Good Sunday morning or afternoon to all! The Tribune is expected to pass very shortly another milestone — if it hasn’t passed already — with the 2000th registered user. User IDs at the Trib don’t have the hierarchical connotations they do elsewhere; a low UID here by itself doesn’t make anyone more valuable than anyone else; the UID is when you get down to it just an administrative tool. But we can still have a little fun with the UID.
What Happened in the Year of Your UID?
The Wikipedia is a good place to start; you can easily find out what happened in a particular year by using the code
(where xxxx
is your UID). Feel free to look at the years BCE as well, and at years in other calendar systems, e.g. the Chinese, Hebrew, Islamic, or Mayan systems. If perchance we do have someone with a UID over 2005, you may have to do that anyway!
Some of you may be having a strange sense of déja vu … I ran a diary just along these lines in early June, when an influx of new readers pushed the Trib well over 1000 registered users. It was a fun diversion then, and it’s always meaningful to touch history, if only the “minor” events.
And, as always, enjoy the Café today!
I’ll pick out one thing: in 1079 AD, William I the Conqueror set aside a tract of land for his own use, recorded in Domesday as Nova Foresta, the New Forest. For centuries the New Forest was the private hunting reserve of the royal house, and a source of prime timber for the Royal Navy. Earlier this year it was officially (and finally) designated a National Park.
By the way, could somone with access to the user stats tell us where the registered user count stands?
Trying to beat Gooserock. Lovely ferry ride from Anacortes, WA to Victoria, BC yesterday.
Carrying the frog-marching message far and wide.
Nice shirt! There’s a movement afoot to collect pics of Tribbers in their BooTrib t-shirts around the country or in front of famous landmarks. I don’t remember who first floated the idea, sorry, or if it’s gained any traction. But it’d be cool to pull off!
We haven’t been able to get away up there this year. Looks like today will be equally beautiful and very warm for hereabouts.
The satellite video seems to show a risk of passing clouds for western Vancouver Island. They’re predicting high 80’s for the Emerald City today which means well into the 80’s inside our uninsulated non-air-conditioned hotbox of a rental house by this evening. The window fans will be chugging away.
Enjoy your visit!
Hi janet, so glad to see your beautiful pics and especially the one of you….I ran your pic through my editor and got a better pic of you so we can see your face…a bit better. and the Froggy shirt you are wearing.

I hope you are having a great time!
In 1042, on April l8, Emperor Michael V of the Byzantine Empire tried to banish his adoptive mother,Zoe, to a monastery.
On April 19, Michael V was deposed by popular revolt. Zoe became reigning Empress with her sister Theodora.
Hahaha on you, Mike!
Nice one! Zoe & Theodora could almost be patron saints here — they were both well into their sixties when they ruled Byzantium.
here on the upper left side. Hmm, we must have done this UID exercise once before because the results look familiar to my sleepy 1st-cup-of-tea eyes.
According to Wikipedia, in 1380, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas seem not to have been discovered.
In Europe, Jack D’Arc, future father of Joan, is born.
Turning to Google, the world expands considerably.
I see a number of archaeological sites dated to 1380 in the Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia database. One of them appears to be a Cuyahoga County voter registration list. I wonder how that ended up there.
The first Muslim mosque was built in Tubig Indangan, Tawi-Tawi, Philipines, in 1380.
Iranian mathematician Kashani is born. He completed the development of arithmeticalgorithms for fractions; computed pi up to 16 decimal places: pi = 3.1415926535897932; invented the first mechanical special purpose computers to find when the planets are closest, to calculate longitudes of planets, to predict lunar eclipses.
The Vijayanagara emperor, Harihara II seems to have rescued Goa from total anarchy in 1380 A.D. Goa is a small state located on the west coast of India.
And Google unearthed my previous answer–we seem to have done this in June. Excerpts:
In the year 1380 bce, An Egyptian water clock, or clepsydra, made from alabaster, is known from this date.
