That damned triangle of land that would be a wonderful place to put Camp Casey! Cindy got there last Saturday and somehow by Monday a local female rancher owned it. When I heard the story I was hopping mad! I wasn’t there though to do investigations. I was a military family member who wanted George to talk to Cindy and I intended to stand there nasty and sweaty until I couldn’t do it any longer.
I truly appreciated the Time reporter though. Giving them an interview terrified me. What if they twist my words? What is happening in Crawford Texas means everything to me and if you have read any of my past diaries you know why and you know the pain and turmoil that has been a part of my life for some time. I prayed to God that my words would not be twisted in any kind of fashion that could be turned around and used against us and they weren’t. The Time reporter though was there to investigate and during some down time she shared with me the skinny on the triangle.
The triangle is owned by a woman who is building a brand new home that one can see in the distance from Camp Casey. It is going to be quite a spread, pretty nice place framed out and dried in. The Time reporter told me that the woman’s father is building the home for her and I’m not sure if he is physically doing it or monetarily doing it.
The woman is conservative and she did vote for Bush but her beef is based more on her home and building it, which is kind of hard to do when the entrance to her drive is full of US. I’m not sure how we would all look outside your picture window either.
The backroads of Texas usually started out as cow trails and they are indeed owned by ranchers many times. It took some investigating and going way back in the books to prove who owned the triangle, but they were able to do that on Monday.
To make matters even worse, the poor woman’s back has now acted up in a horrible way and she is in a lot of pain too this past week. I learned a lot at Camp Casey. I learned to reach out a hand and connect. I want this woman to be empathetic to my story and she has her story also and I am empathetic to hers as well. When the Time story comes out and the woman’s name, please send her a note of Thanks or some flowers or whatever. She is no different from me and is scared that she will be trampled over and nobody will care.
Dear Tracy, you just wrote the best Sunday sermon anybody will give today. You set a wonderful example of how to keep a loving and open heart to all people. Thanks for letting us know about this and for speaking from such a sympathetic viewpoint.
Can we take her some soup or clean her house or something? Or work on her drywall? What a PR coups that would be. A lot of people at the camp have the time.
Maybe people at the camp should just leave the woman alone. No grandiose PR gestures required.
Your empathy for this woman is very moving. Fact is, we aren’t operating from a place of hatred, like so many on the right seem to be. Your heart, though broken and justifiably angry, is open and can always find room for one more. This is exactly what Ghostdancer has been telling us… we must be able to interact with and accept people who just may someday see it our way. Not every Republican is raiding the treasury, not every self proclaimed conservative is full of hate. All are welcome. Together we are strong.
Nag, this is an excellent observation. In mulling over my time in Crawford yesterday, I realized that the poor, misguided Bush supporters showed little emotion (except hostility), while we were filled with love and overpowering emotion.
I feel sorry for those who are trapped inside their fears; and thinking back on times in my life when I’ve acted petty and peevish, I think there’s more than a little resentment and jealousy there.
I heard a book discussion on the radio this morning (“New Dimensions”), in which the author told a story about the Dalai Lama.
Someone going to interview him in Dharamshala saw a man horribly beating a stray dog. When he later asked the Dalai Lama how that fit into the Buddhist message of compassion, His Holiness said, “Compassion is when you feel sorry for the man.”
I’m sorry for the woman with her back pain, but not surprised. It comes from stress, anger, holding tightly to negative emotions, and fear of losing emotional and financial support. If her father is paying for a huge house, maybe she’s worried about how she’ll heat and cool it when the price of natural gas doubles again.
Let’s be sure to send her kind notes and flowers. And it would be wonderful if the folks at Camp Casey could offer to do things to help her out. Being neighborly like, the way it’s supposed to be.
Tracy, Dear, I knew you had a very big heart, but you have now demonstrated this, with such eloquence. Yes, if anyone needs anything in the line of a few dollars, just let me know. You all have the right idea here…this could really change the tide of events in such a manner that the conservative side of society would really see what we are all about. Wouldn’t this be so wonderful!!!!!! God be your guide and let the weather be good for you all there. Get out the message, Hon. Give Cindy our blessings….and love…and hugs……and support…for we are all with you there…… We love you all so very much
Some of you may have missed it, but Tracy came back to austin last night. We fed her, gave her two Oatmeal Stouts and put her to bed. She left about an hour ago for Alabama.
She says she will be in DC when Cindy moves up there at the end of Bush’s vacation and should be back online with us tomorrow.
I missed that one!!!!!!!!!!! Am glad you took good care of her….
I still think she has a good idea for that woman that owns the triangle…..
Thanks for everything brinnainne…you have done so much….you have earned your star in heaven…
I think so too — I hope someone up there has the same idea!
