[From the diaries by susanhu.] If Cindy Sheehan does not have a political agenda, she ought to. She’s entitled to it because her son died in the service of his country. The thing Cindy Sheehan most wants she cannot have. She cannot hug her son. She cannot offer him motherly advice about his girlfriend, his eating habits, or the music he plays too loud in his car. You know, the normal stuff that mothers around this country, who love their sons, do because they can’t help themselves.
So, here’s my suggestion of some items for the political agenda:
First and foremost, get an apology. The President betrayed his trust to your son as the Commander-in-Chief and started a needless war that ended your son’s life. He owes you a heartfelt, personal apology.
Second, insist the President apologize to the country for the monumental mistake of taking us to war for wrong reasons, in the wrong way. The events leading up to the war have dramatically undermined the confidence of the American people in their leaders. The miserable conduct of the war’s aftermath has resulted in the needless deaths of Americans and Iraqis. His recklessness has lead to deaths of our children and theirs.
Third, insist he hold someone accountable. Someone failed to provide accurate intelligence. Someone failed to provide sound analysis. Someone failed to adequately plan for the aftermath of invading Iraq. If Bush truly wants to be the War President then act like a leader and hold the people responsible for these failures accountable for their actions. At the end of the day, this requires that George Bush hold himself accountable.
Finally, keep faith with the men and women have put on the uniform and carried arms on behalf of their nation. We must do more than honor their service with empty words. We must ensure that those wounded, physically and mentally, receive all the healing powers at our disposal. We must ensure those who have returned alive have economic opportunities and can earn a living wage. And, we must ensure that the survivors of those who have died, particularly the children, are cared for.
Those who shed their blood because they trusted George Bush to tell them the truth must be honored in death by holding the man accountable for betraying the sacred trust that exists in a democracy between a commander and his soldiers. George Bush has betrayed Casey Sheehan and more than 1800 of his comrades in arms in sending them to war. It is time for him to make reparations to the grieving families and a wounded nation.
Great post Larry. Perhaps one of our BooTribbers who are going to Crawford can hand-deliver it to Cindy.
I’d be happy to — dunno if she’ll have time to read it this month, but I know she will read it. When I gave her suskind’s article, she was really appreciative, but she does have people interviewing her almost every second….I don’t know how she keep doing it in this heat — but let me know and I will give it to her — she has a stack of mail at the peace house about 3 feet high! π
Add a printout of Larry’s bio. He’s done enough service for this country to earn the write to speak up like this, and Cindy will appreciate his service.
I’m so glad you are there! π
…but it is very, very cool, just to be an hour and a half drive away — I will be making lots of trips this month!
Next week though, I think I’ll have to take my 15 year old Nissan with no air conditioning or carpool — in the Explorer it costs $23 in gas round trip….YIKES!
I will take it tomorrow though — we can afford one more! π
create a paypal acct or something – we can cover your gas.
Hey girl…got your phone# from Susan. Will give you a call tomorrow. I cannot wait to meet you. I hope these next two weeks will fly by.
Larry, your deep resapect for Cindy is shown here in your writing. Your honesty and to the point writing are words to echo through to others. I would like to print some type of flyer to put on cars. Any ideas Larry or any other eloquent writers here?
Thank you, Mr. Johnson! You have boiled down to just a few words that really impacted this whole damn mess. You call an ace an ace and that is what is needed nowadays to meke sense of this of which we live. You need to do more for America by running for office…..Please represent me will you. You have the mind to see thru the paint of the painting….the forest for the trees, etc…just thank you, Sir.
Amen, Larry. You’re the first I’ve seen to take that stupid “accusation” the RWE’s (right-wing extremists) are throwing around about Cindy having a political agenda and turning it around on them. Yes, what you have written comprises an honorable, common sense political agenda that every mother and father can claim. I have a draft-age son. He could be Casey; I could be Cindy. I claim that political agenda as my own, too.
One family welcomed home Dad for a brief period of R&R:
A wonderful photo on the front page accompanies the article, showing wife and two daughters welcoming him with smiles all around.
I recognized the last name and sure enough on page two there is a picture of his mother and two sisters, one of whom is an old friend of mine.
As heartwarming as the welcome home photo’s and sentiments are… he leaves again for Iraq before the month is out.
We do support the troops… and their families… the best I know to show it is to do everything we can to bring them home as soon as we can so that Sgt. Livolsi can enjoy can enjoy some quiet time with his lovely family and so that his daughters don’t have to worry about when Daddy is coming home and the inevitable fear they must feel everytime they hear another roadside bomb has exploded and taken another American life.
