a “know your enemy” moment from Liberal Street Fighter
“During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.
“To this war of every man against every man, this also in consequent; that nothing can be unjust. The notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice have there no place. Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no injustice. Force, and fraud, are in war the cardinal virtues.
“No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” Thomas Hobbes – Chapter 12, The Leviathan
This is the United States, a country that has turned it’s back on the finest ideals of the Enlightenment to wallow in the dark world described by Hobbes in The Leviathan.
The coalition the right has built in the Republican Party is made up of three distinct groups that firmly believe that our natural state is one of perpetual war.
The religious right
A movement built around the unsupportable idea that this is a Christian Nation, that the Ten Commandments are the basis of our laws … a movement led by people who think the United States should be a theocracy, all in the hope that doing so will bring about the End Times. Much of the imagery they use to spread their message is very martial in nature.
The modern religious right is carrying on an old tradition, a tradition that pops up repeatedly. A tradition that taught that slavery was the natural order justified by the Bible. A tradition that regularly burns books, hounds intellectuals, imprisons and even kills women who dare to step outside the restrictive rolls spelled out for them in their holy book. Theirs is a martial religion built around the execution of a prophet who tried to teach peace. If the world is a perpetual war, the only peace comes through accepting His bloody corpse as a doorway into another, better world.
Racists, jingoists and nativists
Yes, we can lump them all together. They work hand-in-hand, back to the days of the Know-nothings and up through today’s Minutemen.
Made up of the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and et cetera of immigrants themselves, these “warriors” believe that America must be sealed shut to keep out dirty ferriners, that in a nasty and hostile world we must secure Fortress America from invaders and the always dangerous “others.” Reservations, internment camps and indefinite detention are all necessary to keep “real” Americans safe. This is war, after all, a perpetual war that requires that we do anything necessary to keep us “safe.”
Here is the real root of their power. The other two groups are mere foot soldiers. The ingrained belief fostered by the modern corporate world, that only in “unfettered” capitalism can anything good happen, is strangling this country. Art, science, medicine … all only have worth when we can keep score with piles of dollars. War is just another profit center, and economic competition is just another way of fighting war.
It is in this group where our greatest danger lies, because they own much of the leadership of the Democratic Party too. There is no opposition to endless war, to the ravaging of the environment, to economic exploitation of any group or place that hasn’t got the weapons to fight back with.
The leaders of the “opposition” party will do everything they can to preserve their place at the corporate table. Our political system has fully been taken over by this Hobbsian worldview. At a time when the American public realizes more and more that we must get out of Iraq, it is the warhawks in the party who come forward in the media, who drive party policy. Senator Schumer made it clear at a recent house party in GA that:
“We are no longer letting Democrats get in a circle and shoot each other. We are going to intervene if any one Democrat attacks another. We are doing that in states where there are primaries. ……this always happens in the primaries, people throw up the cards and see where they land. No more. We’re finding the best candidates in every one of the seats where republicans are vunerable. “
Anybody within the Democratic Party who tries to make this party a real opposition party will be silenced or pushed out, in favor of the favored sons of the DLC, DSCC & DCCC.
We are fully a warrior nation now, but not in any noble sense, but rather a nation of fabulously wealthy and dangerous berserkers in search of glory, salvation or big steaming piles of cash, and we will let no one stop us. A nation born in Revolution, but predicated on the ideals of the Enlightenment, in the words of Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill and Thomas Jefferson has now become a horde of barbarians, celebrating our state of perpetual war. We’ve been on this road a long time, but the campaign to stamp out a civic faith in reason, in debate, in the human creation of a body of law that ALL are subject to is dangerously close to completing its project.
We are in the grip of warmongerers and their shield carriers in the Democratic Leadership.
The sense of forbidding is everywhere, but we can see in Crawford a grieving mother trying desperately to remind us that we had hoped to build a compassionate nation. We must hope that this quiet protest will spread, for it is in grief and hope that we can return reason to our politics. It will be a long struggle, but quietly saying “NO, lets TALK” is the only way to stop the Hobbsians. We must return reason to our politics.
As John Stuart Mill put it:
Whenever the general disposition of the people is such, that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not dwell on, or concern himself for, his share of the general interest, in such a state of things, good government is impossible.
He could have been predicting our current state. Only we can save ourselves from it … if we have the will. If we don’t, we will find ourselves in a paranoid and chilling hell, one in which many of our fellow citizens already live. The prescription to such a world was, in Hobbes’ view, a strong monarch to preserve order and mediate the ongoing war. A strong monarch like our Imperial President.
Yasmin Etemadi’s chilling photo series about living life as an Iranian American since 9/11:
This body of work is a reflection of the state of fear and anxiety I have been living with since September 11th, 2001. The events of that day have caused my Iranian identity to eclipse my American one and I have found myself a stranger in my own home. This sense of displacement, coupled with recent political changes, has made me question the stability of my future living in America and has forced me to re-evaluate my identity after 19 years of assimilation to the American culture.
One result of this instability has been an emergence of a paranoiac state of mind, which is expressed through my art work.
— this is the state the Hobbsians are creating for ALL of us. First they came for the Moslems …
image sources:
Orcinus’ excellent post on the Minutemen
Fark dot com thread for Corporation poster.