Stars in heaven might be nice, I suppose, creating a little more heaven right here on earth would be better though! (Not religious but I appreciate the thought, Brenda! And really, what I have done pales in comaprison to the service of others, including you!!)
brinnainne, you are tooo kind….I know your heart is in the right place. Thank you so very much. I am now interested in making things better for others. That is my life’s goal….and in some way that makes things better for me, in the end. At least I can sleep at night with that attitude, unlike some one else I know with the initials of GWB, unless, of course, he is tooooo damn ignorant to know any better…:o) [which I seriously doubt] which maybe then he can be sent to the most famous institution for the criminally insane.
Hi Brin, thanks for the update on Tracy and thank you for all you have done in crawford and to help other Boo tribbers in Texas…
thanks for being ‘you’ also, and thanks to Tracy for being Tracy.
Are you going back to Crawford again?
I have been watching cable news and the Cindy Story was and continues to be covered, esp. on CNN and on Fox cable as well.
Monday when the other cable stations go back to work, (they ususally just have replays on weekends) I expect to see a lot more coverage.
Everytime I see the coverage in Crawford, I try to scan the pics . for you and Tracy and others.
Yeah, I’ll go back up — was going to go this weekend, but decided to hang out with my boys (the small ones and the big one) a bit.
Was going to give Charlie Anderson (another IVAW founding member) a ride up to Crawford today but he missed his plane from Virginia so he’ll be coming in tomorrow. I’ll still go get him from the airport, but my husband took tomorrow off to hang out with me sans children (we get to do this once or twice a year! [grin]), so I arranged for him to get a ride with legadillo (Ithink I spelled that handle right) who is goinback up tomorrow…
I am glad we’re getting these IVAW guys up there — it’s important! If Tim and Charlie need a ride back on Tuesday or Wednesday, I’ll go and get them, if they don’t need a ride, I’ll go back later in the week….
I’ll also be going back when alohaleezy gets here the weekend after next — I’m trying to pace myself!!
I haven’t replied on this thread up until now as I was in bed all day yesterday with a nasty migraine. All better now though. Tracy you are teaching me so much and especially taking ones anger and turning it into action and compassion for others.
I look forward to meeting Brinnaine and other Boman Tibe members that may be making the journey of Peace at the end of the road in Crawford. Bless you for leading the way.
Anyone that is considering flying in the 26th can hitch a ride with me also. The more support the better. As these things go support sometimes dwindles. Lets keep that steady stream of supporters flowing in.
I talked to Tracy for the first time this morning just before she left and as I was getting ready to head out to the airport. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice but she was still so full of energy! I thanked her and hope to see her in Washington. I hope to see all you frogs in Washington!
I’d like to meet up with you all in Washington too.
you will harvest what you sow ; )
great work lady…peace
I’m referring to Infidel Pigs great diary(from July 31) and there is no doubt what wolf Tracy is feeding.
and you’d think by now I could spell ‘infidelpigs’ name right…jeeeezzzzzz.
~ Cross-posted from Daily Kos ~
Post received excellent comment in a Cindy Sheehan diary.
The other night reading ghostdancer’s diary, I was overcome with rage, not anger, pure out and out rage such as I have not known in many years.
It was not at the diary, it was about the treatment of the Native American Human Beings and the general American Public, in relation to current and past events against human rights.
It brought back a memory, of a time 33 years ago when I took my brother’s body home for burial on his reservation in Wisconsin. He was a Menominee Indian, and we had served together in the Marine Corps, and in every sense of the word, we were Brothers. Not by the same parents, but both our bloods flowed through each other’s veins, from transfussion’s after combat injuries, and spiritual bonds. We had shared everything, food, shelter, crying, laughing, life, soul spirits, and death.
It really is not that hard to connect with people once you meet them,face to face.You have to, we all do.Sometimes we can’t imagine the other side.unless we see it.
When the Time story comes out and the woman’s name, please send her a note of Thanks or some flowers or whatever. She is no different from me and is scared that she will be trampled over and nobody will care.
I will surely do this. Please make this request again when we discover her name and some contact information. (I think snail mail and a nice card or flowers would be the best, certainly not the telephone or email or anything unpleasantly intrusive)
Have you considered running for political office, Tracy? Because you rock, you really do. You would make a damn fine populist candidate and you’re smart, proud and genuinely decent. Tell your husband I said he is a lucky man:)
Crazy, but Al Jazeera has the Ralph Nader Letter to Cindy Sheehan posted —
KTVU did a story about the gun shooting… imagine that KTVU reporting anything about this 🙂 (evil laugh)
While about 60 in Sheehan’s group held a religious service Sunday morning, a nearby landowner, Larry Mattlage, fired his shotgun twice into the air. Sheriff’s deputies and Secret Service agents rushed to his house but did not arrest him.
“I ain’t threatening nobody, and I ain’t pointing a gun at nobody,” Mattlage said. “This is Texas.”
Mattlage said he was initially sympathetic toward the demonstrators, but that they have blocked roads in the area and caused traffic problems. He said he fired his gun in preparation for the dove-hunting season, but when asked if he had another motive, he said, “Figure it out for yourself.”
Ironically he’s going to be shooting birds that represent PEACE. “This is Texas”…
Glad you all are safe.