Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Happy Saturday morning! I’m dropping in from the sunny great lakes — it’s been a fine week. But, we’re packing up today and heading south in a couple of hours.
We should be back home tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll see you all then.
It’s serve yourself today!
Hi Katie, I just posted this on the last diary as yours was not yet up, so i copied and pasted over here.
Owens Corning is the best brand, with a good waranty, make sure they match the trim on your house ; ) (ducking behind desk)
CALL YOUR DOCTOR …they have medicine for that..
outside of that, I would recommend two servings of gator tail pr day, and 1 pint of moonshine, (won’t cure the shingles, but you won’t give a shit either ; ) (sturgeon general’s warning, eating gator tail can cause bodily harm, expecially if it’s not dead yet!!! kill it first….take two of these, and don’t call me in the morning ; )
sorry to hear of your pain, that is a bad thing to have, do call your doctor.
Thanks Infidel, I have previously tried to take the medication and it just kills my ‘delicate’ stomach, and simply cannot tolerate it. But still I may have to go that route if this gets any worse….
Hi Diane,
Valtrex should shorten the time you have active shingles, so if there is any way you can tolerate it, you should try. Is it any better if you take it with food?
That is such a painful disease, I’m so sorry you have it (((hugs)))
(ps, I am a licensed professional, and allowed to advise you on medications)
Is valtrex over the counter or perscription?
You know I have just decided that I am going to take medication, I just took a left over pill,I can’t tolerate this pain and so on…
Prescription, so you need to see a doctor.
Does your painful rash cross the midline (center line of your body anywhere) anywhere? NOT crossing the midline is a characteristic sign of shingles, and a key point in diagnosis usually.
No it does not cross the midline, ok I am going to call Dr…he previously gave me Cefzil and famvir for this. This is occurring where I previously had outbreaks, which left scars. I hate taking pills, but this is just too hard to take without something!
I think the valtrex will be easier on your stomach than the famvir. Go call! π
Interrupting here .. CabinGirl christened our first troll! Woohoo!
And just wait till they see the jello-shot recipes I have ready for them!
well, just ran inot here again over onthe diary of first sighting. better get your guns ready. she is a nut case if ever. I invited here here to have her debate if she so desires. I can bet a weeks wages she is chicken shit. she talks with forked tongue. beware……take a look at what she said to me.
I have just the thing for her…
I asked her to write her own diary to debate this shit. no need to disrupt other diaries with this kind if shit. whoops I am letting my guard down…feces…pardon me. I infomred here that diaries of others is not the place to debate things not revelent to the topic at hand.
Let me know if you think I was too nasty…or gross. It’s a real jello-shot recipe, though.
Please point me to the diaries in question, I cannot find anything and you know’ I need to know’!!!!LOL..
it was over on larry johnsons center page diary
I’m afraid to tell you, Diane…
Go read it now…and Brenda…we are all too serious sometimes!
well, all I can say is go and read my last comment to her. If I owe her an apology, I will be ther first to do so. I am, afterall an adult. But if you ran across that statement out of the blue what would you think?
This is what I asked her to do and so if she would then maybe she would get a clue as to my flip[ent ]attitude with her.
I am wrong many times in my life and misunderstandings are always plausable.
If I owe stinkeye an apology, I am here now to give one…I just know I did not take her statement as to being a snark…not what with all the shit the rightwing is handing out nowadays. I almost did nto give her statment a second thought but then I took another look at it and said hell no this person will not get away with calling us down. That is how I took it.
I think I was not the only one either….
anyhow, I apologize to everyone and most of all to stinkeye if this is what is needed. but hear me loud and clear, I personally will not let anyone turn booman into a place of discourse and arguing. This is our refuge and a peaceful place not like the others…this is why I choose to be here and not there…
I thought the same thing, it was her later comment that made me realize she was trying to be funny…. and NO need to apologize, the comments were so out of line with the rest of the discussion.
CabinGirl, No, I do not want to be the one to make anyone feel uncomfortable here and for them to not come in and join in with our fun. I never want to be the one to do that!!!! An apology here will not be my first for my behavior. I will never be that big or unhuman to do that to anyone. I want stinkeye to be here, if she is honest to god honest with us. I do give anyone the option of their opinion but not the rightwing nuts. Thanks anyhow. YOu are probably right on your interpretation.
If she can’t take a little of what she dishes out, that’s just too bad for her.
Or is she attempting to be snarky and we missed it? I’m gong out to play now. Must get some sunshine and humidity today…
no!!! reread her comment. you can go from there.
