Normally, we celebrate frivolity on Fridays. But today I have something else in mind.
If Bush came into office determined to take out Saddam, as Paul O’Neill and Richard Clarke have claimed, then I have a question.
Without 9/11 occurring, what would their argument for war have been?
He also said Republicans in this area are easier to deal with than most.
“New England Republicans are different than most. They are more reasonable and thoughtful,” Dean said. “You don’t get as many right-wing wackos.”
Dean also described Bush’s desire to privatize social security as “nutty.”
“Americans do not want to privatize social security,” he said. “They’re too smart to turn social security over to the people who ran Enron.”
Well, here I go with nitpicking again, but it’s too bad that in the midst of his great populist breakthrough Dean had to go for “buying” back the government from the corporations. We need to take it, not buy it. Just kinda strange view, seems like.
But I love how Dean is transforming into Mr. Populist rabblerouser. If he’d been this forthright during the primaries, maybe things would be different today?
Mustard gas.
Free world.
Did I mention Nukes?
here is the thing:
the nuke argument barely worked with 9/11, do you think he could have effectively made that argument to Congress without 9/11?
And the UN would have been out of the question, I would think.
It’s pretty simple, really. He would have made up an acute threat of Nuke missles aimed at the US even as we speak, as discovered by secret Brit “intelligence” reports. Launch was set for a month from now. Criminals and patsies from the CIA, State, Defense, and of course Condi would have solemnly testified that the threat of nuclear holocaust was right around the corner. And of course there would have been the omnipresent haze of racism, Christian crusade, and oilgreed hovering over everything, just a little too wispy to quite pin down but clear enough to his idiot bots and corporate thief-buds.
After that, just like now — um, we never said there were nukes, we’re just there for freedom and democracy, which requires the sacrifice of at least 100,000 brown people. And the media and most Dems would be arguing not about the motivation, but about the pathetic military planning and execution.
it’s a matter of plausibility.
I don’t think your scenario would have a remote chance of working for a variety of reasons. Number one, the Brits would never have gone along with it if we weren’t going to go through the UN. We would have had to rely on our intelligence agencies, and they would not have gone along with it. More importantly, Congress wouldn’t have gone along with it.
They all DID go along with it. The so-called intelligence agencies in Britain and the US knew there was no connection between Sept 11 and Iraq. So did Tony Blair. They lied then, idiots bought it, there’s no reason another manufactured crisis wouldn’t have worked out just as well. What makes you think that solemn statements from Bush, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, and various congressional “leaders”, along with special fear-mongering reports by Blair from inside Bush’s rectum, all screaming about imminent nuclear missle attacks, wouldn’t have worked just as well. The so-called journalists haven’t shown the slightest interest in questioning anything that comes out of the neoconjob conspiracy. What makes you think an absence of Sept 11 would have changed that?
I think it is a matter of belief — in the basic awareness of the american electorate and the basic good intentions of the ruling government/military/media elite.
. . . they would have had to invent it. Hmmmmm . . .
what the hell,
Now as everyone knows, Bushie and the Saudi Royals are very very close, imagining that hand holding down on the ranch some months back.
I say, the Saud’s, without much prompting from Bush and Cheney may well have set in motion the 9/11 attacks. Here is the gist of why I believe that to be true.
The Sauds are relieved of an aggressor neighbor when Bushco attacks Iran, Bushco gets to have his war and become another great warrior presnit.
I believe the Sauds are going to try and Annex the sourthern region of Iraq, because of its vast oil reserves and with American troops in place, the Iranians can do little about it. Also I believe that Turkey will Annex the northern region and displace all those Kurds living in the region and replace them with Turkmen. Leaving the Iraqi’s, the Sunni triangle to live in, problem solved, end of discussion because Bushco, the Turks and the Sauds have spoken.
Like I said tinfoil, but plausible to me.

<click on pic to enlarge>
I’d forgotten all about that guy…jeezz when there is so much incestuous corruption it really becomes difficult to take in the scope and decades long continuous screwing of the public.
After going back to ’99-’00 reading PNAC – including Wolfie’s testimony at Senate Intel – I’d bet on their funding the “Southern Insurgency” option:
This is not a plan for victory on the cheap: The liberated zone would have to be protected by U. S . military might, both from the air and, if necessary, on the ground. And that would require beefing up our ground and air forces in the Middle East immediately. But unlike a one-shot cruise-missile strike, the Wolfowitz plan offers a chance for a lasting solution to the Iraqi crisis.
Weekly Standard, 16 Nov ’98.
The U.S. had tried to spank Hussein in the Clinton years – the “box” theory of containment coupled with tactical strickes – and in the eyes of the soon-to-be Bush defense establishment, had failed miserably. Added to the mix was the U.S. insistence (along with Britain) of tightening the inspection regime, and beating the drum of “WMD”.
Small leap to implementation based on failure of the inspection regime, corruption in the oil-for-food program, and the willingness of the Shia (South), and Kurds to cut Hussein off at their respective borders. Worth noting is PNAC characterization of Gen. Zinni:
Weekly Standared, 4/11 Jan ’99. Kagan & Wolfowitz
Blind, leading the dumb. Favorite sport: running on quicksand.
