my diary above… 🙂
Cool. Please post the logistics here and at dKos.
Dang, I love digital cameras.