I’m so happy you write, madman. Quite often it seems I think of things, but really do not have the words to adequately express my thoughts, and then you come along and write almost what I was thinking.
It took me a while to realize that not only do many right wingers have a Hobbesian view of the world… but that they work quite assiduously to bring one about. To them, that just seems to be the natural order of things, thus the very real fear and hatred of anything progressive or community based.
I’m (somewhat) hopeful that a good number of Democrats, including the politicians, don’t share this view, although I know some do. And these, usually those throughly bought and paid for, are the ones that get the most face time and press time. We have our certain few ‘stars’ that seem to fit an accepted paradigm (funny that I only remembered how to spell that word by saying ‘paradiggim’ to myself… I’m losing my mind, sigh) but others outside of that view are kept out of sight, like the crazy aunt in the attic.
Maybe we should see what we can do to bring those ones to the forefront, and stand firmly behind them… Conyers and a few others post on kos at times, but surely there are more than that.
they work quite assiduously to bring one about
built into that is their certainty that they have the upperhand in the ongoing perpetual war, either because God is on their side, or they’re of a “superior” race or b/c they know they have all the money they need to prevail, or believe they WILL have the money they need if they buy into the system.
The war must be continued and widened, or else they’ll lose their natural advantage in that war.
It’s a dangerous self-fulfilling worldview.
i feel the same way nanette. :::sigh::; what a guy!
awww, shucks … <blushes>
…and join the Greens.
We don’t bite (honest). And we continue to build locally around the country. Corporatists don’t like us, and aren’t in our plans for future electoral success. And we’ve always been a peace party, opposed to this war and in favor of immediate withdrawal from Iraq.
Lesser evilism is a perfectly understandable political tactic, but it’s a crazy political strategy. Try working for a party that you can actually believe in. It’s remarkably refreshing!
it could very well come to that .. but I’m interested to see how the Greens will get around the institutional barriers in their way.
It will be a long road, and frankly I think the party would do the most good by focusing on taking over a couple of states where you have a lot of passionate members. Until you’ve elected a Green Governor, I don’t see the party having a chance at national impact.
However, after they blame the losses in ’06 on Dean, and fire him, you might see me knockin’.
I very much enjoyed reading this post. It’s nice to know I’m not the only “f***ing liberal” around.
Of course, it comes down to the state of nature — here played out by oligarchs wielding terrible powers over the mass of helpless, trembling, frail humanity, and over the vulnerable planet.
“solitary, poor, nasty, brutish & short…”
Unfortunately, unless we have a miraculous resurgence of enlightened virtue, and quickly, we will experience the blunted war instrument turned inward on the “weak dissenters.” The Pentagon has a $480 billion budget. Will anything that can potentially threaten Pentagon primacy in society and politics be permitted to arise and gather strength in this society, on the basis of something other than wielding power for the holders of power?
I don’t think so.
So, it’s the social/political facet of the “race to the bottom.” Everything that is not of the corporate/military power elite structure is consigned to an outer darkness of weeping and gnashing teeth.
I’ve always rejected the argument that perpetual warfare was our “natural state.” There have been many societies that operated in a communal or cooperative model. I’ve always felt that our history is one of mutual hunting, mutual gathering, mutual building of shelter, of the creation of communal ways to raise and protect children, protect healers.
It is the greed and avarice of the few that override this natural tendency. As you say, we are social animals, and it is in crisis that we often turn on each other. Some realize that, and thus foster crisis.
It doesn’t have to be that way, and the Enlightenment was predicated on the idea that we could work together and communicate, based on reason, and find mutual solutions to our problems.
Thanks for your comment, b/c I often write these things when I’m feeling most despairing, and it’s always helpful to get feedback that I’m not alone.
(blinks) Where’s the Calvin and Hobbes write up I was expecting?? 🙂 Justkiddin’
Great stuff you wrote about those “minutemen”.
I swear our country has turned into a rascist pig pile. Time to clean it up.
you mean like this “SNOWMAN HOUSE OF HORROR”?
I wanted to work towards a happier Hobbes at the end of the piece, but it didn’t develop that way.
Ha! My daughter “discovered” Calvin & Hobbes during last summers library reading.
She now creates “snowgoons” 🙂
There are several websites of digital pictures people take of their tableus of vicious snowmen.
here’s a google search of them:
Most of them are “personal pages” and thus blocked by my firewall here at work.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist sharing with ya. 🙂
My daughter’s (calvin &) Hobbes inspired handiwork from the last snowfall here.

oh, I love it!
where’d you get that?? Most of the photos I’ve seen of them were of these …. well the term Phat Bastard came to mind.
Simox, their “leader” was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon in a national park and told officers he was “hunting people”….
Chris Simcox
hit the Orcinus shortcut “Minutemen” or at the bottom of the piece … take you right there.
His site is vital if you’re concerned about the racist/eliminationist talk coming from the right.
I’ll pass it along 🙂
they’re really long, but he’s got an excellent four part series on fascism in his archives.
I’m sure Bush Supporters will justify the reasoning behind a Nazi flag being waved with American flags… ACK
something about “celebrating their heritage” or some such … ;O