I always figured they could just get Jim Baker to snooker Saddam into some provocative act; like they did by using a female ambassador to tell him that we had no concern with Kuwait. They know how to manipulate people, or to make stuff up if they need to. It’s not like they have to fool the media.
I have been reading your articles, each and every one of them today. I need to catch up and I found myself so ashamed of some ppl in America that I cried.
I find it hard to beleive that an American President will not stop and speak to a God Star Mother! Appearently he and others do not know the history of that organization…and appearently some of them, themselves, do not understand what kind of organization it is and why. This is just blowing my mind! It seems that not only did 9/11 change the world, it made the minds of common ordinary ppl stop thinking altogether! When does it take a demonstration to say how one feels to a president? I know, do not remind me of 2000! It has been feces hitting the fan ever since that fateful day the supreme court decided our fate that very sad day.
I simply can not believe that taxes are the way they are for the RICH and the VERY RICH! That in America that ppl are loosing their healthcare and their pensions to the greed of employers and that an American president would allow this to happen to his ppl.
I am humilated to even think of what the GOP has made out of it’s party. The shame of it all. I am ashamed of some democrats that allow this to go on without even a word and dare to vote with them as if the ppl how put them there do not matter. I am so very ashamed of them all.
Most of all, if anything at all, why did America not learn, not to lie to bring forth a war! After the matter we all learn the truth of why and because of this why, we cry. We cry that, if no one will listen, what can one do to let others know, except to protest things. And when the White House, which belongs to us BTW, will not take the time to speak to the ppl…all the ppl, then it is definately time to stop this maddness. I simply say it is time to shame this man and all his court, for all that they have done to us, the citizens of this great nation. What happended to the commpassion and the faith that we can and will do things to better the land of which we live or to make the world better for eveyone, in a peaceful manner.
I have been so very hurt for America since 2000, that I can not even grieve appropriately any more. To use and abuse ppl of any land is not a good thing and that is what this president has done since day one.
I have had a belly full of this man and his cronies! I simply can not take it any longer. I want any and all democrats and independents to really open their eyes and see what is before their own noses. This has to stop before we are all dead and blown to kingdom come by the likes of those in this WH of ours.
They are wicked and corrupt and have NO HONOR what so ever! I would like to be at heavens gate when they are judged by their maker. I want to see them whine and cry for passion and forgiveness and for reason [for] their souls. And they call themselves Christians…I beg their pardon…they do not have one clue what being a Christian is all about! To me they are the satan of all satans. They are the antichrist….all rolled up into one organization.
When are we going to take them out!!!!!????? It has to start now and continue till no one is left of their kind.
This is my Friday to really rant like hell. Thank you folks for listening and you are my freinds and am glad you will listen to me and have the heart to really listen to me…..
If there had been no 9/11 another one would have been manufactured…real or phony it doesn’t make any difference or as long as perceived threat was manufactured. Don’t forget the Gulf of Tonkin and the plan for dam can’t think of the name-Operation something that was on paper by the government to stage attack here …
And with Condi and her mushroom cloud talk and Powell’s supposed credibility behind invasion to Iraq the news media would have been just as complicit in fostering a war agenda -no questions asked.
They don’t have to tell the truth, Congress believed them before and they would have done it again. Maybe drag up the MIA’s again from first Gulf War to get people really stirred up..that was one of the stories used before Iraq invasion also and of course it has disappeared as it is no longer of use.
People here already believed Saddam was the evil dictator and some were still pissed that bush daddy didn’t finish the job so I don’t think that it would have taken much to start and get Iraq invasion without 9/11. When you’re willing to tell any lie, forge any document etc as bushco is anything is possible.
Operation Northwoods.
Those who want a war badly enough will have a reason for one.
I should learn to check ALL the windows I have open before clicking “post.”
Cindy’s getting somewhere. Time for another major terror threat.
Someday maybe we’ll know when these things are real and when they’re convenient.
Thanks for the information…now I don’t have to go look it up myself.. So ok, if some 24 year guy at an airport had a carry on bag and was found to have a pipe bomb in it what do you think would happen?
Well, in Oklahoma this young man went before a judge-led into court, not handcuffed and told judge he’s been making bombs since he was 14 for ‘recreational purposes’ and setting a few off. Also the one in his carry on-he forgot it was there. I’m relieved to know hey bombs are just for fun recreational use and also that he forgets he’s carting them around, oh yeah.
The ex-mayor apparently a friend of the family comes to the rescue and tells the judge this young man must have just forgotten like he said after all he was just down at the lake with him and he knew he’d thrown it in his carry after 30 minutes the Judge remands to young man to his parents custody and tells him not to hang around airports, and he has a court date on Aug.31st.
What color is the young man? Well actually the article doesn’t say so that usually means white.
I’m not even going to try and make any other comments..
and that young man finds himself an enemy combatant and denied all his constitutional rights guaranteed under the constitution of the United States of America. Except when under the dictatorial rule of the Fascist Gestapo On Parade, Bush told us he wanted a dictatorship as long he is the dictator. Looks more and more like he might be gaining ground folks.
Guranteed, Except when under the dictatorial rule of the Fascist Gestapo On Parade, Bush told us he wanted a dictatorship as long he is the dictator. Looks more and more like he might be gaining ground folks.