“Whom Does Robert Novak Serve?,” asks the News Dissector blog, which plucks these gems from BustBob.com:

Richard Perle. Richard Perle reportedly used Evans and Novak to leak classified information in the 1970’s ? and is now a member of the board of Holllinger, which owns the Chicago Sun-Times, the home newspaper of Novak’s syndicated column. See Richard Perle and the Leaks of the 1970s.

Henry Kissinger. Kissinger is also a member of the board of Holllinger, which owns the Chicago Sun-Times, the home newspaper of Novak’s syndicated column. He was the topic of a classified leak to Novak and Evans in 1975 ? which was allegedly leaked by Richard Perle. See Richard Perle and the Leaks of the 1970s.

The Phillips Foundation. Novak is a Trustee of this clearly arch-conservative “non-profit organization founded in 1990 to advance constitutional principles, a democratic society and a vibrant free enterprise system.” Leadership at the foundation, which runs a Journalism Fellowship Program and the Ronald Reagan Future Leaders Scholarship Program, includes: … BELOW:

Continued from BustBob.com:

  • Thomas Phillips, Chairman. Phillips is Chairman of Phillips International, Inc. and of Eagle Publishing, the leading conservative publishing house which publishes the Evans Novak Political Report. Phillips is “a member of The Republican National Committee’s Team 100. He is also Chairman of the Chairman’s Council of the Republican Party of Orange County, and he serves on the Board of Directors of The Claremont Institute.” (Phillips Foundationl and Bio)

  • Alfred S. Regnery, Trustee. Alfred Regnery is publisher of The American Spectator. He is also President of Regnery Publishing, Inc. a subsidiary of Eagle Publishing, Inc. since 1993. (Phillips Foundation and Regnery)

  • Donald P. Hodel Hodel is “the new President and CEO of Focus on the Family and former Secretary of both Interior and Energy during the Reagan Administration.” (Phillips Foundation)

  • Thomas Fuentes Fuentes is “Senior Vice President of Tait & Associates and Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, California.” (Phillips Foundation)

As the News Dissector blog alleges, Novak is more than a journalist.

He’s a tool.

P.S. Check out BustBob.com. The site has a prepared letter you can send to Novak’s bosses at the Chicago Sun-Times … not sure if that’ll accomplish much, but what the heck!