Watching the Bush criminal gang in plain street clothes on the Texas desert, reminded me of a scene recaptured by the great William Shirer in his classic RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH. He says in the Epilog what the Hitler henchmen looked like as they filed into their seats, one by one, at the Tribunal.He says, there was a great transformation in these arrogant men whom he had seen during their heyday of power strutting through the streets of the same city striking fear in one and all. Now, shorn of their pomp, they looked ordinary and, even plain.Gone was the strut to their walk because they realized they were facing the death penalty as war criminals.

When we look at the pompous asses like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi, Bush and their minions in these photographs, I imagine this is what a frog march of these criminals would look like.Shorn of the paraphernalia of power at Bush’s Potemkin ranch, and forced to wear common clothes because of the heat, they looked pathetic.

What is worse, the mother who lost her son has gained moral authority over these men whose lies sent many people to their deaths for no reason at all.