I don’t know, I think I may be being too literal this morning (which happens to me sometimes)…anyway, I would hope she should have a sense of humor …
Okay, well that was weird. Her second comment was definitely snark, with the Pat Tillman punch line being the tip-off. But who would be expecting snark after that first furious comment? Personally, I don’t think she’s a troll, just. . .something else. Upset and confused, maybe?
AS she said, definitely NOT a candidate for being a stand-up comedian…
You, on the other hand, made me lol.
IP, you are so funny. Good thing you’re not a doctor, though. Your patients would either die laughing or they’d have to kill you.
but..but…I is one o’ dem .. ; ) “Doc Funny”
they can’t kill what they can’t catch ; )
Diane, let Tracy know that I have subscription entry to Time magazine (thanks, 90-year-old mom! — it’s her subscription).
Usually, early-ish on Sunday, their new stories go up. I shall check many times this weekend!
Tracy’s photo SHOULD be there.
Diane, good luck hon with your attack of the shingles. My best to you, dear. do take good care and your medicine.
Sorry Diane, I know nothing about shingles. Hope others have some good ideas for you!
I just wanted to say again that Scribe and I are meeting this morning (11:00 am central time) at the Louisiana Cafe in St. Paul, MN. I’m sure there will be lots of talk about Cindy, all the boo-tribbers and lots of other good stuff. I can’t wait. And if anyone is in the area and can get over there – please join us.
and I’m drenched in sweat from taking a walk in the woods. It’s been hot and humid for weeks (years! eons!) and it’s going to stay that way. Fall can’t get here soon enough for me.
Okay, I feel a little better now.
Thanks, I needed that too (just mowed lawn).
BTW – is there someplace I can go to find out how to post pics in a comment or diary? I didn’t see it in the FAQs.
superscalar wrote a HTML primer wherein much information can be found …. here tis
Includes how to post pictures and other neat stuff.
I keep that one on my hotlist for quickrefeernce!
Sorry about the typos…need caffeine now!
Have a cuppa —
(Note the French Press Pot!)
Right now I’m mainlining Italian Roast (Yummy!) to get the brain kick-started.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! (pours it into her offical BT mug)
Many Thanks!!!
Thanks for doing this while you’re on vacation, Kb! When you return you’ll see there’s lots of excitement about your photo fair.
Diane, so sorry about the shingles. I’ve always heard that’s really painful.
Thanks for that, I am right now researching some topical treatments, andthey are expensive. The pain which is nerve based is very like hittin your funny bone, in elbow, but it goes on and on in waves of pain, tingling and then itching.
Right now my whole inner elbow is broken out in a blistering rash, and look like it may be spreading to my upper arm.
So if anyone knows anything, let me know.
Now about Tracy, just talked to her again, she is making friends with some of the anti- protesters.
Not too much new to report, ohhhhhhh, I almost forgot, someone told her’ Hannity’ was on the way there. At the end of our conversation she just saw Brad Blog and was rushing to talk to him.. Boy I wish I could have been there for all of this.
she is making friends with some of the anti- protesters.
That’s our girl! She’s just amazing.
Hope the medicine works well without causing the other complications, Diane. I can’t even imagine tolerating a pain that feels like constantly hitting your funny bone. “Ouch,” multiplied exponentially which is, I believe, “Holy F’g Sh*T That Hurts.”
Seattle’s going to be hot today–we may come within 30 degrees of Camp Casey!
Here’s a late summer cooling-off view of antique boats sailing off Port Townsend, Washington.

diane … so sorry to hear about your pain. Shingles definitely one of the more painful conditions d/t nerve involvement. Hope that you find some ease for it soon.
Here’s my contribution to help everyone cool down. I took this photo the other day after a rainfall. It has been so darn dry this summer. The droplets reminded me of jewels, sparkling in the post-shower sunshine. And, considering how sparse the rain has been … they’re just as treasured.
Lovely! I may take down AndiF’s photo of the Grand Canyon that I’ve been using as wallpaper and use your leaf, if you don’t mind. You guys are a veritible wallpaper store. π
is what you need. I’ve got one that changes the wallpaper using as many images as you on whatever schedule you want, it also has a time server to you can update your pc’s time, and it can set your desktop type to be transparent. And it’s free.
Here’s a link to the version I use.
click her to download jlpaper.exe
I also he has a newer version of the program with a new name that you can read about here
There are plenty of other wallpaper changers around besides this one. You can find them over at CNET or other software download sites.
Muchas gracias.
Here’s a link to a bigger size.
This is the one I have up on my screen:
An upside down rose. I’d just pruned it and it looked so good I wanted to capture it in some way.
how lovely…..
I love water droplet macro shots.
