First a bit of news. The American Jewish Committee has asked House Majority Leader Tom DeLay not to appear on the Justice Sunday II telecast.
“Sponsors of Justice Sunday II are promoting the insidious and baseless notion that the U.S. Supreme Court is hostile towards people of faith,” wrote AJC President E. Robert Goodkind and Executive Director David Harris in a letter to Rep. DeLay. ‘We urge you to reconsider lending your name and the stature of your office to the Justice Sunday campaign.”
“‘America is a nation of diverse faith communities, and the political views of members of those communities run across the spectrum,’ wrote AJC. ‘The Supreme Court, like the judicial branch as a whole, is a microcosm of this diversity.'”
“‘The publicity campaign of Justice Sunday II inaccurately suggests that all good people of faith adhere to the same tenets, beliefs, and understanding of political or legal questions. This characterization
erroneously implies that promoting an interpretation of the law at odds with the conference’s sponsors constitutes hostility towards religion,’ Goodkind and Harris wrote in their letter to Rep. DeLay.”
Yesterday, I updated the state of the struggle, Battle of Justice Sunday Heats Up. A lively discussion took place on The Daily Kos when Plutonim Page promoted it to the front page. I was glad to see
that Armando has followed-up with a discussion this afternoon.
For those interested in more background going into Sunday’s rally for religious supremacism, here is an anthology of my posts on this subject over the past few weeks. The most recent first:
Counter Event to Justice Sunday
Taking on the Demagogues Behind Justice Sunday
DeLay to Speak at Rally for Religious Sumpremacism.
A one stop shop for all things Justice Sunday! Well, ok, a lot of things Justice Sunday.