That damned triangle of land that would be a wonderful place to put Camp Casey!  Cindy got there last Saturday and somehow by Monday a local female rancher owned it.  When I heard the story I was hopping mad!  I wasn’t there though to do investigations.  I was a military family member who wanted George to talk to Cindy and I intended to stand there nasty and sweaty until I couldn’t do it any longer.

I truly appreciated the Time reporter though.  Giving them an interview terrified me.  What if they twist my words?  What is happening in Crawford Texas means everything to me and if you have read any of my past diaries you know why and you know the pain and turmoil that has been a part of my life for some time.  I prayed to God that my words would not be twisted in any kind of fashion that could be turned around and used against us and they weren’t.  The Time reporter though was there to investigate and during some down time she shared with me the skinny on the triangle.
The triangle is owned by a woman who is building a brand new home that one can see in the distance from Camp Casey.  It is going to be quite a spread, pretty nice place framed out and dried in.  The Time reporter told me that the woman’s father is building the home for her and I’m not sure if he is physically doing it or monetarily doing it.

The woman is conservative and she did vote for Bush but her beef is based more on her home and building it, which is kind of hard to do when the entrance to her drive is full of US.  I’m not sure how we would all look outside your picture window either.

The backroads of Texas usually started out as cow trails and they are indeed owned by ranchers many times.  It took some investigating and going way back in the books to prove who owned the triangle, but they were able to do that on Monday.

To make matters even worse, the poor woman’s back has now acted up in a horrible way and she is in a lot of pain too this past week.  I learned a lot at Camp Casey.  I learned to reach out a hand and connect.  I want this woman to be empathetic to my story and she has her story also and I am empathetic to hers as well.  When the Time story comes out and the woman’s name, please send her a note of Thanks or some flowers or whatever.  She is no different from me and is scared that she will be trampled over and nobody will care.