Here’s another – closer shot – I took as well:
btw – it’s a honeysuckle leaf. (If you want to see the larger version (1024×768), here’s the link.)
Since you are a gardener and flower aficionado, I was wondering if you can recommend some wildflower identification resources (online or paper). We found quite a few wildflowers on our Canadian Rockies trip that we haven’t be able to identify with the books we own (peterson and audubon field guides).
… and came across a few sites to check.
There’s the North American Native Plant Society, although it looks more central-oriented (i.e., lots of Ontario links). Not sure how helpful that is.
Wildflowers and Scenery of the Canadian Rockies looks like it might have some good info, if you have a sense of what your flower is, name-wise…
And this might help you identify flowers by looks, plus he has some gorgeous shots: Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains.
This bibliography lists a number of books that you may want to look into (has the audubon and peterson refs).
I don’t know of any books and/or sites that might help more than the ones you’ve listed above. Maybe some of the west coast froggies have some ideas?
… and made me look really lazy π
Thanks for the info.
Good afternoon, everyone. I have not got much to say today. It is slow here on my lily pad today. As always, am on call. Like Dem from Knoxville, I have to mow the grass today. Am waiting till this evening to do so, when it might just be a little cooler…not..:o(
I will make myself a glass of ice tea and join you all for a minute or two.
diane, might try some eptsom salts to help dry the shingles. otherwise, if not taking medicine, just a waiting game is all. Please do take good care, babe. This could really get you down if not taken good care of. just remember this…..
ps, the salts are for external use!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the epson salts rec. I didn’t think of that…I am using benadryl gel, tried baking soda but that burned like hell.
Called the dr. but I don’t know if the call got recorded or not, of course it’s Sat.. I am going to get meds, can’t take this at all….Took one leftover pill and will proceed with meds when I get them.
Thanks for all the well wishes from above, the thread that is!
I can feel the energy coming my way and it is helping me cope.
In ref. to the ‘ehemmmm’, possible troll, I think that may have been a little hastey, but the snarkiness was easy to miss in the current climate. So that is my line,’ let us not be hasty’!!!LOL and forgive this little stupidline but’ hasty makes wastey’.
you are probably right, Diane. I will certainly not take another double take on anything ever again…once I did that over at kos, I got into trouble too…:o) damn those second takes…anyhow…I just hope she reads my comments to her, for I did in a way apologize to her.
Diane-hope you are finding relief-it certainly is considered to be way up there on the list of painful conditions.
Excuse my forwardness on this (and it won’t help right now) but have you tried acupuncture? I’ve used it for a number of painful conditions with good results. It can be effective for preventing outbreaks of conditions caused by stressors in our lives and can boost the immune system.
The treatments usually aren’t covered by insurance but if you’re anywhere near a natural medicine college they often have inexpensive clinics.
Anyway, here’s hoping you find some relief and soon-sending light and metta* your way.
(*”May all beings be happy and free from pain. May Diane be happy and free from pain…”etc.)
This lack of routine totally sucks — I just got out of bed an hour ago. π
Diane, sorry to hear about the shingles; I had a case about 25 years ago, on my forehead of all the worst places…I still have scars, which is why I usually have my hair cut with bangs. (But it didn’t go into my eyes which is what the doctor was really scared of; that could’ve caused blindness.) Don’t remember the treatment, that long ago…I’d say just do whatever the doctor recommends.
Take care of yourself, hon…and the same goes for everyone else. Infidelpig, glad to see you peeking out from under the work-related rock this weekend! π
Well, here I am, Little Miss Controversy!
I wasn’t even aware that there were layers upon lairs at Booman and so didn’t know that this is where you slice and dice and talk about shingles. Owwwww! Had ’em. Dante forgot to include them when he wrote the Inferno.
So, let’s talk about me. If only more people would.
Incredibly old. Incredibly cute. Incredible know-it-all. Incredibly sharp and lacerating. Incredulous when others don’t play. Incredibly laid up. Incredible pain. Incredibly bored. Incredible husband. Incredible….ah, I’m incredibly sick of that, myself.
Food/Photography = stinkeye career as food stylist still and video.
Live Honolulu/Boston. Angry Liberal very active activist before some of you were born. Husband, Labor attorney on the side of Labor.
Sheeit, I don’t have to buff up my credentials. If everybody that is directing me to look, just look, at what you wrote and then you’ll see why we don’t like you and think you’re a Narc and mean and everything, wants to think that way, well, it’s your sandbox.
I wasn’t looking for any apologies nor did I ask. However, I was taught at Miss Manners Stinkeye’s knee that it isn’t really an apology if it is prefaced with a ‘but’ or ‘kinda’.
