Believe it or not, this snark filled column comes courtesy of the Cox News Service.
Bush said he is aware of the anti-war sentiments of Cindy Sheehan and others who have joined her protest near the Bush ranch.
“But whether it be here or in Washington or anywhere else, there’s somebody who has got something to say to the president, that’s part of the job,” Bush said on the ranch. “And I think it’s important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say.”
“But,” he added, “I think it’s also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life.”
The comments came prior to a bike ride on the ranch with journalists and aides. [snip]
In addition to the two-hour bike ride, Bush’s Saturday schedule included an evening Little League Baseball playoff game, a lunch meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a nap, some fishing and some reading. “I think the people want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions and to stay healthy,” he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him. “And part of my being is to be outside exercising.”
On Friday, Bush’s motorcade drove by the protest site en route to a Republican fund-raising event at a nearby ranch.
As Bush rolled by, Sheehan held a sign that said, “Why do you make time for donors and not for me?”
As Bugs Bunny would say, “What a maroon!”
I had to post this gem myself…unbelievable. Just when I think I’ve maxed out my incredulous outrage capacity…
which sentence in that article is the snarkiest.
My vote: “And part of my being is to be outside exercising.”
That’s our War Preznut!
I like this too: …he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him…
“In addition to the two-hour bike ride, Bush’s Saturday schedule included an evening Little League Baseball playoff game, a lunch meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a nap, some fishing and some reading.”
You’re right, it’s hard to choose.
should tell Bush’s handlers that real men don’t nap. They sleep.
Real men don’t do either one when something important requires their attention.
There you have it.
Peasants are not important.
I know that the Little League World Series has been plagued, in the past, with overage players appearing thanks to false IDs and unscrupulous coaches, but it’s really a testimony to the skills of the crew that Bush used to clean up his military records that they were apparently able to convince the local Little League that the president is under twelve and thus qualified to participate.
Thank you for front paging this. That man is just crass.
In church today, I was thinking I should pray that I could find a way to hate him less, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Bush’s attitude just reeks of “It’s all about meeeeee!” Granted, that’s the typical attitude of a two year old as well, but thankfully we have things in place to keep two-year olds from going nuke-u-lar on a grand scale.
Also makes me think of a scene from Red Dwarf…
The Religious Left
The good news just keeps on comin’.
I wonder how long it takes the photogs to photoshop:
the training wheels off the bike?
the banana on the stick in front of the bike
the drops of oil on the road for him to follow
Prick Cheney with his electric cattle prod
the headset playing Jimmy Swaggert
the fact that there is no seat on the bike, only a broom stick to keep the chimp upright
to make it look like he’s actually accomplishing a very simple task of riding a bycicle? Amazing what they can do with PhotoShop, is’nt it?
Oh well, maybe not, just look, the chimp’s the Prez, and the trainer is the Vice Prez ; )
Bush gives new meaning to the words “imbecile” and “self absorbed”.
His destructive impact aside, what an embarrassment he is. It’s worse than “Orwellian” that he serves as the President.
I wonder if he could be persuaded to stop briefly to blow up a toad or do his Karla Faye Tucker impression.
<click pic for USA Today story>
The Tin Man
Damn! Wish I could photoshop…Bood?
Here’s a small one on the related theme:
It’s small but I got him in there!
Not up to bood’s standards, but a quick and dirty photoshop job for you dada!
a brain, some COURAGE,
Even by the remarkably low standards of the Bush administration, this is . . . what? Dreadful? Unbelievable? Obscene?
The language is inadequate to describe accurately this nasty little piece of excrement.
Sounds like he really might be an exercise addict after all…
Reminds me of what a dog-owning colleague once told me:
The dog will wear you out if you just trow the ball for him to bring back. However if you make the dog think (for example by hiding the ball and making the dog look for it) you’ll have it panting in no time.
The brain uses a lot of energy and is harder to train than most muscles.
You could’ve at least quoted Yosemite Sam…
Just how exactly is refusing to talk to anyone who disagrees with him being ‘sensitive and thoughtful’?
Plus he’s not a fucken actor with paparazzi chasing him, he’s the president(well not really)of the country. Who I kinda thought that this being such a huge country and working and being paid by us(well not really-see Halliburton)he would try and look like he was working night and day-well at least day, well at least half a day…instead we get that he has to ‘go on with his life’whaaaaaaaaaaa-tell that to Cindy Sheehan’s son-oh that’s right, he’s dead. ..and that he has to keep his life balanced-well he might try not hitting the sauce and falling off his bike if he wants to stay balanced. Can’t really exersize I guess if your ‘being’ is unbalanced.
So he’s had a 2 hour bike ride hence the nap apparently and then onto fun and games-baseball that is-no bondage games with Condi today..unless she wants to play that cute game they made up called ‘find the bait’ when he goes fishing and as for his doing some reading, well that depends on what your definition of is I mean ‘some’ is.
So let’s see, to recap we are on about day 18 or so of bushie’s wild and whacky vacation..duuude you’ve got at least another 18 or more days left. 18 days left to be ‘sensitive and thoughtful’,-scratch that being ‘sensitive and thoughtful’ is hard work I tell, lets shoot for every other day on that, oh fuck it I’m on vacation. 18 more days to fall off the old bicycle again, time for even more-some reading, gosh nappy time again, meeting with more hot shot-did someone say shots- donors?, America’s great pastime, drugs I mean baseball games and Condi in black leather fishing boots-hooooyah ! Oh yeah kiss Laura(the old lump in the bed) on day 25, that oughta keep Ms. Grinandbearit happy especially if I’m wearing my Putasockinit flight suit costume…now that’s hard work I tell ya.
There must be a sequel to “My Pet Goat.”
He saves “My Pet Goat” for his naptime story…
What is this? The limbo rock? How low can you go?
On a comment thread on some other blog (I can’t remember which one) earlier today, someone referred to this as the President’s “let them eat cake” moment.