Good distillation of what we want to hear from bush. I still don’t get how no one seems to be responsible for anything in this administration..from before to 9/11 to everything after…no one even mentions the whole anthrax deal either anymore..?
It seems like everything is just well this or that happened, mistakes may have been made, let’s move on and not even correcting any mistakes making it all worse.
Bush wants to be a ‘war president’ he could at least act like one, meaning spending every dam extra minute he has with families like Cindy Sheehan, going to funerals, visiting hospitals, going to factories where armored humvees are being made, making sure there are enough, all aspects concerning the troops and their families should take up his every waking minute. What do we get instead-5 week vacations, bar-b-que’s for rich fundraisers, a baseball game I believe tomorrow…..
An additional point: Do whatever is necessary now to make sure the troops in the field have adequate body armor and that their vehicles are properly armored.
The fact that people are being killed for lack of armor from a country that wastes so many resources at all levels is so obscene as to defy comprehension.
Armor will help but, if the bombs are like the one that hit the Marines last week, no armor will help… trying to remember how big the hole was that was created by that bomb … like swimming-pool size.
No wonder the GIs are trigger happy over there, and often shoot innocent Iraqis. They have to be hyper-alert and stressed out.
the Washington Post has a video montage of all these roadside bombs that the Iraqis have filmed going off and put on the internet.
These things were flipping tanks, throwing them around. The bombs are huge.
At least now we know the whereabouts of the 350 tons of high explosives that went missing because Rumsfeld and his minions couldn’t be bothered to plan for their security.
</bitter snark>
According to this AP article, “[m]ore and better armor on trucks and other U.S. military supply vehicles in Iraq has reduced casualties in supply convoys, even as roadside bomb attacks on the convoys have doubled, the general in charge of the logistics network says.”
I can’t say that I’m anything but appalled to hear that there are 30 strikes on convoys per week (the fiancé of an office colleague has just gone back for a second tour, and he will be leading convoys in an APC), but at least the situation with up-armored vehicles is getting better. Body armor is of course another issue entirely. What is most distressing, perhaps, is the thought of how many needless deaths could have been avoided had all our military vehicles been properly equipped from the beginning of this misadventure.
While Mr. Diamond had been in Iraq last year attempting to assist with the reconstruction efforts of the CPA, I’m sure he was very much aware of the degree to which his work was being impeded (both directly and indirectly) by the lack of armor. It’s just one of the countless ways in which this Administration has seemingly done everything in its power to prevent achieving the goals we set out for ourselves in Iraq.
There is a touching modesty in Sheehan’s request that Bush explain the chronic, mournful truths that she faces and he dodges. She seems trust that he, or at least his office, can competently react to truthful news once acknowledged.
Her purity of motive is hard for Bush to disdain, and harder for his doubting evangelical base to demonize. Whether natural or calculated, it is above negotiation except at the level of requiring truthful answers.
But it is a great power, if she can retain it. If Bush speaks truthfully about his pretexts for this war, then he must also speak the truth about his present actions and inactions and about the motives and competences of those around him.
Acknowledging one single unwanted truth would turn on the switch of public accountability, would shatter the diaphane of falsehoods that forms the common pretense to legitimacy among the shrinking numbers but fattening fortunes of this administration’s circle of friends.
But does this administration have within it some fragment of competence that could be grafted onto new appointments? The problem saturates the top ten floors. All the power is held by those who barely summon the talent for organized corruption, and would lose face at the challenge of governing legitimately.
I think paralysis is our best hope, then, and Sheehan could shame them from ambition until they’re gone.
Finally, keep faith with the men and women have put on the uniform and carried arms on behalf of their nation. We must do more than honor their service with empty words. We must ensure that those wounded, physically and mentally, receive all the healing powers at our disposal. We must ensure those who have returned alive have economic opportunities and can earn a living wage. And, we must ensure that the survivors of those who have died, particularly the children, are cared for.
Those who shed their blood because they trusted George Bush to tell them the truth must be honored in death by holding the man accountable for betraying the sacred trust that exists in a democracy between a commander and his soldiers. George Bush has betrayed Casey Sheehan and more than 1800 of his comrades in arms in sending them to war. It is time for him to make reparations to the grieving families and a wounded nation.
SORRY ! Can’t accept your suggestion as above.
You say, “Finally, keep faith with the men and women have put on the uniform and carried arms on behalf of their nation. We must do more than honor their service with empty words.”
