Crossposted at dKos
This week, as always, I have been doing a lot of reading on Cannabis related subjects. I no particular order here is a sampling of what I have been reading.
There was this little gem from August 10th at DEA Watch:
I have read a lot of stuff, so there’s more at the jump…
If and when we can get more time to tell the world that DEA is only interested in fighting drugs and not toppling governments to steal their resources we should be able to counter some of the negative press about us coming out of Caracas.
I’m sorry that I missed it, but I don’t watch CNN. I like to read, so I guess that I miss the propaganda.
Then there is My message to you by Marc Emery. This is an interesting piece. Yes, there is some self promotion, but he has a lot to say. The story starts with:
I had that ‘life flashing before me’ moment. The frozen second in time when everything was sharp, clear, and signalled a great convergence of all my effort into this precise moment.
“Marc Emery, you are under arrest for Extradition to The United States of America.”
All my seeds sold, all the millions of dollars I had given to the cause, every speech to free our people, every arrest, jailing and raid I had endured: it was all for this moment in time. “For trafficking in marijuana seeds, for the production of marijuana, and for money laundering”
In 1990, when I became a cannabis activist, all books, magazines, videos, pipes, bongs, everything about even saying the word marijuana was illegal in Canada.
The New York Times had a couple of interesting stories. The first one was Debunking the Drug War by John Tierney and surprisingly it was on their top five e-mailed stories on August the 9th. Mr Tierney hits the nail on the head in this one. He even points out that the media is a willing enabler in this war as well:
“Using drugs,” he wrote, “is wrong not simply because drugs create medical problems; it is wrong because drugs destroy one’s moral sense. People addicted to drugs neglect their duties.”
This problem afflicts a small minority of the people who have tried methamphetamines, but most of the law-enforcement officials and politicians who lead the war against drugs. They’re so consumed with drugs that they’ve lost sight of their duties.
Like addicts desperate for a high, they’ve declared meth the new crack, which was once called the new heroin (that title now belongs to OxyContin). With the help of the press, they’re once again frightening the public with tales of a drug so seductive it instantly turns masses of upstanding citizens into addicts who ruin their health, their lives and their families.
Later this week The New York Times had a story on Marc Emery by Clifford Krauss This Johnny Appleseed Is Wanted by the Law. Mr Krauss even got an “Overgrow the Government” quote from Mr Emery:
In other words, he added, he wants “to overgrow the governments” that punish marijuana users.
Of course I read the story Bush’s War on Pot by Robert Dreyfuss in Rolling Stone. Mr Dreyfuss points out what many people seem to know and that is you don’t win wars by just throwing money at the problem:
Yes, but you sure can pad your budget well and get a nice pension without too much trouble.
And then there is this really long story Cannabis Cure: Miracle or Myth? by Laura McPhee from of all places, Indianapolis, Indiana. In it Ms McPhee takes arch drug-warrior Congressman Mark Souder to task:
According to the DEA, “Marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug that poses significant health threats to users. Marijuana has no medical value that can’t be met more effectively by legal drugs. Drug legalizers use medical marijuana as a red herring in effort to advocate broader legalization of drug use.”
These statements are presented as fact, and are the basis for nearly all public policy and federal law concerning marijuana, not to mention the “evidence” cited by opponents of medical marijuana like Congressman Souder [for more on Souder, see sidebar]. Opposing viewpoints, indeed contradictory scientific, medical, and legal research, are rarely given credence.
However, an examination of the facts about marijuana demonstrates that the most common and dangerous myths about America’s most widely used illegal drug and its medicinal value are actually those perpetuated by the federal government itself.
So, there is a lot to read, but that is it for This Week In Marihuana.
Thanks for the roundup. Chavez didn’t just say vague stuff about toppling governments. He also said the DEA was involved in narco-trafficking and espionage. Prosecutors in Venezuela have opened investigations.
Chavez also said the US is the biggest consumer of drugs and asked why we only kept attacking the supply and not the demand. He also marveled at how strange it was we never attack the profits and financing. Narco News has a good report here:
Also, this month’s issue of Vanity Fair has an article about the trouble that the military is having finding recruits. One of the problems is how many kids test positive for drug use. I forget the percentage, but it’s crazy — something like 5 out of 6, iirc. I’ll have to look it up. But the upshot is that recruiters have been telling kids how not to test dirty.
hmmmm, I’m gonna have to (cough) think about this one man (cough)…really? (cough)
great article, and the bottom line is just that…money for the shills on the hill…
now, I think I’ll burn one…in case they get rid of all of it by …mmmm, next lifetime ; )
thanks for all your efforts, and I personally would like to keep up on what’s happening with all the new legislative action on such.
oh, yeah ‘ere.