Earthquake destroys city of Knossos c.1450 BC. Palace is rebuilt and used until c.1380 BC.
In Ireland and Great Britain, there are many ancient “Druid” altars, beds, rings, stones, stone circles and temples. However, radio-carbon analyses assign dates such as 1380 BCE (Wilsford Shaft) [….]
Alternative Calendars
OK here’s the present calendar, but the digits for A.D. 1380 in base 10 recomputed in base 11.47965 give A.D. 2000, the year that shall live in infamy.
Well, summer’s the season for re-runs, right? 😉
Good morning frogs :O)
I’ve decided to head home from Texas today after a wrestling match with myself over staying longer or not. Military Tracy is headed out now too it seems and I have so much to take care of back home.
This trip, though short, was a turning point, I think, in my own life and has re-invigorated me and restored my faith that all is not yet lost. The people I’ve met here give me great confidence that things are beginning to change and Cindy Sheehan is the biggest reason for that I believe. The local newspaper back home wants to do an article about my trip to Camp Casey, and hopefully will be a good jumping off point for Cindy’s movement in my own hometown. I’ll do what I can to see that her message is carried forward there.
Love to all,
Michael (supersoling)
Hi Super and thanks for going to Crawford…
I thinkCrawford will turn out to be a watershed moment, in time, and you will have been part of it as all the others also.
Years from now you will say, yes I was in Crawford, with Cindy…
I am very happy to see that this journey seems to have changed whomever becomes part of it.
Thanks from me, for being a part of it.
I share your optimism, super, that perhaps we’re seeing the proverbial turn of the tide. Mass movements always have small humble beginnings like these — all they need are ordinary folks to say to themselves, “I need to be a part of this too.”
even though we sacrificed our electricity for 11 hours to a big, bad thunderstorm last night. We only got a cool-off for something like the first 2 hours and then we were right back to miserable (well, given the no power, even more miserable.)
There was one “cool” event for my UID of 1057: King Macbeth I of Scotland is killed in battle against Malcolm Canmore. Perfect for someone who was an English major.
But I’m still working on psychological coolness.
Morning Brother, and all, and evening to others.
Hope everyone is well and happy.
I actually slept in to 9 AM today, first time in a long time.
Here is what happened in the yr. 206, my UID..
Crisis of the Third Century shakes Roman Empire
Emperor Valerian I is taken captive by the Persian King of Kings Shapur I. (260 AD).
End of Yayoi era and beginning of Kofun period, the first part of the Yamato period in Japan.
Sarnath becomes a center of Buddhist arts in India
Diffusion of maize as a food crop from Mexico into North America begins
Four bishoprics are established in Mauretania Tingitania.
The Kingdom of Funan reaches its zenith under the rule of Fan Shih-man.
The Goths move from Gothiscandza to Ukraine and shape the Chernyakhov culture.”>
Here’s where I’ll be heading off to on Thursday. My book group is going for our annual weekend retreat to Madeline Island. It’s about 2 1/2 miles into Lake Superior from Bayfield, WI and is part of the Apostle Islands. We’re all gearing up for the laughs, tears, and wonderful conversation that has been a part of these get-togethers for the last few years. Kind of reminds me of a trip to booman – but with the added scenery!
Heloooooo Froggers
cutt’n brush here at the swamp today, weed whack’n, it’s hot, muggy, and ol’ yellar won’t come out from under the truck with the machinery go’n, and it’s hot, I’ve trimmed and cut about 2acres this morn’n, and it’s hot.
did I mention it was hot? oh well…enjoying a cold beer, and back to the next acre or so, and then next weekend, I’ll do the rest, and then the weekend after, I’ll start again…oh yeah…it’s HOT
The year of my UID:
Roman emperor Constans travels to Britain, possibly for a military expedition.
also, the genetic species that evolved into my ex mother in law, crawled up out of the ground and started consuming the male species (no one species in particular, as long as it was male ; )
peace to all
* Emperor Caesar Augustus summons Tiberius to Rome, and names him his heir and future emperor.
