It’s broiling hot in Philly. I can’t remember a hotter day.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You poor guy! Can you break down and turn on the air conditioning for a bit? Fans?
How do you keep BooMan cool? Did you get him a haircut?
P.S. Put out some bowls of water outside for the critters who are suffering badly today.
Valerie P. brought her babies last night. I put out all my big mixing bowls full of water. They fight with each other over who gets to dunk for the grapes in the water … and they stick their whole head in the water! Then they SIT, rump first, in the bowl!
I went out and filled the bowls three times last night so they’d have more water to play in 🙂 And again this morning so the little birds and blue jays will have water to sip and bathe in.
has been on every day, but one, for a month.
But today it has its work cut out for it. I have the thermo set at 80, but it will never get there.
Try everyday for an entire summer — since May. We’ve not had a day when we could open the house up to air it out. I’m living on recycled, air-conditioned air. It’s been in the ’90s and humid every day all summer. But, there’s no global warming or anything. I’m so glad the jury’s still out on that one. I walk outside, and for several moments, I’m invariably in shock. Day after day, a part of me can’t believe the heat, it’s so relentless.
It’s brutal outside. Just unbelievable. It’s like being put in an oven at 200 degrees… you just can’t wait to get out (or inside).
It’s hot enough to kill out there.
But it has been hot ALL SUMMER LONG.
I don’t know how you’re surviving this in the city…we’re 45 minutes out, and it’s so hot, I have to keep checking on my chickens to make sure they’re okay. I’m debating moving them to a cage in the basement for a few hours to cool them off!
Bet we get wicked thunderstorms when the cold front moves through tonight…
And she thinks this is NICE weather! I for one try to keep myself at the office, or if that is unfair to the offspring, a nice air conditioned bowling alley.
is she basking on the roof-deck?
How about your ‘puter? I forget what the temp. range is for operating computers…. but when i worked at Microsoft and Voicestream, the servers got the primo air conditioning 🙂
Booman, please do take careful care at to your health and do not get dehydrated! It can sneak up on you from behind and take you down quick! I suppose I could hire for you some little ladies to fan you with big fans if you cant do otherwise…..:o)of course this would include the S/O as well….:o) might I suggest you bathe in some water naked and then just stand there and cool off without drying off…this helps cool off the body somewhat. might sit in a tub of tepid water with just a little ice cubes in it and let them melt with your body heat…this too will help!…do you want any more suggestions…:o)
do these women with fans also peel grapes and give backrubs?
Actually, my biggest problem is tendonitis in my left arch. I am having trouble walking long distances.
well, maybe that can be arranged too!!!!!:o)
Booman, try soaking it in some Epsom salts. this might help take some of the pain and inflammation away from that problem.
epson salts help with my back spasms.
OUCHIE! Do you have an arch support insert for your shoe?
An old story: In high school, at a debate tournament at a college in Tacoma, I fell down a hill rushing to a debate match in the pitch dark. I tore all the ligaments in my leg. But I debated anyway, with blood dripping down from my badly scraped knee. But by later that night, the pain was unbelievable .. couldn’t even put a sheet on my foot/leg.
Those tendons and ligaments are such tender little things. Take care.
We’ll pool our resources and send NURSE BRENDA to you pronto!
Susan, for this group, I will do it for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
I really have not forgot the treatments of the old days when things [really] did work!!!!! :o) NO steroids for me!!!!! no no no no……
psssssttttt, just do not expect me to do the fanning tho!!!!!!!!! not me…I will not do that for free!!!!!:o) my feathers[this old chicken] are worn out from years of working….:o)
Here’s another thoughtful piece by Pat Lang, (from his blog Sic Semper Tyrannis ) commenting on today’s WaPo article by Robin Wright on the Bush regime’s lowered expectations vis a vis Iraq.
Link here.
At 10:00 am here in NC it was 89 degrees….and 94% humidity!!! Heading into the high 90’s again with no relief in sight. I sooooooooo miss the northern reaches of Cleveland, Ohio.
What part of Carolina are you in?
I’m in Raleigh.
I went to the NC state fair once, years ago, over Labor Day weekend. Thought I was going to melt.
My sympathies. I tend to visit in Winston area, but it’s a bit higher altitude, and my visits so far have been mostly in cool weather.
Ah, the state fair. Anyone for a deep-fried Snickers bar? And then maybe a portable ride that spins you around and around in the 90 degree heat?
I used to despise the Cleveland winters, but I think I would gladly put up with them again if I could escape these southern summers.
I guess the grass is always greener….
well, damn babs…she is getting older too…:o) she is one woman I simply can not stand to even see let alone read about…:o( that poor pathetic soul and her beautiful mind all to hell…..
of course he is looking haggard..look at what he has had to live with for so many months..his conscious…thank goodness!!!!!!!!!
