In his book, “You Have the Power”, Dean talks about the Democrats’ loss of power in the 90s. I think his words were vital and clear. They were not meant to attack or belittle; they were meant to point out that we could just could not do this any longer.
I want him to keep that clear voice, not let it get muddled.
He has many good things to say about Clinton, quite complimentary. However, he goes on to blame the DLC for claiming credit for Clinton’s win for the wrong reason. He says Clinton won because he was Bill Clinton, because he had a personal kind of magic. He says the DLC claims he won because he moved to the right.
The Democrats missed the growing resentment of the ‘angry white men’ who would later vote them out of congress because they just weren’t listening. And when….tried to catch up with the Republicans by belatedly wooing angry white men, they failed to understand that we needed to woo them differently…not with the unsubtle appeals to racism and homophobia used by the Republican Right, but with economic arguments. We began to soft pedal our opposition to racism….and downplayed our remarkable achievements on civil rights…”
….“By remaining silent about the things that mattered so much to Americans, we allowed ourselves to be painted into a corner and to be defined by the Republican opposition. ..”
Then he says this kind of behavior “laid the groundwork for the rise of the radical right”.
Further,he talks about trying to get help from congressional Democrats in 1991 for the states to pass health care bills on their own. He and several governors went to talk to the House leadership. They asked for changes in federal laws that were keeping states from working out their own plans for universal health care. The leadership refused to help on the grounds, he says, that many had waited their whole careers to pass it, and they did not yet have the votes….and they did not want to states to do it. (Page 62)
And a paragraph from page 63 that just makes me furious. Again from 1991 and early 90s.
“The Democrats, who by the early 1990s had been in power in Congress without interruption for forty years, became so obsessed with keeping their seats and staving off challenges that they forgot why they were there.”
I want Howard Dean to keep up the straight talking. He was not being anything but honest in these words. We need them now as well. I know he has to stand up for everyone in the party, but I do hope he keeps calling things as they are. Someone has to do it, but no one else is or has.
I can hear his anger coming out from things that happened in the early 90s, back when I was not even paying attention. Because he spoke out, I am paying attention now.
and fear are dangerous things.
On this morning of rejoicing at the power of the common people, it is good to be reminded that we do have leaders who understand the importance and reality of our unity.
I agree with you floridagal in Deans voice being clear, and for the people.
My fear is there are not enough willing to stand in solidarity with that voice, amongst the elected reps.
We have a lot of catching up to do, and the task will not be easy.
The one thing that will help us is, that the Republican NeoCons, and corporate greed will aid in their own demise eventually.
I have noticed in many reports, MSM, AP, the internet blogs, is that the Dems do not have a clear message that is unified, and represents the needs of the people.
This is going to have to occur, and in a unified voice to gather the momentum needed to succeed.