(cough) thanks bro ; ) fffffffffffffffffft (cough) ere man…
Cough?? sounds like you guys need a vaporizer…
Cannabis vaporizers are designed to let users inhale active cannabinoids while avoiding harmful smoke toxins. They do so by heating cannabis to a temperature of 180 – 200° C (356° – 392° F), just below the point of combustion where smoke is produced. At this point, THC and other medically active cannabinoids are emitted with little or none of the carcinogenic tars and noxious gases found in smoke. Many medical marijuana patients who find smoked marijuana highly irritating report effective relief inhaling through vaporizers. Users who are concerned about the respiratory hazards of smoking are strongly advised to use vaporizers
Nah, I don’t smoke it. I’m just writing about it. Fun, though.
LOL..good fun for sure.
but unlike our last Great White Hope (WhiteWash Willy, aka Clinton) I DID inhale ; )
Standard ingestion for medical use in the old days was alcohol-based tincture.
Thanks!!!! Printed this out for my dear friend who is an… a compassionate activist.
We need to stop the imprisoning of patients – especially now since so many don’t have health care and can’t afford the FDA shit that’ll make you sicker and make you poor.
Can’t afford your pills? Don’t have a doctor?? Try alternative methods… SLAM you in Jail. Bastards…
Why are they so afraid of something like a plant? Oh yea because they’d lose all their “war of drugs” loot and their gazillions from pharma-warlords.
((( Cannabis )))
Bingo….yeppers, cause if they can’t control it on the slide, then they’ll have to report it…ya know..out in the public eye.
sly little bastards..our governing force…LOL
Infidel, check it out – I suspect that when our guys get home from the “war on terra” they might need help falling asleep/insomnia, the shakes.. and then BLAMMO
They’ll get arrested for being insurgents in the “war on deerrruugggs”
Bad laws make criminals out of good people… as someone said.
Agree on all counts with this one and I will have to check out that vaporizer…
Norml has some info about it
absolutely, I’ve seen it before, and was hoping never to see it again.
but, like father like son, geeesh..I know a few guys from the first Gulf war that are dealing with what they done there, and that was’nt shit compared to this round…dayum.
the nukes might kill us…if the GREED does’nt get us first.
I’ll be hosting the 35th annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival, Oct 1st and 2nd.
Saturday, noon-7PM at the Library Mall, by the UW Campus
Sunday: begins at Library Mall 2PM. then a Parade to the State Capitol.
More details as they become available at
Guests to include:
Keith Stroup, Founder and former Executive Director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML),
Marc Pocan, 78th Assembly District
Austin King, Madison City Council
Jim Miller
New Jersey medical cannabis activist
surviving spouse of Cheryl Miller
Cherylheart Project
Dr. Tod Mikuriya
“one of the world’s foremost authorities on the uses of medical cannabis”
Jacki Rickert
Wisconsin patient-activist
Founder, Is My Medicine Legal YET?
Gary Storck
writer, medical cannabis patient-activist
Is My Medicine Legal YET?
Chris Conrad
“A quick-witted, internationally known expert on the history, medical, social, economic and ecological aspects of Cannabis hemp, Chris Conrad is author of four groundbreaking books. He advocates full restoration of industrial hemp, medical marijuana with a doctor’s supervision, and setting a legal age of consent for marijuana use by responsible adults in a regulated market.”
Mikki Norris
A longtime activist, Mikki helped create the very moving Human Rights and the Drug War exhibit with her husband Chris Conrad and Virginia Resner in 1995. The exhibit has been on display at past Harvest Fests. Mikki also worked on Prop 215 campasign in 1996, and was a major force in the passage of Measure Z in Oakland CA in 2005. Mikki is currently working on advancing the equal rights / “Pot Pride”/ Cannabis Consumers Campaign concept, helping former drug war POW Will Foster with his “Adopt a Green Prisoner” project, and documenting patient harassment in California.
This is great that this diary made the Recommended Diaries list. I’ll start collecting stories and do it again next week.
Carcinogens through the combustion process? Its a wonder Im not dead already….
But its spelled with a “j” bucco not an “h”.
Thats why we fought the revolution in the first place.
Who ever heard of Mary Hane?
it’s the proper legal spelling in the definition of the drug in the U.S. Do a search for the word “marihuana” in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and you will find it. The language of the Marihuana Tax Act was carried over into the CSA.