There are people here: Arctic Beacon
with impressive-sounding credentials who say that some of the grand-jury work is done, and that indictments have been handed down in secret.
(Not unprecedented–happened during Watergate.)   And there’s an article here (same site) that says Justice Stevens is in Chicago trying to mediate a deal (with Patrick Fitzgerald?) because indicting everyone from Bush to Rice and including two supreme-court justices would be an economic catastrophe.  (Too late.  Another three years of Bu$hCo and we’ll have all the kinds of catastrophe listed in the Guinness Book.)

These articles were written last week by Greg Szymanski, whom I’ve heard of, about Sherman Skolnick’s work, whom I don’t know (and whose site looks a little nutty;
sorry Mr. Skolnick, but it does.)
It’s the first I’m hearing of it.  Anybody know anything?  If this is true, it’s what we’ve all been waiting for, but it’s a secret.  Are secret indictments subject to FOIA?