Hi Stinkeye and Welcome to Booman Trib. I am pulling up the proper Welcome Wagon here for this..
So how old is incredibly old, as I thought I was at 62.
Curious about your Honolulu, boston, does that mean you have residences in Hono….and if that is the case,’ hoo Lawd’ as our friend Indifel would say., I do envy you that…
I lived in Kaneohe, Oahu, for a time back in the 60’s and that surely is my favorite place on Earth, Hawaii.
I am afraid I don’t under stand this part above. ” and then you’ll see why we don’t like you and think you’re a Narc and mean and everything, wants to think that way, well, it’s your sandbox.”, perhaps you will explain further.
Anyway, I am extending my welcoming hand to you!!!!
well, here is mine…..I apologize. Hope you stay and contribute to the cause. We here do not take kindly to the right wing.
Thank you for coming to join in.
I guess it is a good thing that you weren’t here when I did my “Join the Debate with a Neocon” Brenda, you might have had a ‘conniption’, lol….. But it is true, I did such a diary..
This would be me if I dove still!!
Seems booman’s policy here is’ not’ just for Dem, Liberals, but for everyone, that is respectful and does not disrupt the site. Site is officially anti-troll tho.
I personally would like to see some Conservatives on the site as they can give an excellent sounding board to our views and positions…as did the one who joined me in debate.
Of course all on the site were not happy with the debate.
Oh Btw Brenda, I tried the epsom salts and it is helping, so thanks bunches for that tip.
Someone mentioned acupuncture and I am sure going to consider that in the future as well, I have heard very good things about acupuncture.
Hey, I just got this emoticon and have to use it..
Diane, I am glad the salts helped. I am from the old school and I found it help lots of things anti-inflamitory.
Used it and witch hazel in the navy many years ago to go onto inflamed and engorged breastas after birth. and for hemerroids too…..:o)
Can you put up a link for your discussion you had?
As you know, there were several weeks I was working way tooo much to engage here to any degree. After getting home from working at least 12-18 hours, I read with one eye open and the other shut…bs
I would like that car too..bs that is very cute….
Diane, I do not mind talking to someone on the other side of the fence if they can do it with class. I find I can learn lots from eveyone. As you already know, I am just a common ordinary person with lots of love in my heart. I can really tolerate lots, but not arrogence to the degree that they are simply mad and disgraceful…..if you know what I mean.

Link to debate, but beware it’s a huge thread..
Witch Hazel I must get also, was reminded of that last night.
I was trying to be lighthearted in my comments, hope they came across that way.
I should have give you these earlier, and wish I could give them to everyone on the site but that would be a giant task.
thank you so very much, Diane. You didn’t have to…:o)
I am going to look up your diary…see ya later…
Ok Diane, you are right! I do not think I would have been a cool minded as you were in that interview with the neocon. I think he damn well knew what he was doing in this interview.
pardon me while I take a shower to cleanse the stench off my mind.
Typical of jerks if you ask me.
Thanks for the link.
Diane101 and Brenda,
I am now awash with shame. Hideous first impressions, wot?
Diane,okay, you have me beat on the age thing. I fractured my pelvis and hip in the spring and have felt more advanced in years than I actually am. I live my life like I’m a twenty year old guy. I hiked or jogged for 2 hours everyday until the inevitable happened. Didn’t know that’s what happened so the treatment I got made it worse. So, I watch the sailboats floating in or skimming out of Boston Harbor and my mood darkens.
Kaneohe is wonderful but they have been experiencing what may soon be happening elsewhere on the islands. A more aggressive type of flora is destroying the reef there. I remember a few years back Huanama Bay had to be closed for a goodly time due to same problem. The reefs can come back if we leave them alone.
I spend more time in Kailua when on that side of Oahu.
I’m not used to writing in my own voice. I’m usually in character. I’ve been writing fiction about mythological deities of many cultures having a summit in Hawaii due to what the Keck telescopes on Mauna Lea have revealed…..so,
Aloha ame Maluhia ame Hauoli
(love and peace and happiness)
Aloha ame Maluhia ame Hauoli ….now that is more like it!!!!!!!!! hugs and welcome to booman. I am very sorry to hear about your hip. I am a nurse and I do understand.
I would hope that you would find us very welcoming here. I took R&R in Hawaii once and had a great time except for burning like a lobster…bs I am fair in skin and did not give it a thought at to burning for I felt cool. but burn to a crisp I did….
Sorry for the misunderstanding and please accept my apology.
In honor of Hawaii, this emoticon.
No problemo on my part about the past and I hate to keep saying Stinkeye, but just did.
