I searched the archives but did not see an article on this and it really is a perfect example of what’s wrong with the ‘Washington’ culture… From the AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)…

“This coming September 11, The Washington Post will risk its credibility to co-sponsor the Defense Department’s “America Supports You Freedom Walk” in Washington, DC.  (Defense contractor Lockheed Martin is among the other sponsors.)

For instance, the “Freedom Walk” will conclude with a free concert on the Mall featuring country singer and war supporter Clint Black whose song, “Iraq and Roll” includes the lyrics:

You can wave your signs and protest
against America taking a stand,
the stands America’s taking
are the reason that you can.

The song goes on to imply that those who oppose the war support Saddam Hussein.

Does this sound like an event that one of America’s most influential newspapers should be sponsoring?”

Read all about it and send your letter to WaPO here

Naturally, there’s an article in WaPO defending their participation. Here are some excerpts with my comments in (  )

“They’re supporting American troops worldwide, supporting troops, not the policy, and they’re honoring people who died in the Pentagon attack on 9/11,” said Jim Farley, vice president for news and programming with WTOP. “As I see it, those are both worthwhile. We’re not making a connection between the war and 9/11.” (The fact the event is being held on September 11 has nothing to do with 9/11)

Representatives of the media organizations drew a distinction between supporting the troops and supporting the war policy. They also said the sponsorships emanated from the corporate sides of their companies, not the newsroom. (And the public will make that distinction as well won’t they?)

“No common person will see this as not taking sides in this war,” said Adam Eidinger, a promoter of the antiwar concert being called Operation Ceasefire. “This is clearly support for the war because it’s being organized by the U.S. military.”
(Hey Adam, is WaPO or any other corporations supporting your concert? Thought not)

Read the rest here http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/11/AR2005081101980.html

 Send an email to the publisher and editors of the Post asking that the paper withdraw from the walk and avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. http://www.afsc.org/iraq/washpost.htm