In fact how can you suggest to “HONOUR” them when the duties they are carrying out on a daily basis are in fact, MOST DISHONOURABLE ?
I find it incredibly shallow, that the U.S. populace can even talk themselves into believing such rubbish, especially when you have the VIETNAM experience behind you to DEMONSTRATE this so clearly.
You say, ” We must ensure those who have returned alive have economic opportunities and can earn a living wage. And, we must ensure that the survivors of those who have died, particularly the children, are cared for.”
When the FACTS state very clearly, nothing of the kind is happening.
It didn’t happen after Vietnam, nor Gulf War 1, and neither is it happening RIGHT NOW.
What economic opportunities are you refering to that will help such an afflicted person who is greiving deep within himself/her self, trying to come to grips with Humanity principles that they’ve been told all their lives they should adhere to, and then all of a sudden find those principles were not worth a drop of Dog excreta, on coming home, the good folks have no idea of the torment going on in their heads, and the attempts to rationalise their evil deeds that they have been called upon in the name of the U.S.A. to inflict upon a harmless defenceless people ?
What the hell the children have got to do with it, escapes me at the moment, it’s the returned terrorist we’re talking about and should be very concerned about quiet rightly, it’s what’s going on inside their heads that has to be resolved, THEN and only THEN, can you deal with their kids, whoare comletely oblivious to the ravages going on inside their parents heads.
I’m talking from experience, as I’m a Vietnam Vet, and am so angry at the CLAIMS of support being offered, when it’s all so much patronising mumbo jumbo designed to give people who are not involved balm to salve their conscousness, and their guilt at not being able to PREVENT these poor saps being sent off to their doom in the first instance based on LIES, and their inability to hold the people responsabile accountable.
pissed off.
But calling for us to try to make sure vets get support (financial, medical, moral) is not empty rhetoric.
Failing to do those things, or shifting the blame onto every soldier that didn’t become a conscientious objector is empty rhetoric.
I don’t blame Vietnam Vets for abiding by the law and carrying out their orders, even if their overall mission was less than honorable. Specific vets that carried out deeply immoral orders are one thing. But the vast majority of vets in any war are deserving of some degree of honor. That honor is best expressed by being honest about what war does to people and making sure we have support systems to help them reintergrate into a supposedly peaceful society.
“But the vast majority of vets in any war are deserving of some degree of honor. That honor is best expressed by being honest about what war does to people and making sure we have support systems to help them reintergrate into a supposedly peaceful society. “
Sorry, but I wont buy that at all, specially the bit refering to “HONOUR”.
How any sane person, can claim there’s “HONOUR” in murdering innocent people who arw doing nothing but defending their homelands against invaders, is beyond my mental capacity.
In fact from where I sit, it makes “HONOUR” a very dirty word indeed.
The reference of being HONEST ABOUT WHAT WAR DOES TO PEOPLE, is valid, however I fail to see where the connection is with “HONOUR”.
I also find the comment,
“we have support systems to help them reintergrate into a supposedly peaceful society.”
quiet ludicrous, as AMERICA most certainly does NOT have a peaceful society, in fact it’s whole society is geared up to commit murder and mayhem in foriegn countries to allow them to rape and pillage such countries resources and riches.
Therein lies the rub I mentioned right at the beginning. The people being forced to fight these vicious murderous wars of subjugation, realise very quickly, that what they are exposed to, does not fit with what they were told and believed all their lives.
Coming back home and then being exposed to further double standards by the folks at home, who simply carry on as they always do, not realising they are living in a make believe World simply further compound their problems and verifies the conclusions they’ve arrived at.
They should always, be a very last resort, and preferably enacted in SELF DEFENCE after an act of agression has been committed against a country.
IMHO America will continue to thumb it’s nose,(or finger as Bush does) at the World, and do as it pleases, invade anyone they choose and steal their resources and riches, and as long as the PEOPLE of America, alow their Government to do this, America has much darkness and evil ahead of it.
Itchyvet, I wnat you to know that, as a pharmacist, I’ve been aware of the trauma inflicted on the Vietnam vets on a regular basis. When I fill their prescriptions for PTSD medications some 30 years after the war, and they talk to me about why they are on those meds. I know that war had a lasting effect that much of the public doesn’t ever see, because it’s not out there in plain view. Unfortunately, too many of our vets have to deal with it every day.