Gee now I have to invite you to check out my new site as linked on tag line and ask you to write something there about Hawaii..site is basically non political, but politics seem to be in everything these days.
So do go over to site and write, please!!!!
Welcome to BooTrib!
Anybody named stinkeye has got to be a friend of ours. I don’t know why, I just know. So welcome to the frog pond, sorry to hear you’ve had a lot of pain, best of wishes to you, and may we call you stinky? π
Great harm will come to anybody that calls me ‘stinky’. Besides, that’s what I call my sister and her name isn’t even ‘stinkeye’.
Here on the mainland ‘stinkeye’ is a more moderate term and, sadly, one not heard often enough for the likes of me. It also can be misconstrued as, how shall I put it, vulgar in the extreme.
However, in Hawaii, if someone really gives you the ‘stinkeye’, you are in for a whole world of hurt. It does not indicate mild disapproval or scant skepticism. It is very powerful and one goes far out of one’s way to avoid it. Giving it, on the other hand, brings me great joy. As I said in my notorious posts from the main page, I use it on several political sites. Employed thusly, while commenting on the foibles, treachery and dark arts of the Right, I attempt to sear them. If I really try really hard and focus my laser thoughts, Karl Rove gets the mother of all headaches.
Now that I know, I promise not to refer to you as stinky again…’kay?
Glad to see you ferreted us out here in our lair…Welcome!
stinkeye, I am sure I am not by myself here when I say this to you, but please, just be yourself with us. This is what we are here and I am sure things will be ok. I am truly sorry for the misunderstanding here. Thanks for hanging in here with us till we could work this out. Find yourself a lily pad and sit right down and join right on in with the conversation. The pond is great today. A wee bit warm, but to us frogs that is ok….:o)
Geesh, I’m gone for a couple of days, and they unleash the beasts…LMAO
Hey y’all, calm down, I know it’s fever time with a few of the tribbers out in Texas, and a LOT more wanting to be there, but let’s take some time, and feed the good one inside of us ; )
I would love to be there as well, but it just can’t be, so in the meantime, I’m gonna keep on keep’n on what I do, and keep the good energy flow’n.
Might I suggest some comfort food for the good one in each of us, and do not give that poison stuff to the bad one.
Sooooooooo, let’s have some fun….any suggestions???…..
Saturday Night Fish Fry


Marinated in fresh spices served w/ moro and frito verde and a green salad…Yummmmmmy!
mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, Yo Dada, right on bro ; )
now, I’ll just toss a lil’ lizard tail in there..Hoooooo Laaaaaawwwd
peace brother
I can report that Scribe and I had a WONDERFUL get together today. I think we talked for over 3 hours and felt like we just got started. I know that I have met a kindred spirit, and for that, I thank all of you and the great space that has been created for heart, mind and soul connections here at the pond.
life is a circle, don’t let it be broken ; )
what you give, you will receive..thanks .. the circle.
peace be with you always
is up so come on over and celebrate the ‘week that was.”
Is there anyone who can tell me what sort of tree this is? I’ve spent a couple of hours trying to identify it using some identification keys on the internet, but to no avail. I’m thinking it might be in the Vitex genus (chaste tree) or Myrtle family. It has a compound palmate leaf, trunks that can be twisted around each other, and seems to be pretty drought resistant — as in, it has not been getting much water but is still hanging on. The leaves have a pleasant smell when you tear them.
We moved into this rental house last November and the landlord has someone to do the gardening, but that probably just means mowing the lawn. This tree, which lives in a pot, was left by the previous tenant and it does not seem to be faring so well. I was just wondering what we should be doing for it. I have begun watering it, but the soil does not seem to hold much water at all– it just runs right through it and out the bottom.
We were thinking of trying to plant it in the ground so it could be tended to more by mother nature, but we are not sure if it likes lot of sun, shade or what.
Here are three photos, the tree, a close up of the leaves, a close up of the flowering body.
looks very much like a schefflera. I have one indoors that is about 10 years old and quite big. In warm climates I’d bet it gets even bigger outdoors.
Looking at some pics of Schefflera, it does look alot like what we have. It is living outside but apparently it is does better as a houseplant. Hmm, I wonder if the previous occupants of this house kept it indoors. Still up until a month or so ago, it seemed to be doing okay outside. I only even noticed it as something that might need attention when, during a period of high winds, it kept being knocked over in its pot. Then it occured to me that, gee, since it is in a pot on the patio, maybe it needs water! Genius, me. So I’ve watered it a few times, but that might not be helping. Seems there are even more yellow leaves now. Maybe the gardener is watering it after all, and I should just leave it alone, but at least now, I have a better idea of what we are dealing with.
Thanks for your reply!