From The Iconoclast via Howie Martin’s blog:


Camp Casey is becoming very organized, with how-to signs placed about …

Let me read you the schedule posted on a tree: “9:15 camp meeting; 10 a.m. inter-faith service, 10:30 a.m., “Food-Not-Bombs Breakfast at Peace House,” and….

“Wait! Someone is firing a gun. (pause). He fired it into the air about five times. He appears to be a local inside the fence line on private property. Now he has thrown what looks like a shotgun into the front seat of a pickup, and he’s stomping off out of sight. I wonder where he went.

“Now he’s coming back out. I’m out here standing on the road. He’s got a no parking sign in his hand, walking toward his fence. I’m going to go try to talk to him. I’ve got to hang up.”

(three minutes later)

I went over and talked to … Larry Mattlage, who says he is on his property and just posted a no-parking sign.

“We’re going to start doing our war and it’s going to be underneath the law,” he told me. “Whatever it takes. So y’all go find another place to do whatever you do. ‘Cause this is our front yard and back yard.”

I asked, “Do you mean the protestors?”

Wait… there’s some Secret Service and cops. I’m going to get closer to hear what they’re saying. People in bullet-proof vests are here now. Two Secret Service agents [walked] up his driveway towards his house, with Mr. Mattlage. A member of the Sheriff’s Department has arrived. Mr. Mattlage is waving his arms now. All of them are now walking back this way.

Now they are between the lane and the house. He’s at the fence now. Let me record what they are saying. …

To download tape of conversation between Deborah Mathews and Larry Mattlage click here. Right click, then save target as, then listen with your player. It is a .wav file.

To download tape of conversation between the media … and Larry Mattlage click here. …