I have been concerned since day one about the impact that living through a situation like the Iraq war will have on our young men and women serving there. I agree with you that we simply don’t have the mental health services available or in place to help these young men and women come to grips with what they are being forced to do, simply to survive in many cases. And your’re right, it’s a lesson we shold have learned from Vietnam, but didn’t.
We need people like you (and the rest of us too) to help make the people of this country aware of what those who have served are going through on their return, so our servicepeople get what they need when they return, on a personal level as well as a medical one.
How do we do this? I tink the group in Crawford is just the beginning. We need people everywhere to start standing up and insisting that something be done.
YES ! You are 100% correct.
The attitudes of American society MUST CHANGE .
It MUST be steered away from a militaristic economy and everything that goes with it, if there’s to be any future for it’s people.
On the face of it, a very simple solution, however when one examines the integration of that militarism within it’s society, beginning right in Primary schools all the way up to collage (incidentaly places where billions of dollars are squandered in designing and discovering newer and newer methods of killing and subjugating people) right through the corporate sector, so entwined within Government sectors, it’s difficult to tell where the separation lines are, it’s a mammoth task.
The pork barrelling that goes on with Govt and states to support manufacture of such military hardware is so entwined with the economy, that if it were to cease,(as it was in the USSR) the economy of America would go exactly the same way as Russia’s did.
So America no longer wages wars under the guise of freedom, spreading democracy, what it does is wage wars to keep the manufacturing wheels rolling and the profits rising.
Does American Society have the courage and back bone to change this ?????????????????????????????????????
I’m 55 and have so far seen no evidance to sustain such a claim.
from one VN era vet to another, welcome home. <shanking hand in a special way> and you know what I mean!
YOu have points to be made and they need to be made. I find it hard to accept any man made wars of terminating ppl just for the sake of terminating ppl. For what ever reason one has to keep them tormented for eternity, it is something that needs to be addressed and I really mean that.
There are times, that I can not sleep for the thoughts of the past torment me. The thoughts of the present torment me as well. Man, we are the ones who ought to be frontline protesters for this lie and its war thereof. We know firsthandedly what it is like. I am so disillusioned as to the reaction of some vets that it really blows my mind away. It really seems like we just can not let go of things that hold our souls so taunt that we can not even breath some day/nights.
God is truly giving us another mission to be on, itchyvet. He is bound and determined to have us educate those who do not know what war is truly like. These poor kids do not have a clue as to what they are getting themselves into. However, once they do get there we need to cover their back. I will take point….will you cover my back? Hugs
Yep, your correct.
I do the best I can of informing people what WAR really means, have been ever since it became obvious that the U.S. Administration was hell bent on going to war again on the basis of smoke and mirrors.
In particular here; http://talkback.lancasteronline.com/index.php?act=idx
and you’d be surprised at how many people still fail to see what’s going on right inder their very noses.
I confess though, it does get me down at times, that even with events like Iraq and the TRUTH eventually coming out, many Americans don’t really care a whit, and merrily go about their business of living their daily lives.
Until of course we have another mind shattering event like Katerina and the aftermath .
Again, the double standards and hypocrisy being practiced within U.S. society comes to the surface in all it’s ugliness, and to the victims, has devastaing effect and aftermath, to the watchers, it’s simply another TV show and life goes on regardless, until the next horrific event.
I usually ask the question;
How much blood must be lost and lives destroyed before this is done ????????
It bothers me greatly.
I hope you’ll help us.
I’ve posted some items about veterans benefits and the hard fight by my U.S. Senator, Patty Murray, to help veterans — mostly recently by trying for months to get more funding for health care because Murray could foresee the VA was running out of money and had “borrowed” from its next year’s construction and other budget items.
Anyway, when I posted this stuff, I got maybe one or two comments. It’s not sexy but god is it important.
btw, my daugther’s employer has put his money where his mouth is. He’s given tens of thousands of dollars to the Seattle Veterans Center’s homeless vet program. Here’s a set of photos of some staff at the vet center.
Susan, I would love to have an open take on this subject, but I find my heart would not take it. I am so bitter and have been for many years on this issue. It is not just now but it seems it has always been this way. When a vet has to make an appointment for health care months away, it is not good. I have personally seen indigent vets die before they get help. When all the vets are dead and gone then they will make room for more, it seems…they are just trying to hang on till such time. Tell the man who gave money, to be careful for this is dangerous and he might be giving to an organization that will cheat him out of it….ie misappropriate it. I personally ahve not had a very good experience with the VA ever!
Thank you good people for the very kind words.
It does some good, to discover that there are people in America today, who can see the wood for the trees.
susanhu, that’s wonderful of your employer donating thousands of dollars of his own to aid the Vets.