* Tiberius also adopts Germanicus as his own heir.
* Sextus Aelius Catus becomes consul.
* The Lex Aelia Sentia regulates the manumission of slaves.
Namhae Chachaung succeeds Bak Hyeokgeose as king of the Korean kingdom of Silla (traditional date)
King Phraataces and Queen Musa of Parthia are overthown and killed, the crown being offered to Orodes III of Parthia.
That if you go into what I like to call ‘backwards time’, Jesus was born in or around 4 BC.
Strange, huh?
68 AD….The 5th emperor of Rome, NERO, who was known to have “fiddled while Rome was Burning”, committed Suicide after a 14 year reign. He was 17 when he became Emperor and 31 when he died. Don’t mean to drink, post and run but gotta go. btw/ I do enjoy sitting in the back of the FBC, while sipping my fav drink and letting others take the spotlight. Maybe next time I might participate in open mic night.
I am at the cooling down point of a very stressful weekend,trying to relax now.Hubbo is out returning the moving truck and I have cleaned up after the moving party.Holy crap, beer bottles everywhere. It’s hot as hell here in VA,I can’t even imagine what it’s like in TX.
Having lived in Galveston for three years,I can only shudder,or was that drip?
Now comes the fun part — unpacking! (“Now which f-ing box did I put so-and-so?”)
Cruddy day in the Scribe household…that’s all I’m going to say for now. Best thing to look forward to is dinner with the in-laws; unlike Infidelpig’s, mine are very much human and quite lovable. They got a drawer unit to store CDs, so I’m helping mom-in-law move their CDs into it so she can have her desk drawers back. Then we’re going to go over trust/estate issues; after seeing what my sister’s had to deal with in administering my mom’s trust, I figure it’s a good idea to be informed early. They’re still in decent health, but they’re not getting any younger so it’s best to be prepared…
Hoping tomorrow will be better — though I can’t figure out why it would be…
oh pleez- do I have to? I already broke a toe by dropping an anchvoy can on it.Goddammit.
Wow, who’d a thunkit? The year 1325 was a busy one, apparently, with lots of interesting things going on all around the world…..
Pretty cool year, don’t ya think?
We seem to be using a different names for our cafe, from the viewpoint of browser searches. We may have either “Froggy Bottom” or “FBC”, and we can have either Cafe or Café, which are not the same word to a browser search.
If we could always use at least one or two consistent words in the diary titles, it would be easier to find for browser searches, and it might be more meaningful to new arrivals.
That aside, we’re just wrapping up the comfortable half of the day in Puget Sound, heading for the mid to high 80’s in the Land Where the Air Conditioner Don’t Whine.
Probably because of forest fires east of the Cascades, and the outflow of interior air which brings us our clear skies and heat, sunsets and moonsets have sometimes been incredibly colorful. Here’s an unfortunately blurred shot that at least captures the color from several nights ago. Neighborhood windows are just underneath.
Visualize world coolness.
Wikipedia tells about Constantine V, who re-ascended the throne of the Byzantine Empire in 743 A.D. He defeated the Bulgars, whoever they were. After he died, iconophiles whom he had persecuted got their revenge: “They spread the rumour that he had defecated in his baptismal font as a baby, and began to use the “Copronymus” [“dung-named”] nickname. In the 9th century he was disinterred and his remains thrown into the sea.”
In 743 B.C. Israel was invaded by Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria, known in the Bible as Pul: ” “There came against the land Pul, king of Assria; and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his hand” (1 Kings 15:19).
Yoohoo, if no one is busy in here, how about coming over to my site and taking a gander.
Just posted diaries today on Finding Your Passion, Individuality, and Great Expectations…
On separate diaries btw.
I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the subject, so hop on over, there is an easy link back here.
The door to Village Blue is the link on my sig line.