I could care less what he does to stay in good still does not give him the right to do what he has done to America….he is a crook, plain and simple. He takes lots of good hard working time out to do his thing while others are suffering everywhere!!! what fool would like such a man! he is such a fool!!!!!!!!
It is 97 degrees here at my house…and climbing…and it is 12:30 hrs. heat index is 105 and humidity is 49%. I hear it is 100 degrees there at your house, Booman…please take it easy!!!!!!!!!
National WS for your area:
rba, who was you addressing this to? we are to ahve rain which will make it more humid with the heat….:o
Everyone take care, especially the crowds in Crawford. Water is good. As for me, this time of year, I’ll let my sig do the talking
Bush, on what really matters (none / 0)
Can’t copy and paste from my Sidekick, but maybe someone else can do the honors
by Renee in Ohio on Sun Aug 14th, 2005 at 01:17:46 PM EDT [Edit User]
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Re: Bush, on what really matters (none / 0)
well, damn babs…she is getting older too…:o) she is one woman I simply can not stand to even see let alone read about…:o( that poor pathetic soul and her beautiful mind all to hell…..
of course he is looking haggard..look at what he has had to live with for so many months..his conscious…thank goodness!!!!!!!!!
I could care less what he does to stay in good still does not give him the right to do what he has done to America….he is a crook, plain and simple. He takes lots of good hard working time out to do his thing while others are suffering everywhere!!! what fool would like such a man! he is such a fool!!!!!!!!
by BrendaStewart ( on Sun Aug 14th, 2005 at 01:26:27 PM EDT
(Reposted to embed the link so the page doesn’t spread beyond the window.)
Wandering around on my Sunday morning blog walk and came across this little photo-shopped jem by DJ Paul Edge:
Karl Rove-The Resluglican
good one dada….. just favors him so well too……:o)
Kinda reminds me of Jabba the Hutt.
Have to rename him Rovva the Hutt.
Sounds appropriate.
Went for the picture – got so much more. Thats a great site! Did you see the picture of Georgie in his cowboy outfit? Also very funny.
Then I went on to read his article about Cindy. Very powerful. Here’s a quote he used:
“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
I think maybe we should send this one to the DLC.
The only day worse than today was yesterday here in NYC… it was 4 degrees warmer yesterday (99, and ‘only’ 95 now) but then again, it’s only 2:40pm so the day isn’t over yet)….just got in from the movies which were blissfully cool.
global warming rears it’s ugly head… time to buy some land in northern Canada, the next prime real estate as the glaciers melt…
Sorry Americans, I feel your pain. It’s nice and cool here in Romania, where nobody even owns an air conditioner.
Think cool thoughts and drink plenty of liquids!
Before Air Conditioning.
I was 15 before I lived in a house with central AC. The odd thing is I don’t distinctly remembering suffering — I lived in a little village outside of Atlanta, Georgia back in the 50’s. It was damned hot. We coped.
I recall spending my afternoons not moving. I’d doze in the moss under the magnolia tree in the front yard. Or I would lay out my nearly naked body upon the hardwood floor in front of our b&w tv.
We lived in an old Southern house and that helped. The ceilings were 9-1/2′ high and the roof peaked high to suck up the heat. There were windows arranged for cross ventilation and my Mom would arrange floor fans when the air didn’t move by itself.
I do recall times when she poured a bag of ice into a metal washbasin and put the fan behind that. We’d sit there having the cold air blown at us across the ice. This was in the kitchen where cooking dinner could be like a short trip to Hell for her. Mainly, I’d hang in front of the tv or out in the woods.
One time, I do remember, it got very extreme. It was 107 degrees and the humidity was 95%. My mother, the Baptist, the prude, ordered my brother and I to join her in the bath tub filled with cold water. It was horrifying. All of us naked, splashing cold water on ourselves. I was mortified with embarrassment. That was the way I was raised. In another emotional environ, this could have been a delightful memory…
Anyway, AC is the only reason Atlanta grew and prospered. Without cheap cold air, the Sun Belt and the Southwest die as centers of activity during part of the year.
I hear ys on how the south survived during the hot weather. I was raised in souther Illinois,,,,not quite Atlanta, but still did not have the convience of AC as I was growing up. We survived, but you know we knew nothing other than that…even business did not have AC at the time. I can not live without it anymore….
I’m sorry to read about everybody being so hot … especially since I’m so cold. But I think that has more to do with the political climate than the environmental one.
I thought you might like to know that there’s lots of interesting new stuff at the Whispering Campaign, including an excerpt from Cindy’s new and really wonderful “The Peaceful Occupation Of Iraq”…
and that’s at … where Being The Media has never been easier.