However, it is NOT his job to do that.
Those Vets were NOT placed in danger on his behalf.
Just as the troops in Iraq today, ARE NOT PROTECTING AMERICA, but protecting the CORPORATE WEALTHY who stand to make billions from this illegal invasion of another soveriegn country.
It is THESE who are responsabile for looking after the soldiers who basicaly are doing a MERCENARY job on their behalf.
What makes me so incredibly angry, is that the average American citizen appears unable to work that out for themselves.
And allow their representatives to do as they choose, ignoring their constituents and supporting the Corporate wealthy.
Since WW 2, I know of NO MILITARY ENGAGEMENT that ever defended America from a military threat.
So I fail to see, why good U.S. citizens are constantly being fed into the meat grinder purely to defnd Corporate economic interests.
Let’s face it, since when is the military supposed to utilised for such a purpose ?????
We’ve now witnessed one of the most dispickable events in U.S. history, enacted against it’s own people,(KATRINA) will this event be the catalyist to open the citizens of America’s eyes, and fire them up with zeal to put things right within their own country before things become worse,(and IMHO, if nothing is done, I assure you, WORSE they are most definately going to become) I certainly hope and pray so, however, my instincts tell me something entirely different.
I believe things are going to be ALLOWED to get far worse yet in America, and many more thousands are going to die, before concrete action will be taken by the people, to regain a semblance of what used to be the U.S.A.
I’d love to help you, however as I’m not a U.S. citizen and don’t live in the U.S. it would be most difficult for me.
However I can offer a little advice, if you are aware of your representatives in Congress, talkin of both paries here, flood them with emails voicing your concerns, make it very clear, should they continue in the fashion they are, they won’t be getting your vote.
Highlight in your local community paper, the lack of action from said representatives, write editorials advisng people of the lack of action from them.
Noise, Noise, Noise, the squeeky wheel gets the oil.
That’s what I do, my representatives USED to answer my emails, nowadays they don’t, however that’s OK by me, as long as I know they are getting them.
Set your email to notify you when your emails have been read. That way you get some confirmation it got thru to where it was intended.
However, I am aware, that in the U.S. you may be endangering yourself by doing this, I’ve read reports where people have been sacked for voicing their opinions specialy where such opinion was contrary to Govt views. Shades of Communism.
So be careful, you can’t do anything in gaol.
All of you gullible traitors should be horsewhipped or worse.
You are the dupes of the Lies, All Lies, All the Time, Left Wing MSM.
Using a poor dead soldier to advance your America Hating Agenda! Have you no shame?
We never did that with Pat Tillman.
I am confused as to your theory. Could you elaborate.
ok stinkeye, I have given you enough time to respond. I call you on your statement here. Are you a gutless wonder here or what???!!! Chicken!!!! you are just one of those weaklings that can not say or do anything right ever. My question is why are you not in Iraq? Prove to me you are right!!!!! Prove it gutless…….give me some proof of yoru theory here and I will listen to you. then we can have an honest debate as to your mouth and spoken words. Are you chicken shit or what??!!! I dare you to come on like gangbusters and not take the heat for your statements. Fu*k you……
psst…I think it’s our first BT troll ever…
This is very exciting! Partyyyyyyyy, partyyyyyyyy!
We have ARRIVED!!!! π
Susan, this kind of person is nothing but an irritant to my soul. I have been asking this kind of ppl to debate me one on one,,,,they slip away and never take m on my offer. they are chicken shit. plain and simple. I had a little of this over on kos in my early days.
I am armed and ready to go..so where is my adversary???
Cabin, I hardly find anything worth giving a rating such as this. everyone is worthy of a thought or speech, but this is ridiculous.
BrendaStewart has a goat … and she’s not afraid to use it! π
You go girl.
I agree with you Brenda, but we’ve wondered for a long time when we would see this kind of behavior. It is an arrival of sorts!
And it just shows a desperate an ignorant individual grasping at straws in the face of being on the wrong side of an argument. Definitely a justified rating from you!
Thank you for your vote of confidence, both of you. I should have just left it alone, like always; however, I am sick an dtired of letting this kind of rheteric get on here and get by with it. It is time the learn once and for all this will not be tolorated here and to just go on by and forget us here. If they don’t, then be prepared to not just do a drive by but be preparied to suffer the consequence. They are nothing but chicken shit…..I never do much swearing on line but I am in no mood for this stuff today…maybe I ought to leave instead of this person…:o) If they want a fight, I am ready…..anyone here to cover my back on this one???!!!!
am/was I wrong in giving it? I do not think so. this person can stay away from our place if this person thinks she/he is right then I want to know why. I would like an honest debate with this person. Wouldn’t you?
Excuse me! Excuse me! Hey! Hey!!!!!!
Are you all insane? The terrible stinkeye went away from this thread and did stuff that needed doing. You will learn that I do not wait with baited breath to assent or to disagree with anybody.
I use this name at several sites, sites which are kept lively with wit, irony and selfdeprecation. Should your fingers need a workout I suggest you check out the very funny Jesus General and go through current and archival posts. I’ll be the bitch with her fangs ripping into the flabby thighs of the Right.
I cited Pat Tillman to highlight THEIR hypocrisy.
I’m actually surprised that I have been the only one (that I know of) to see and then post about their double (or is it triple or quadruple or infinite) standard when it comes to the blood of the dead.
well, excccccuseeeeeee me!!!!!!!!!!! you did not come across that way!!!!!!! your wit is not as good as you might think it is. better sharpen up on your rheteric. besides this is not the place to do your wit, if you get my drift. maybe you ought to stay at Jesus General if you wanna do thst kind of shit. wanna debate stuff, I am willing but make it honest, will you.
PS: this diary is not the place to do a debate. I challenge you to the cafe to do that with. The personal diaries are not the place to ruin if you get my drift.
better idea stinky….create your own diary and I will be ther first to join you there…no need to bag any and other diaries for this debate….will watch for your diary……
“We’re gonna play a fun game. It’s called who’s you daddy and what does he do?”-Arnold Schwartzenegger as Detective John Kimble in Kindergarten Cop
3 graham cracker squares, crushed
1 3-oz pkg mixed fruit gelatin
1c water
1/2c banana rum
1/4 c tequila
1/4 c creme de cassis
1 3.5 ounce snack-size container of vanilla pudding
Sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs in bottom of 1-oz dsposable cups
Place jeelo in heat resistant bowl. Boil water and pour over the gelatin, stirring until dissolved. Add the banana rum, tequila, and creme de cassis, mixing well. Divide the mixture among the cups and chill for 30 minutes, then drop a teaspoon of vanilla pudding into each cup. Chill unitl firm (2-3 hours).
best wishes on the results, stinky…
Dear Brenda,
I did not say I was a standup comedian. I believe I said, ‘wit, irony, and selfdeprecation’ kept those sites lively. In my first and second post here today, I was employing irony.
It strikes me as foolhardy that you want to have a shoot ’em up debate at the Philosophy Corral when you don’t know what kind of heat your opponent is packing.
As I am/was new here, what’s the story? Are you the hall monitor?
No doubt I am somewhat dim. It seems to me that blasting someone, someone with common political goals, someone who has clarified a misperception, is a poor way to win friends and influence people. As I read the j’accuse comments directed at me after I wrote my first post I noticed that several people said that I must be the first ‘troll’ (I sure wish everybody everywhere would find a new term…that and moonbat) here at Booman. That leads me to the conclusion that this is a new site, which I didn’t know because I was led here via several links. So, good luck to you, Mr. Booman, long may you blog!
It ain’t always fun and games at JG. The General is the sire of the very effective Operation Yellow Elephant. We disrupted several young Republican conventions this summer. You might want to check that out.
So, I am not in irreversible psychic pain as the result of your heated snub but when you dis the General, you’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.
Welcome to BT…come on over to the cafe, and laugh when you read us realizing you faked us out!
And while you’re there, introduce yourself to everyone!
Please, stinkeye, re-read your first posting. This is all I ask if you ran across this comment made by some one, what do you think???!!
No, Dear Stinkeye, I am not anything near the hall police, I am just someone who has an honest opinion and I personally will not take being put down by some rightwing nut case, what so ever!!!! now hear this, if you will, if you choose to discuss this further with anyone and by all means me, write a diary of your own and I will certainly come and join in with you.
I really wish you would re-read your first posting and assume you just walked upon this statement and lets say you have not a clue as to who stinkeye is and this came out as an anti-democrat statement, what would you do???!! Please be honest, will you.
If I owe you an apology, I will be the first to do this. If, in fact you are with us here and not with the other side, then welcome aboard; however, if you are the other side, then plese go on your way and do not come back. This is not a place to start any ruffs and it [is] for peace loving ppl. Please understand this, if you will.
Thank you very much,
Brenda Stewart